
by David Venturi

大卫·文图里(David Venturi)

新编码员:薪资和时间花费如何根据人口变化 (New Coders: How Salary and Time Spent Learning Vary by Demographic)

Free Code Camp问了15,000个人,他们是谁,以及他们如何学习编码。 我按性别,大洲以及他们是否是少数民族将他们分开,然后探索它们之间的差异。 (Free Code Camp asked 15,000 people who they are, and how they’re learning to code. I separated them by gender, continent, and whether they’re ethnic minorities, then explored their differences.)

More than 15,000 people responded to Free Code Camp’s 2016 New Coder Survey, granting researchers (like me!) an unprecedented glimpse into how people are learning to code. The entire dataset was released on Kaggle.

超过15,000人对Free Code Camp的2016年New Coder调查做出了回应,使研究人员( 如我! )对人们如何学习编码有了前所未有的了解。 整个数据集已在Kaggle上发布。

不同性别,种族和大洲的新编码员的工资,年龄和学习时间如何变化,这就是这种情况。 (Here is how new coders of different genders, ethnicities, and continents vary by wage, age, and hours dedicated to learning.)

The demographic distributions for the 15,620 new coders who responded to the survey are as follows:


性别 (Gender)

  • 21% (2,840) are women


  • 78% (10,766) are men


少数民族vs.多数 (Ethnic Minority vs. Majority)

  • 24% (3,253) are ethnic minorities in their country


  • 76% (10,392) are not


大陆公民身份 (Citizenship by Continent)

预期的下一份工资是否会因人群而异? (Does expected next salary vary by demographic?)

This next salary is their first one after advertising their new coding skills. Expected next salary is one of two main questions in the Free Code Camp survey whose answers depend on the quality of coding resources.

接下来的薪水是他们宣传自己的新编码技能后的第一个薪水。 预期的下一个薪水是“免费代码营”调查中的两个主要问题之一,其答案取决于代码资源的质量。

获得编码技能后,北美人期望的薪水最高,而欧洲人期望的薪水最低。 亚洲的期望无处不在。 (Post-coding skills acquisition, North Americans expect the highest salaries and Europeans expect the lowest. Expectations in Asia are all over the board.)

The 25th percentile North American expects the same as the 75th percentile European: $50k. The median North American expects $60k per year.

北美排名第25个百分位数的人希望与欧洲排名第75个百分位数的人相同:5万美元。 北美中位数预计为每年6万美元。

I wonder if some Europeans forgot to convert from pounds, euros, or any of the other European currencies to US dollars.


By the way, here’s how to read this chart (and the other box plots in this article): the “x” is the mean. The horizontal line is the median (a.k.a. the 50th percentile). The bottom of the box is the 25th percentile, and the top of the box is the 75th percentile. Whisker length is 1.5 times the height of the box. The circles are outliers. All y-axes are on a logarithmic scale to better visualize the outlier-heavy data.

顺便说一下,这是读取此图表(以及本文中其他方框图 )的方法:“ x”是平均值。 水平线是中位数(即第50个百分位数)。 框的底部是第25个百分点,框的顶部是第75个百分点。 晶须长度是盒子高度的1.5倍。 圆是异常值。 所有y轴都处于对数刻度,以更好地可视化异常重的数据。

其实女性期望高于男性未来的薪水。 (Females actually expect higher next salaries than males.)

The median female expects $9k more than the median male. The 25th percentile female expects $14k (!) more than her male equivalent. Female new coders appear optimistic about the changing diversity landscape in the workplace.

中位数女性期望比中位数男性高出$ 9k。 第25个百分位的女性期望比其男性同等水平的收入高出$ 14k(!)。 女新编码员对工作场所中不断变化的多样性前景感到乐观。

像性别一样,少数族裔期望下一个薪水高于多数族裔。 (Like gender, minorities expect higher next salaries than the majority demographic.)

The gap in medians is $10k. The gap in first quartiles is $15k. Minorities also appear optimistic about the changing diversity landscape in the workplace.

中位数差距为1万美元。 前四分位数的差距为$ 15k。 少数民族也对工作场所中不断变化的多样性前景感到乐观。

不管您每周奉献少于10个小时还是最多40个小时,期望薪水都差不多。 (Expected salary is about the same, whether you dedicate less than 10 or up to 40 hours per week.)

