Security--Virtualization--Inter(R) Virtualization Technolog 设置为enable

本机安装的是WIN 7 ,详细版本是:Windows 7 Ultimate, 32-bit 6.1.7601, Service Pack 1 。虚拟机版本:7.1.2 build-301548.在虚拟机上安装RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX 6 64版本时,报如下错误:

You have configured this virtual machine to use a 64-bit guest operating system.  However, 64-bit operation is not possible. This host is VT-capable, but VT is disabled.

This is usually because VT has been disabled in the BIOS/firmware settings or the host has not been power-cycled since changing this setting. Please:

(1) Verify that the BIOS/firmware settings enable VT and disable 'trusted execution.'

(2) Power-cycle the host, if either of these BIOS/firmware settings have been changed.

(3) Power-cycle the host, if you have not done so since installing VMware Workstation.

(4) Update the host's BIOS/firmware to the latest version.

For more detailed information, see

Continue without 64-bit support?


This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU.Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU. 
更多VMWare硬件要求的信息参见:Hardware and Firmware Requirements for 64-Bit Guest Operating Systems

只需在BIOS下开启虚拟化技术,即设置virtualization technology选项即可。(Intel系列的CPU芯片需要支持EM64T和VT,并且需要BIOS支持才行。)进入BIOS后,选择Security选项,然后选择

Virtualization选项,进去后把Inter(R) Virtualization Technology选项设置为Enable后,退出重启电脑,即可顺利安装RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX 6 64位操作系统

偶看在Windows 7 下安装VMware Workstation 9虚拟机后,本想安装windows 2008 R2(只有64位,没有32位可选),但是虚拟机提示

Binary translation is incompatible with long mode on this platform. Disabling long mode. Without long mode support, the virtual machine will not be able to run 64-bit code. For more details see

通过搜索得知需要修改bios设置才能使虚拟机支持64位系统。研究了大半天才找到惠普 康柏 Elite 8300 MT Mini Tower,设置虚拟机64位的地方。

首先按住“Esc”键进入BIOS设置菜单,选择“Computer Setup(F10)”进入BIOS设置

找到菜单“Security”–“System Security”,将Virtualization Technology(VTx)和Virtualization Technology Directed I/O(VTd)设置为 Enabled。保存并退出BIOS设置,重启电脑,

成功在VMware Workstation 9虚拟机下安装windows 2008 R2 64位系统。


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