
Kodu is a visual programming language suitable to teach kids the basic of programming and to train their creativity. In today’s lesson, we will build a simple game that we can use as an introduction to Kodu.

Kodu是一种视觉编程语言,适合于教孩子编程的基本知识和训练他们的创造力。 在今天的课程中,我们将构建一个简单的游戏,我们可以将其用作Kodu的简介。

科杜的积木 (The Building Blocks of Kodu)

The world of Kodu consist of programmable objects where we can attach a behavioral script into each object that we place on the Kodu landscape.


Kodu’s programming language is a simple icon based programming user interface where the language are broken down into pages and rules.


Kodu has a list of built in behavior that we can attach to an object to make them move around, shoot objects, and perform incredible combat move with one another.


Microsoft Kodu Game Lab has a series of ‘Getting Started’ video that is very useful for beginners to understand the basic of Kodu Programming.


游览科杜世界 (Navigating Around the World of Kodu)

Here is a simple Kodu world that consist of trees and a motorcycle. The motorcycle is programmed to always wander the terrain and it should avoid any tree on its path.

这是一个简单的科杜世界,其中包括树木和摩托车。 摩托车被编程为始终在地形上徘徊,并且应该在其路径上避开任何树木。

Let’s add more more objects on the landscape and have the motorcycle chase and shoot them.


A wisp is one of the many characters we can create in Kodu.


The wisp will move around a designated path, and Kodu will spawn another wisp when it’s health reaches zero.


课堂练习 (Classroom Exercises)

To prepare for the lesson instructors need to install Kodu and download our Microsoft Kodu Classroom Kit into Kodu’s import folder: ‘C:\Users\[user name]\Documents\SavedGames\Boku\Player1\Imports\’. Kodu will automatically import the game when we load the game from the main menu.

为了准备课程,教师需要安装Kodu并将Microsoft Kodu课堂工具包下载到Kodu的导入文件夹中:“ C:\ Users \ [用户名] \ Documents \ SavedGames \ Boku \ Player1 \ Imports \”。 当我们从主菜单加载游戏时,Kodu将自动导入游戏。

Note: Instructors need to unzip the file to get the Kodu game file


Begin the class by opening the world and ask the students to observe the motorcycle and the wisp behavior. The explanation might be something like ‘the wisp is the enemy’ because the game keep on regenerating the ‘wisp’ when the motorcycle destroys it.

通过打开世界开始上课,并要求学生观察摩托车和小精灵的行为。 这种解释可能类似于“小精灵是敌人”,因为当摩托车摧毁它时,游戏会不断再生“小精灵”。

Now open the wisp or the motorcycle program and ask the students to relate the wisp behavior with the code. After the student successfully explain the code, ask volunteers to modify the code for the following set of behaviors.

现在打开小精灵或摩托车程序,并要求学生将小精灵的行为与代码相关联。 学生成功解释了代码后,请志愿者针对以下行为进行修改。

When appropriate have the students to modify the code for each objects and explain why their solutions does not work.


  • Add Trees or modify their colour添加树或修改其颜色
  • Adjust the wisp’s behaviour so that it produces a coin when the motorcycle destroys the wisp.


  • Program the motorcycle to eat the coin to increase the game score


  • Reverse the role of the wisp and the motorcycle by having the wisp destroying the motorcycle通过使假发破坏摩托车来扭转假发和摩托车的作用

That’s all there is to it. Enjoy!

这里的所有都是它的。 请享用!

Download Microsoft Kodu Classroom Kit

下载Microsoft Kodu课堂套件



The author would like to thank Trevor Berkolay for designing a good classroom exercise, Eric Z Goodnight for his relentless effort in testing the game, and The Geek who gave the final editing on the article.

作者要感谢Trevor Berkolay设计了一个很好的课堂练习,感谢Eric Z Goodnight在测试游戏方面的不懈努力,以及对文章进行最终编辑的The Geek。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/32159/kodu-teaches-your-kids-to-visually-program-their-own-video-games/



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