







Perfetto is a production-grade open-source stack for performance instrumentation and trace analysis. It offers services and libraries and for recording system-level and app-level traces, native + java heap profiling, a library for analyzing traces using SQL and a web-based UI to visualize and explore multi-GB traces.


System-wide tracing on Android and Linux

On Linux and Anroid, Perfetto bundles a number of data sources that are able to gather detailed performance data from different system interfaces. For the full sets and details see the Data Sources section of the documentation. Same examples:

  • Kernel tracing: Perfetto integrates with Linux's ftrace and allows to record kernel events (e.g scheduling events, syscalls) into the trace.

  • /proc and /sys pollers, which allow to sample the state of process-wide or system-wide cpu and memory counters over time.

  • Integration with Android HALs modules for recording battery and energy-usage counters.

  • Native heap profiling: a low-overhead heap profiler for hooking malloc/free/new/delete and associating memory to callstacks, based on out-of-process unwinding, configurable sampling, attachable to already running processes.

  • Java heap profiling: an out-of-process profiler tightly integrated with the Android RunTime that allows to get full snapshots of the managed heap retention graph (types, field names, retained size and references to other objects) without, however, dumping the full heap contents (strings and bitmaps) and hence reducing the serialization time and output file size.

On Android, Perfetto is the next-generation system tracing system and replaces the chromium-based systrace. ATrace-based intstrumentation remains fully supported. See Android developer docs for more details.


  • 内核跟踪
  • cpu和内存计数器跟踪
  • 电量使用情况跟踪
  • native heap分析
  • java heap 分析


Trace visualization

Perfetto provides also a brand new trace visualizer for opening and querying hours-long traces, available at ui.perfetto.dev. The new visualizer takes advantage of modern web platform technolgies. Its multi-threading design based WebWorkers keeps the UI always responsive; the analytical power of Trace Processor and SQLite is fully available in-browser through WebAssembly.

The Perfetto UI works fully offline after it has been opened once. Traces opened with the UI are processed locally by the browser and do not require any server-side interaction.


2.Get Started


Starting the tracing services

Due to Perfetto's service-based architecture , the traced and traced_probes services need to be running to record traces.

These services are shipped on Android system images by default since Android 9 (Pie) but are not always enabled by default. On Android 9 (P) and 10 (Q) those services are enabled by default only on Pixel phones and must be manually enabled on other phones. Since Android 11 (R), perfetto services are enabled by default on most devices.

To enable perfetto services run:

# Will start both traced and traced_probes.

adb shell setprop persist.traced.enable 1


Recording a trace

You can collect a trace in the following ways:

  • Through the record page in the Perfetto UI.
  • Using the perfetto command line interface [reference].







4. Perfetto CLI




This section describes how to use the perfetto commandline binary to capture traces. Examples are given in terms of an Android device connected over ADB.

perfetto has two modes for configuring the tracing session (i.e. what and how to collect):

  • lightweight mode: all config options are supplied as commandline flags, but the available data sources are restricted to ftrace and atrace. This mode is similar to systrace.
  • normal mode: the configuration is specified in a protocol buffer. This allows for full customisation of collected traces.

General options

The following table lists the available options when using perfetto in either mode.

Option Description
--background | -d Perfetto immediately exits the command-line interface and continues recording your trace in background.
--out OUT_FILE | -o OUT_FILE Specifies the desired path to the output trace file, or - for stdout. perfetto writes the output to the file described in the flags above. The output format compiles with the format defined in AOSP trace.proto.
--dropbox TAG Uploads your trace via the DropBoxManager API using the tag you specify.
--no-guardrails Disables protections against excessive resource usage when enabling the --dropbox flag during testing.
--reset-guardrails Resets the persistent state of the guardrails and exits (for testing).
--query Queries the service state and prints it as human-readable text.
--query-raw Similar to --query, but prints raw proto-encoded bytes of tracing_service_state.proto.
--help | -h Prints out help text for the perfetto tool.

Lightweight mode

The general syntax for using perfetto in lightweight mode is as follows:

 adb shell perfetto [ --time TIMESPEC ] [ --buffer SIZE ] [ --size SIZE ][ ATRACE_CAT | FTRACE_GROUP/FTRACE_NAME | FTRACE_GROUP/* ]...

The following table lists the available options when using perfetto in lightweight mode.

Option Description
--time TIME[s|m|h] | -t TIME[s|m|h] Specifies the trace duration in seconds, minutes, or hours. For example, --time 1m specifies a trace duration of 1 minute. The default duration is 10 seconds.
--buffer SIZE[mb|gb] | -b SIZE[mb|gb] Specifies the ring buffer size in megabytes (mb) or gigabytes (gb). The default parameter is --buffer 32mb.
--size SIZE[mb|gb] | -s SIZE[mb|gb] Specifies the max file size in megabytes (mb) or gigabytes (gb). By default perfetto uses only in-memory ring-buffer.

