
bool TrackerRun::init()
    ImgAcqParas imgAcqParas;
    imgAcqParas.device =1; //_paras.device;
    imgAcqParas.expansionStr = _paras.expansion;



//#include "gradientMex.hpp"


namespace piotr {
    void fhog(float * const M, float * const O,



if (paras.useFhogTranspose){
                fhogToCvCol = &piotr::fhogToCvColT;
             printf("useFhogTranspose \n");
                fhogToCvCol = &piotr::fhogToCol;
                 printf("useFhogTranspose no \n");


if (paras.useFhogTranspose)
                cvFhog = &piotr::cvFhogT < T, DFC > ;
                cvFhog = &piotr::cvFhog < T, DFC > ;


  bool updateAtScalePos(const cv::Mat& image, const Point& oldPos, const T oldScale,
            Rect& boundingBox)
        {            ++_frameIdx;
            if (!_isInitialized)
                return false;
            T newScale = oldScale;
            Point newPos = oldPos;
            cv::Point2i maxResponseIdx;
            cv::Mat response;
            // in case of error return the last box
            boundingBox = _lastBoundingBox;
            if (detectModel(image, response, maxResponseIdx, newPos, newScale) == false)
                return false;
            // return box
            Rect tempBoundingBox;
            tempBoundingBox.width = _baseTargetSz.width * newScale;
            tempBoundingBox.height = _baseTargetSz.height * newScale;
            tempBoundingBox.x = newPos.x - tempBoundingBox.width / 2;
            tempBoundingBox.y = newPos.y - tempBoundingBox.height / 2;
            {                if (evalReponse(image, response, maxResponseIdx,
                    tempBoundingBox) == false)
                    return false;
            if (updateModel(image, newPos, newScale) == false)
                return false;
            boundingBox &= Rect(0, 0, static_cast<T>(image.cols), static_cast<T>(image.rows));
            boundingBox = tempBoundingBox;
            _lastBoundingBox = tempBoundingBox;
            return true;
 bool detectModel(const cv::Mat& image, cv::Mat& response,
            cv::Point2i& maxResponseIdx, Point& newPos,
            T& newScale) const
        {            // find translation
            std::shared_ptr<DFC> xt(0);
            if (getTranslationFeatures(image, xt, newPos, newScale) == false)
                return false;
            std::shared_ptr<DFC> xtf;
            if (_USE_CCS)
                xtf = DFC::dftFeatures(xt);
                xtf = DFC::dftFeatures(xt, cv::DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT);
            std::shared_ptr<DFC> sampleSpec = DFC::mulSpectrumsFeatures(_hfNumerator, xtf, false);
            cv::Mat sumXtf = DFC::sumFeatures(sampleSpec);
            cv::Mat hfDenLambda = addRealToSpectrum<T>(_LAMBDA, _hfDenominator);
            cv::Mat responseTf;
            if (_USE_CCS)
                divSpectrums(sumXtf, hfDenLambda, responseTf, 0, false);
                divideSpectrumsNoCcs<T>(sumXtf, hfDenLambda, responseTf);
            cv::Mat translationResponse;
            idft(responseTf, translationResponse, cv::DFT_REAL_OUTPUT | cv::DFT_SCALE);
            cv::Point delta;
            double maxResponse;
            cv::Point_<T> subDelta;
            minMaxLoc(translationResponse, 0, &maxResponse, 0, &delta);
            subDelta = delta;
            if (_CELL_SIZE != 1)
                subDelta = subPixelDelta<T>(translationResponse, delta);
            T posDeltaX = (subDelta.x + 1 - floor(translationResponse.cols / consts::c2_0)) * newScale;
            T posDeltaY = (subDelta.y + 1 - floor(translationResponse.rows / consts::c2_0)) * newScale;
            newPos.x += round(posDeltaX * _CELL_SIZE);
            newPos.y += round(posDeltaY * _CELL_SIZE);
            if (_debug != 0)
                _debug->showResponse(translationResponse, maxResponse);
            if (_scaleEstimator)
            {                //find scale
                T tempScale = newScale * _templateScaleFactor;
                if (_scaleEstimator->detectScale(image, newPos,
                    tempScale) == false)
                    return false;
                newScale = tempScale / _templateScaleFactor;
            response = translationResponse;
            maxResponseIdx = delta;
            return true;
  bool getTranslationFeatures(const cv::Mat& image, std::shared_ptr<DFC>& features,
            const Point& pos, T scale) const
        {            cv::Mat patch;
            Size patchSize = _templateSz * scale;
            if (getSubWindow(image, patch, patchSize, pos) == false)
