
freeCodeCamp went live in October 2014. In the five years since, we've done quite a bit.


In this article, we'll explore:


  • What the freeCodeCamp community has accomplished over the past 5 yearsfreeCodeCamp社区在过去五年中取得了什么成就
  • Our annual budget, and the scale we now operate at我们的年度预算以及目前的经营规模
  • 4 major improvements we just launched this week我们本周刚刚推出的4大改进
  • Our big plans for 20202020年的宏伟计划

Here are a few numbers to bring home the magnitude of what this community has accomplished.


More than 40,000 freeCodeCamp graduates are now working in tech at companies including Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Spotify.


Millions of people watch freeCodeCamp's YouTube channel each month.

每月有数百万人观看freeCodeCamp的YouTube频道 。

Millions of people read each month.

每月有数百万人阅读 。

And people ask - and answer - thousands of tech-related questions each month on

人们每个月都会在上提出和回答与技术相关的数千个问题。 is now one of the most-used technology sites on the entire web.


freeCodeCamp是一个由捐助者支持的高效非营利组织。 (freeCodeCamp is a highly efficient donor-supported nonprofit.)

freeCodeCamp has served more than 1 billion minutes of technology education so far in 2019. And our total annual budget is only $373,000.

截止到2019年,freeCodeCamp已经为10亿分钟的技术教育提供了服务。我们的年度总预算仅为$ 373,000。

That means that so far this year we've provided...


(1,120,000,000 minutes / $373,000) = 3,002 minutes

(1,120,000,000 minutes / $373,000) = 3,002 minutes

= 50 hours of use per dollar

= 50 hours of use per dollar

That's right - 50 hours of free technology education for every donor dollar given.


freeCodeCamp is 10x more cost-effective than most online learning tools.


We're 100x more cost-effective than most in-person adult education programs like universities, coding bootcamps, and trade schools.


Even though we're a US-based NGO, only about 20% of people who use are here in the US.


Most of the people who use live in countries where people survive on $10 per day or less.


When you donate to freeCodeCamp, you're ensuring these people don't have to skip meals just so they can afford to learn to code.

当您向freeCodeCamp捐款时 ,您将确保这些人不必只是为了让他们有能力学习编码而不吃饭。

You're ensuring that they can have access to the same free, time-tested learning resources that you have access to.


freeCodeCamp的未来 (The future of freeCodeCamp)

Now that you've seen the scale that freeCodeCamp operates at - and its sheer donation efficiency - let's talk about the future.


How are we going to help even more people understand the technology tools of our time?


本周的主要更新 (This week's major updates)

For the past year, the freeCodeCamp community has been working on a variety of performance and usability features.


We just shipped these improvements to production this week. They are now live at

我们本周刚刚将这些改进交付生产。 他们现在位于freecodecamp.org上。

Here are some of the improvements we made.


改进1:我们对课程进行了数百次改进和错误修复 (Improvement 1: We made hundreds of curriculum improvements and bug fixes)

Teachers and developers have gone through freeCodeCamp's curriculum and tightened up instructions and tests. The result is an even clearer, easier to understand learning experience.

老师和开发人员已经完成了freeCodeCamp的课程,并加强了说明和测试。 结果是更清晰,更容易理解的学习体验。

Earlier this year, we started work on Version 7.0 of the freeCodeCamp curriculum. This is coming along well, and should go live in 2020.

今年年初,我们开始研究freeCodeCamp课程的7.0版 。 进展顺利,应该在2020年启用。

We will still offer the same 6 certifications. And you'll still build the same 5 certification projects required to earn each certification.

我们仍将提供相同的6种认证。 而且,您仍将构建获得每个认证所需的相同5个认证项目。

But we're replacing the optional lessons in our current curriculum with new practice projects. You'll learn:

但是,我们正在用新的练习项目代替当前课程中的可选课程。 您将学到:

  • JavaScript by coding your own Role Playing Game line-by-line, test-by-test.通过逐行,逐项测试编写自己的角色扮演游戏来编写JavaScript。
  • Typography by designing your own nutrition label.通过设计自己的营养标签来排版。
  • Functional Programming by building your own spreadsheet app.通过构建自己的电子表格应用进行功能编程。

... and you'll learn dozens of other concepts and tools through similar project-oriented learning.


