在C语言中,就有了auto关键字,它被当作是一个变量的存储类型修饰符,表示自动变量(局部变量)。它不能被单独使用,否则编译器会给出警告。在C++11标准中,添加了新的类型推导特性。在C ++11中,使用auto定义的变量不能使用其它类型修饰符修饰,该变量的类型由编译器根据初始化数据自动确定。








(1)、可以使用const、volatile、pointer(*)、reference(&)、rvalue reference(&&)等说明符和声明符来修饰auto关键字;







(8)、auto不能自动推导成CV-qualifiers(constant& volatile qualifiers),除非被声明为引用类型;





#include "auto.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <deque>
#include <vector>//
// reference: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/auto
template<class T, class U>
auto add(T t, U u) -> decltype(t + u) // the return type is the type of operator+(T, U)
{return t + u;
}auto get_fun(int arg) -> double(*)(double) // same as: double (*get_fun(int))(double)
{switch (arg) {case 1: return std::fabs;case 2: return std::sin;default: return std::cos;}
}int test_auto1()
{auto a = 1 + 2;std::cout << "type of a: " << typeid(a).name() << '\n'; // type of a: intauto b = add(1, 1.2);std::cout << "type of b: " << typeid(b).name() << '\n'; // type of b: doubleauto c = { 1, 2 };std::cout << "type of c: " << typeid(c).name() << '\n'; // type of c: class std::initializer_list<int>auto my_lambda = [](int x) { return x + 3; };std::cout << "my_lambda: " << my_lambda(5) << '\n'; // my_lambda: 8auto my_fun = get_fun(2);std::cout << "type of my_fun: " << typeid(my_fun).name() << '\n'; // type of my_fun: double (__cdecl*)(double)std::cout << "my_fun: " << my_fun(3) << '\n'; // my_fun: 0.14112// auto int x; // error as of C++11: "auto" is no longer a storage-class specifier // error C3530: “auto”不能与任何其他类型说明符组合return 0;
}// reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/dd293667(v=vs.120).aspx
int f(int x) { return x; }int test_auto2()
{int count = 10;int& countRef = count;auto myAuto = countRef;countRef = 11;std::cout << count << " " << std::endl; // 11myAuto = 12;std::cout << count << std::endl; // 11// 1. 下面的声明等效。 在第一个语句中,声明 j 变量为类型 int。 在第二个语句,因为初始化表达式 (0) 是整数,所以变量 k 推导为 int 类型int j = 0;  // Variable j is explicitly type int.auto k = 0; // Variable k is implicitly type int because 0 is an integer.// 2. 以下声明等效,但第二个声明比第一个简单std::map<int, std::list<std::string>> m;std::map<int, std::list<std::string>>::iterator i = m.begin();auto i_ = m.begin();// 3. 声明 iter 和 elem 变量类型std::deque<double> dqDoubleData(10, 0.1);for (auto iter = dqDoubleData.begin(); iter != dqDoubleData.end(); ++iter) { /* ... */}// prefer range-for loops with the following information in mind// (this applies to any range-for with auto, not just deque)for (auto elem : dqDoubleData) // COPIES elements, not much better than the previous examples { /* ... */ }for (auto& elem : dqDoubleData) // observes and/or modifies elements IN-PLACE{ /* ... */ }for (const auto& elem : dqDoubleData) // observes elements IN-PLACE{ /* ... */ }// 4. 使用 new 运算符double x = 12.34;auto *y = new auto(x), **z = new auto(&x);// 5. 所有符号解析为同一类型auto x_ = 1, *y_ = &x_, **z_ = &y_; // Resolves to int.auto a(2.01), *b(&a);         // Resolves to double.auto c = 'a', *d(&c);          // Resolves to char.auto m_ = 1, &n_ = m_;            // Resolves to int.// 6. 使用条件运算符 (?:)int v1 = 100, v2 = 200;auto e = v1 > v2 ? v1 : v2;// 7. 将变量 x7 初始化类型 int,将引用的变量 y7 初始化为类型 const int,及将变量 fp 初始化为指向返回类型 int 的函数的指针auto x7 = f(0);const auto & y7 = f(1);int(*p)(int x7);p = f;auto fp = p;return 0;
// reference: http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/4-8-the-auto-keyword/
int add_3(int x, int y)
{return x + y;
}int test_auto3()
{auto d = 5.0; // 5.0 is a double literal, so d will be type doubleauto i = 1 + 2; // 1 + 2 evaluates to an integer, so i will be type intauto sum = add_3(5, 6); // add_3() returns an int, so sum will be type intreturn 0;



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