
leetcode 438. Find All Anagrams in a String 滑动窗口法

from collections import defaultdictclass Solution:def lengthOfLongestSubstring(self, s):begin, end , counter, d = 0, 0, 0, 0map_dict = defaultdict(int)while end < len(s):c = s[end]map_dict[c] += 1# counter表示重复字符的个数if map_dict[c] > 1:counter += 1end += 1# 将begin一直移到第一个重复字符的位置while counter > 0:char_tmp = s[begin]if map_dict[char_tmp] > 1:counter -= 1map_dict[char_tmp] -= 1begin += 1# 每次计算下当前子串长度d = max(d, end - begin)return d


class Solution:def lengthOfLongestSubstring(self, s):dic, res, start, = {}, 0, 0for i, ch in enumerate(s):if ch in dic:start = max(start, dic[ch]+1)res = max(res, i-start+1)dic[ch] = ireturn res

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