This is followed by a list of event specifiers:

Event Description
ATRACE_CAT Specifies the atrace categories you want to record a trace for. For example, the following command traces Window Manager using atrace: adb shell perfetto --out FILE wm. To record other categories, see this list of atrace categories.
FTRACE_GROUP/FTRACE_NAME Specifies the ftrace events you want to record a trace for. For example, the following command traces sched/sched_switch events: adb shell perfetto --out FILE sched/sched_switch
FTRACE_GROUP/* Record all events in group (e.g. sched/*). Specifies the group of ftrace events you want to record a trace for. For example, the following command traces sched/* events: adb shell perfetto --out FILE 'sched/*'

Normal mode

The general syntax for using perfetto in normal mode is as follows:

 adb shell perfetto [ --txt ] --config CONFIG_FILE

The following table lists the available options when using perfetto in normal mode.

Option Description
--config CONFIG_FILE | -c CONFIG_FILE Specifies the path to a configuration file. In normal mode, some configurations may be encoded in a configuration protocol buffer. This file must comply with the protocol buffer schema defined in AOSP trace_config.proto. You select and configure the data sources using the DataSourceConfig member of the TraceConfig, as defined in AOSP data_source_config.proto.
--txt Instructs perfetto to parse the config file as pbtxt. This flag is experimental, and it's not recommended that you enable it for production.


adb shell perfetto \-c - --txt \-o /data/misc/perfetto-traces/trace \
<<EOFbuffers: {size_kb: 8960fill_policy: DISCARD
buffers: {size_kb: 1280fill_policy: DISCARD
data_sources: {config {name: "linux.process_stats"target_buffer: 1process_stats_config {scan_all_processes_on_start: true}}
data_sources: {config {name: "linux.sys_stats"sys_stats_config {stat_period_ms: 1000stat_counters: STAT_CPU_TIMESstat_counters: STAT_FORK_COUNT}}
data_sources: {config {name: "linux.ftrace"ftrace_config {ftrace_events: "sched/sched_switch"ftrace_events: "power/suspend_resume"ftrace_events: "sched/sched_wakeup"ftrace_events: "sched/sched_wakeup_new"ftrace_events: "sched/sched_waking"ftrace_events: "power/cpu_frequency"ftrace_events: "power/cpu_idle"ftrace_events: "power/gpu_frequency"ftrace_events: "sched/sched_process_exit"ftrace_events: "sched/sched_process_free"ftrace_events: "task/task_newtask"ftrace_events: "task/task_rename"ftrace_events: "ftrace/print"atrace_categories: "gfx"atrace_categories: "view"atrace_categories: "wm"atrace_categories: "am"atrace_categories: "rs"atrace_categories: "pm"atrace_categories: "ss"}}
duration_ms: 10000EOF

normal的config不知道怎么写,用lightweight mode来吧


adb shell perfetto -t 30s -b 1gb -s 1gb --out /data/misc/perfetto-traces/trace.perfetto-trace wm gfx view am rs pm ss sched/* task/* ftrace/print





Supported data sources

This section describes the different sources that perfetto uses to generate your trace.


The ftrace data source allows perfetto to get events from the kernel.

You can enable this source by setting ftrace_config in the DataSourceConfig.

The events that can be enabled include:

  • Scheduling activity:

    • sched/sched_switch
    • sched/sched_wakeup
    • sched/sched_wakeup_new
    • sched/sched_process_exec
    • sched/sched_process_exit
    • sched/sched_process_fork
    • sched/sched_process_free
    • sched/sched_process_hang
    • sched/sched_process_wait
  • Filesystem events:

    • ext4
    • f2fs
    • block
  • ATrace events

Depending on your device, OS version, and kernel, more events might be available. For more information, refer to the config protos.

Process Stats

The process stats data source allows you to get polled counters about the system and individual processes.

You can enable this source by setting process_stats_config and sys_stats_config in the DataSourceConfig.

The data that profetto generates includes:

  • System-wide

    • /proc/meminfo
    • /proc/vmstat
    • /proc/stat
  • Per process

    • /proc/<pid>/status
    • /proc/<pid>/oom_score_adj

Depending on your device, OS version, and kernel, more events might be available. To learn more, refer to the config protos for sys_stats and process_stats.


Heapprofd allows you to sample the causes of native memory use.

You can enable this source by setting heapprofd_config in the DataSourceConfig.

This produces ProfilePackets. These include the Java frames of the callstack.

Additional information on how to use heapprofd can be found at perfetto.dev.

Other sources

Depending on your device, OS version, and kernel, more data-sources might be available. To learn more, refer to the data source config protos.

Additional information about perfetto can be found at perfetto.dev.




在应用菜单中,启用显示“快捷设置”图块,如图 2 所示。系统会将系统跟踪图块图块添加到快捷设置面板中,如图 1 所示:


cd /path-to-traces-on-my-dev-machine && \
          adb pull /data/local/traces/ .




  • ui(还有点问题,用native + google浏览器试试)
  • 命令行

adb shell perfetto -t 30s -b 1gb -s 1gb --out /data/misc/perfetto-traces/trace.perfetto-trace wm gfx view am rs pm ss sched/* task/* ftrace/print

具体atrace和ftrace 的 categories可以参考perfetto的https://ui.perfetto.dev/#!/record?p=instructions







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