Those who dedicate 40+ hours per week have a mean expected salary that is $3k to 5k higher than the others, but this could be caused by random chance. Only 694 of the 15,000+ respondents spend this much time learning.

那些每周奉献40个小时以上的人的平均预期薪资比其他人高3000至5k,但这可能是由随机机会引起的。 15,000多名受访者中只有694人花了这么长时间学习。

So expected next salary varies wildly by continent. There appears to be a reverse wage gap trend going on with gender and ethnic minority status.

因此,预期的下一份工资因大陆而异。 随着性别和少数民族地位的发展,似乎出现了相反的工资差距趋势。

Less than 5% of new coders are dedicating 40+ hours to learning each week.


Most of these respondents are in their early twenties and have a bachelor’s degree, which suggests that some are forgoing traditional forms of higher education (like master’s and professional degrees) and using those 40+ hour weeks to learn code.


By the way, this is the situation I myself am in with my personalized data science master’s degree.

顺便说一句,这就是我本人和我的个性化数据科学硕士学位所处的状况 。

As the awareness of the quality and affordability of online education rises, I expect more people to join the higher brackets.


每周用于学习的时间会因人口统计而变化吗? (Do hours dedicated to learning per week vary by demographic?)

The hours dedicated to learning question is another one whose answer depends on the quality of coding resources.


在各大洲,花在学习编码上的时间几乎是相同的。 每周平均10个小时为标准时间。 (Time spent learning to code is pretty much identical across continents. A median of 10 hours per week is standard.)

不同性别的人都一样。 (Same thing across genders.)

(Note that for trans people, the difference was not statistically significant.)


对于少数族裔还是少数族裔而言,情况也是一样。 (And same thing for ethnic majorities vs. minorities.)

So unlike expected next salary, hours dedicated to learning doesn’t vary much by demographic. The bulk of each spends between 5 to 20 hours learning weekly.

因此,与预期的下一个薪水不同,专门用于学习的时间不会因人群而变化很大。 每个人的大部分时间每周学习5到20个小时。

让我们更深入地研究工资差距。 (Let’s dig deeper into the wage gaps.)

For both males vs. females and ethnic majorities vs. minorities, two grouped scatter plots follow:

对于男性与女性,以及少数民族与少数族裔 ,遵循以下两个散点图:

  1. Current salary (before advertising their new coding skills) vs. age

    当前工资( 宣传其新的编码技能之前 )与年龄

  2. Expected next salary (after advertising their new coding skills) vs. age

    预期的下一个薪水( 宣传了他们的新编码技能之后)与年龄的关系

Each has a best-fit line labeled with its correlation, as well as dashed lines representing the median for each axis variable. I removed new coders that are 65+ years old since they are statistical outliers.

每条曲线都有一条用其相关性标记的最佳拟合线,以及代表每个轴变量中位数的虚线。 我删除了65岁以上的新编码器,因为它们是统计异常值。

跨时代的工资 (Wages Across Ages)

女性新编码员的当前薪资中位数比男性高(增幅为$ 2k),但女性薪资较高的人群集中在千禧一代。 (Female new coders have higher median current salaries than males (by $2k), but the higher female salaries are concentrated in millennials.)

Note the current salary vs. age correlations of 0.267 and 0.192.


Male new coders do have an above average proportion of very high ($150k+) current salaries, which corresponds to a slightly higher mean (not plotted).


对于性别,当新编码员预测其下一份工资时,上述年龄与工资之间的关系将无法维持。 (For gender, the above relationship between age and wage isn’t maintained when new coders project their next salary.)

The correlations are much lower, with both near 0.1. Again, we see the huge gap in medians: $59k for females and $50k for males. These are both higher than each gender’s current salary median.

相关性要低得多,两者都接近0.1。 同样,我们看到中位数存在巨大差距:女性为$ 59k,男性为$ 50k。 这些都高于每个性别目前的工资中位数。

少数族裔的当前薪资中位数比多数族裔高$ 4k。 与性别不同,当前的工资在年龄上的分布大致相等。 (Minorities have a higher median current salary than majorities by $4k. Unlike gender, the spread of current wages over age is about even.)

Note the current salary vs. age correlations of 0.253 and 0.243.


Ethnic majorities do have an above average proportion of $150k+ current salaries, but it doesn’t correspond to a higher mean (not plotted) this time.


对于少数族裔身份(例如性别),当新的编码人员计划其下一份工资时,年龄和工资之间的关系将无法维持。 (For ethnic minority status, like gender, the relationship between age and wage isn’t maintained when new coders project their next salary.)

