too many indices for tensor of dimension 3


too many indices for tensor of dimension




最后报错:too many indices for tensor of dimension 1

tconf[best_n][np.array(gy), np.asarray(gx)] = 1

import torch
import numpy as np# 80 10 5 3:4
# 80 3 11 11
import copy
a = torch.linspace(-4, -1, steps=4)a = torch.linspace(0, 1, steps=2).repeat(16,1).view(16,2)
b = torch.linspace(1, 256, steps=256).view(8,8, 4)print(np.array(a))
# a=[[0,0,0,1],[0,0,0,2]]#维度变了b[np.asarray(a)]=0print(b)

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