相关函数:open, opendir, closedir, rewinddir, seekdir, telldir, scandir

头文件:#include <sys/types.h>

#include <dirent.h>

定义函数:struct dirent * readdir(DIR * dir);

函数说明:readdir()返回参数dir 目录流的下个目录进入点。结构dirent 定义如下:

struct dirent
{ino_t d_ino; //d_ino 此目录进入点的inodeff_t d_off; //d_off 目录文件开头至此目录进入点的位移signed short int d_reclen; //d_reclen _name 的长度, 不包含NULL 字符unsigned char d_type; //d_type d_name 所指的文件类型 d_name 文件名har d_name[256];


  • DT_BLK This is a block device.
  • DT_CHR This is a character device.
  • DT_DIR This is a directory.
  • DT_FIFO This is a named pipe (FIFO).
  • DT_LNK This is a symbolic link.
  • DT_REG This is a regular file.
  • DT_SOCK This is a UNIX domain socket.
  • DT_UNKNOWN The file type is unknown.

返回值:成功则返回下个目录进入点. 有错误发生或读取到目录文件尾则返回NULL.

附加说明:EBADF 参数dir 为无效的目录流。


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc , char* argv[])
{DIR * dir;struct dirent * ptr;int i;dir = opendir("/etc/rc.d");while((ptr = readdir(dir)) != NULL){printf("d_name : %s\n", ptr->d_name);}closedir(dir);return 0;


d_name : .
d_name : ..
d_name : init.d
d_name : rc0.d
d_name : rc1.d
d_name : rc2.d
d_name : rc3.d
d_name : rc4.d
d_name : rc5.d
d_name : rc6.d
d_name : rc
d_name : rc.local
d_name : rc.sysinit


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