Both of the correlations are much lower, near 0.1, again. The $10k gap in median expected next salary is striking: $60k for ethnic minorities and $50k for ethnic majorities. As with gender, these are both higher than their current salary median.

两者的相关性都低得多,再次接近0.1。 预期下一个薪水的中位数差距为$ 10,000,这是惊人的:少数民族为$ 60k,少数民族为$ 50k。 与性别一样,这两个指标均高于其当前的工资中位数。

So, like expected next salaries, female new coders have higher median current salaries than male new coders. So do ethnic minorities vs. ethnic majorities.

因此,像预期的下一个薪水一样,女性新编码员的当前薪资中位数高于男性新编码员。 少数民族与少数民族也是如此。

Older females don’t do as well as older males, however, which is the only hint of a wage gap that I could find in the entire dataset.


For both gender and ethnic minority status, it appears that older new coders are willing to take a pay cut when transitioning to a job where they advertise their new coding skills, while younger individuals intend to capitalize on coding demand with a hefty salary early in their career.


我们学到了什么? (What did we learn?)

Hours dedicated to learning to code is pretty much constant across gender, ethnic minority status, and continent. Most people spend between 5–20 hours each week.

跨性别,少数族裔地位和大洲的学习编码的时间几乎是恒定的。 大多数人每周花费5至20个小时。

Expected next salary (post-c0ding skills acquisition) varies wildly by continent. The lowest median is $30k (Europe) and the highest is $60k (North America).

预期的下一个薪水(掌握技能后的技能)在各大洲之间差异很大。 最低的中位数是3万美元(欧洲),最高的是6万美元(北美)。

Older new coders appear willing to take a pay cut in their new job where they advertise their new coding skills, while younger new coders look to start their careers with substantial salaries with their in-demand skill.


The traditional gender and ethnic minority wage gaps aren’t prevalent in the 2016 New Coder Survey. In fact, they are reversed. Perhaps new coders aren’t reflective of the working population in general, where data suggests that both wage gaps still exist in 2016.

传统性别和少数族裔的工资差距在2016年《新编码员调查》中并不普遍。 实际上,它们是相反的。 也许新的编码员并不能总体上反映劳动人口,因为数据表明,2016年这两个工资差距仍然存在。

下一步是什么? (What’s next?)

Do you have a hunch as to why the ethnic minority status and gender wage gaps might not apply to new coders? Please share anything relevant (or contradictory!) in the responses.

您是否对为什么少数族裔身份和性别工资差距可能不适用于新编码员有预感? 请在回复中分享任何相关( 或矛盾! )的内容。

You can find a more detailed version of this analysis on Kaggle, where you’ll find statistical tests supporting the inferences in this article.

您可以在Kaggle上找到此分析的更详细版本 ,在此您将找到支持本文推论的统计检验。

Be sure to check out my other pieces exploring Free Code Camp’s 2016 New Coder Survey:

请务必查看我探索Free Code Camp的2016 New Coder Survey的其他文章:

Developing Data Scientists and EngineersFree Code Camp asked 15,000 people who they are, and how they’re learning to code. I isolated those focused on data…medium.comThe 6 most desirable coding jobs (and the types of people drawn to each)Free Code Camp asked 15,000 people who they are, and how they’re learning to code. I separated them by their job…medium.freecodecamp.com

发展中的数据科学家和工程师 免费代码营问了15,000个人,他们是谁,以及他们如何学习编码。 我隔离了那些专注于数据的人... medium.com 6个最理想的编码工作(以及吸引每个人的类型)“ 免费代码营”询问了15,000个人,他们是谁,以及他们如何学习编码。 我按他们的工作把他们分开了…… medium.freecodecamp.com

If you have questions or concerns about this series or the R code that generated it, don’t hesitate to let me know.

如果您对此系列或生成它的R代码有疑问或疑虑,请随时告诉我 。

David Venturi (@venturidb) | TwitterThe latest Tweets from David Venturi (@venturidb). Creating my own data science master's degree. @queensu chem eng/econ…twitter.com

大卫·文图里(@venturidb)| Twitter 来自David Venturi的最新推文(@venturidb)。 创建自己的数据科学硕士学位。 @queensu Chem eng / econ… twitter.com

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/new-coders-how-salary-and-time-spent-learning-vary-by-demographic-359ef1ed0da8/



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