改进2:大胆的新设计 (Improvement 2: A Bold New Design)

We've combined retro-computing aesthetics with modern accessibility best practices. The result is new look I call "Command Line Chic."‌

我们将复古计算美学与现代无障碍最佳实践相结合。 结果是新外观,我称之为“命令行时尚”。‌

You can toggle between light mode and dark mode from your settings.


And soon you'll be able to toggle dark mode right from freeCodeCamp's navigation, without even needing to sign in.


改进3:现在,在手机上编写代码变得更加容易 (Improvement 3: It's now much easier to code on your phone)

Since day 1, freeCodeCamp has worked to make it easier and easier to write code and run tests on your phone.


Our new version is the next step toward that goal.


We've broken lessons down into a series of tabs so you can easily switch between your code, instructions, tests, and preview.


We've also moved the buttons to the bottom of the screen so you don't have to scroll to get to them.


These are the first steps toward an even easier to use mobile interface.


Try working through a few freeCodeCamp lessons on your mobile phone. It still isn't quite as convenient as having a mouse and keyboard, but it's much easier than it used to be.

尝试在手机上完成一些freeCodeCamp课程。 它仍然不像具有鼠标和键盘那样方便,但是它比以前容易得多。

改进4:一切都比以前快 (Improvement 4: Everything is way faster than before)

We re-architected freeCodeCamp to be a fast JAMstack React web app powered by Gatsby.

我们将freeCodeCamp重新设计为一个由Gatsby支持的快速JAMstack React Web应用程序。

Here is the Google Lighthouse score for freeCodeCamp's latest release:

这是freeCodeCamp最新版本的Google Lighthouse得分:

Here's freeCodeCamp's full server architecture so you can see how we're operating at scale using CDNs and powerful new tools like Gatsby and Netlify:


We now manage all of freeCodeCamp's codebase in a single GitHub repository so we can automatically build, test, and deploy new features and bug fixes.


And for a more unified user experience, we've moved all user-facing subdomains of freeCodeCamp to subdirectories. For example, is now at

为了获得更统一的用户体验,我们已将freeCodeCamp的所有面向用户的子域移至子目录。 例如, donate.freecodecamp.org现在位于 。

freeCodeCamp 2020:更多Python。 (freeCodeCamp 2020: More Python.)

Python is by far the most popular search query on freeCodeCamp.


And it's the most popular topic on our YouTube channel.


Python is even becoming a part of standardized college exams in some countries.


Even though we have a ton of popular learning resources on Python, up until now we haven't yet included Python in freeCodeCamp's core curriculum.


Well, I'm happy to announce that we are adding Python projects and Python-specific certifications.


We are especially focused on Numpy and TensorFlow - two libraries widely used for data science and machine learning.


You can read more about our upcoming Python curriculum here.


世界需要一个免费的非营利社区来学习编程和技术 (The world needs a free, nonprofit community for learning about programming and technology)

Yes, there are plenty of question-and-answer communities out there that cover technology basics.


Yes, there are a lot of programming tutorial websites out there.


The key difference is is a grass roots effort.


We do not answer to corporate overlords.


We are run by the developer community, supported by the developer community, and owned by the public.


We will continue to work tirelessly to help as many people as possible learn to code.


Together, we can build a future where everyone can harness the compounding superpower that is technology - not just a few engineers in Silicon Valley.


We are able to accomplish all of this thanks to more than 5,000 people who donate $5 each month to freeCodeCamp.


Remember my math from earlier? At freeCodeCamp's current level of efficiency, a single $5 donation buys the world the equivalent of 250 hours worth learning.

还记得我以前的数学吗? 按照freeCodeCamp当前的效率水平,单笔5美元的捐款就相当于向世界购买了250个小时值得学习的东西。

If you aren't donating yet, no worries. You can start donating $5 here.

如果您还没有捐款,那就不用担心。 您可以在这里开始捐款$ 5 。

祝freeCodeCamp社区生日快乐。 (Happy birthday to the freeCodeCamp community.)

Thank you to all of you who have helped turn this free education experiment into such a profoundly useful tool for people around the world.


Here's to even more learning in 2020.





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