科技交流英语(2022秋)Unit 6 test





开课时间:2022-07-25 至2023-01-09


  1. When we cite data from a study, we only need to give out the specific data.(×)
  2. When we cite data from a study, we need to give out the source or the location, so that the audience would know where to get more detail for that data.(√)
  3. When we cite data from a study, we need to give out a detailed description of a whole set of data.(×)
  4. When we cite data from a study, we need to present the original table or figure together with a textual description.(×)
  5. When we cite data from a study, we usually interpret the meaning of the data instead of just giving out the data itself.(√)
  6. The word “data” only refers to information in the form of numbers.(×)
  7. The word “data” refers to all the information existing in the world.(×)
  8. The word “data” refers to the information collected for a specific purpose.(√)
  9. The word “data” refers to information in an electronic form that can be stored and used by a computer.(√)
  10. 10.In the textual data report with visual displays, we need to specify the location of the mentioned data.(√)
  11. In the textual data report, we shall describe a trend shown instead of giving out the original data.(√)
  12. In our report, we shall focus more on findings instead of data.(√)
  13. In our report, we shall present all we have found from our analysis of data.(×)
  14. In our report, we shall explain why a highlighted data is worth noticing.(√)
  15. We can cite data from other studies when we comment on our data.(√)
  16. We can explain the reasons for a finding when we report data.(√)
  17. We can mention the implications of a finding when we report data.(√)
  18. We usually use past tense when we report a direct observation.(√)
  19. We usually use present tense when we offer our analysis.(√)
  20. We can use either present tense or past tense when we talk about our findings.(√)
  21. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: The measure might be more sensitive to changes in health after specialist treatment.(√)
  22. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: In spite of its limitations, the study might appear to have a number of important strengths to some degree.(×)
  23. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: The results indicate that there is a link between smoking and lung cancer.(√)
  24. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: The results prove that there is a link between smoking and lung cancer.(√)
  25. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: The results show that smoking is the cause of lung cancer.(×)
  26. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: The results show that lung cancer is caused by smoking.(×)
  27. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: The results show that smoking contributes to lung cancer.(√)
  28. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: The latest series of studies question the value of including consumer expectations in the assessment of service quality.(√)
  29. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: The finding suggests that some physical exercise might be able to prevent depression to some degree.(√)
  30. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: Studies have found that quantum entanglement may play a role in some types of magnetoreception with certain molecules, but more work is needed to explore this phenomenon.(√)
  31. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: The result proves that the increase in human activities caused environmental degradation in the area.(×)
  32. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: The results in Figure 4 validate the second conclusion that certain bacteria reduce arsenic levels in groundwater.(×)
  33. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: Table 3 shows that alcohol leads to brain damage in teenagers.(×)
  34. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: Recycling is the best solution to the waste disposal problem, as our study finds.(×)
  35. This is an appropriate “confidently uncertain” claim: It could be concluded that some evidence seems to suggest that at least certain villagers might not have traded their pottery with others outside the community.(×)


主观题 (10分)

Read the graph below carefully, and write a short report based on it. Make sure that your report include

  1. the source of the data reported,
  2. a summary claim,
  3. some highlighted data,
  4. your interpretations of the data shown.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey, there is a graph, which depicts earnings and unemployment rates by educational attainment, 2020. From the graph, we can see that people with higher educational background can get more income, at the same time, their unemployment rate is lower. For example, the median usual weekly earnings for a person with a doctoral degree is 1,885, 1,104 more than a person with a high school diploma. The unemployment rate for those with a doctoral degree, at 2.5 percent, is significantly lower than for those with less than a high school diploma, which is 11.7%. Generally speaking, people with higher degrees have more years of education and better professional skills, so they are more competitive in the job market, so they can find higher-paying jobs. At the same time, they are more irreplaceable, so their unemployment rate will be lower.

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