                return false;
            if (_ORIGINAL_VERSION)
                depResize(patch, patch, _templateSz);
                resize(patch, patch, _templateSz, 0, 0, _RESIZE_TYPE);
            if (_debug != 0)
            cv::Mat floatPatch;
            patch.convertTo(floatPatch, CV_32FC(3));
            features.reset(new DFC());
            cvFhog(floatPatch, features, _CELL_SIZE, DFC::numberOfChannels() - 1);
            // append gray-scale image
            if (patch.channels() == 1)
            {                if (_CELL_SIZE != 1)
                    resize(patch, patch, features->channels[0].size(), 0, 0, _RESIZE_TYPE);
                features->channels[DFC::numberOfChannels() - 1] = patch / 255.0 - 0.5;
            {                if (_CELL_SIZE != 1)
                    resize(patch, patch, features->channels[0].size(), 0, 0, _RESIZE_TYPE);
                cv::Mat grayFrame;
                cvtColor(patch, grayFrame, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
                grayFrame.convertTo(grayFrame, CV_TYPE);
                grayFrame = grayFrame / 255.0 - 0.5;
                features->channels[DFC::numberOfChannels() - 1] = grayFrame;
            DFC::mulFeatures(features, _cosWindow);
            return true;
 void cvFhog(const cv::Mat& img, std::shared_ptr<OUT>& cvFeatures, int binSize, int fhogChannelsToCopy = 31)
    {        const int orientations = 9;
        // ensure array is continuous
        const cv::Mat& image = (img.isContinuous() ? img : img.clone());
        int channels = image.channels();
        int computeChannels = 32;
        int width = image.cols;
        int height = image.rows;
        int widthBin = width / binSize;
        int heightBin = height / binSize;
        float* const I = (float*)wrCalloc(static_cast<size_t>(width * height * channels), sizeof(float));
        float* const H = (float*)wrCalloc(static_cast<size_t>(widthBin * heightBin * computeChannels), sizeof(float));
        float* const M = (float*)wrCalloc(static_cast<size_t>(width * height), sizeof(float));
        float* const O = (float*)wrCalloc(static_cast<size_t>(width * height), sizeof(float));
        // row major (interleaved) to col major (non interleaved;clustered)
        float* imageData = reinterpret_cast<float*>(image.data);
        float* const redChannel = I;
        float* const greenChannel = I + width * height;
        float* const blueChannel = I + 2 * width * height;
        int colMajorPos = 0, rowMajorPos = 0;
        for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row)
        {            for (int col = 0; col < width; ++col)
            {                colMajorPos = col * height + row;
                rowMajorPos = row * channels * width + col * channels;
                blueChannel[colMajorPos] = imageData[rowMajorPos];
                greenChannel[colMajorPos] = imageData[rowMajorPos + 1];
                redChannel[colMajorPos] = imageData[rowMajorPos + 2];
        // calc fhog in col major
        gradMag(I, M, O, height, width, channels, true);
        if (fhogChannelsToCopy == 27)
            fhog(M, O, H, height, width, binSize, orientations, -1, 0.2f, false);
            fhog(M, O, H, height, width, binSize, orientations, -1, 0.2f);
        // only copy the amount of the channels the user wants
        // or the amount that fits into the output array
        int channelsToCopy = std::min(fhogChannelsToCopy, OUT::numberOfChannels());
        for (int c = 0; c < channelsToCopy; ++c)
        {            cv::Mat_<PRIMITIVE_TYPE> m(heightBin, widthBin);
            cvFeatures->channels[c] = m;
        PRIMITIVE_TYPE* cdata = 0;
        //col major to row major with separate channels
        for (int c = 0; c < channelsToCopy; ++c)
        {            float* Hc = H + widthBin * heightBin * c;
            cdata = reinterpret_cast<PRIMITIVE_TYPE*>(cvFeatures->channels[c].data);
            for (int row = 0; row < heightBin; ++row)
                for (int col = 0; col < widthBin; ++col)
                    cdata[row * widthBin + col] = Hc[row + heightBin * col];
        {            tStart = getTickCount();
            _targetOnFrame = _tracker->update(_image, _boundingBox);
            tDuration = getTickCount() - tStart;


cvfhog getTranslationFeaturesfhog cvFhog


fhogToCvCol getScaleFeaturesfhog fhogToColfhogToCvCol getScaleFeatures forfhog fhogToColfhogToCvCol getScaleFeatures forfhog fhogToColfhogToCvCol getScaleFeatures forfhog fhogToColfhogToCvCol getScaleFeatures for


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