

import sys, fitz  # import the binding
fname = sys.argv[1]  # get filename from command line
doc = fitz.open(fname)  # open document
for page in doc:  # iterate through the pagespix = page.get_pixmap()  # render page to an imagepix.save("page-%i.png" % page.number)  # store image as a PNG



zoom_x = 2.0  # horizontal zoom
zomm_y = 2.0  # vertical zoom
mat = fitz.Matrix(zoom_x, zomm_y)  # zoom factor 2 in each dimension
pix = page.get_pixmap(matrix=mat)  # use 'mat' instead of the identity matrix


mat = fitz.Matrix(2, 2)  # zoom factor 2 in each direction
rect = page.rect  # the page rectangle
mp = (rect.tl + rect.br) / 2  # its middle point, becomes top-left of clip
clip = fitz.Rect(mp, rect.br)  # the area we want
pix = page.get_pixmap(matrix=mat, clip=clip)


# WIDTH: width of the GUI window
# HEIGHT: height of the GUI window
# clip: a subrectangle of the document page
# compare width/height ratios of image and windowif clip.width / clip.height < WIDTH / HEIGHT:# clip is narrower: zoom to window heightzoom = HEIGHT / clip.height
else:  # else zoom to window widthzoom = WIDTH / clip.width
mat = fitz.Matrix(zoom, zoom)
pix = page.get_pixmap(matrix=mat, clip=clip)


width = WIDTH / zoom
height = HEIGHT / zoom
clip = fitz.Rect(tl, tl.x + width, tl.y + height)
# ensure we still are inside the page
clip &= page.rect
mat = fitz.Matrix(zoom, zoom)
pix = fitz.Pixmap(matrix=mat, clip=clip)



pix = fitz.Pixmap(doc, xref)  #xref即a cross reference number,速度较快


img = doc.extract_image(xref),该方法返回一个字典数据,img[“image”]中包含图像数据,img[“ext”]包含图像文件的扩展名。

   获取xref:可以通过遍历Page.get_images(),返回列表,其元素为[xref, smask, …]形式的列表,但可能会重复;遍历所有的xref,并调用Document.extract_image(xref),返回的字典为空则继续,但可能文档中存在一些用来定义透明的“伪图像”。


import os, fitz
import PySimpleGUI as psg  # for showing a progress bar
doc = fitz.open()  # PDF with the pictures
imgdir = "D:/2012_10_05"  # where the pics are
imglist = os.listdir(imgdir)  # list of them
imgcount = len(imglist)  # pic countfor i, f in enumerate(imglist):img = fitz.open(os.path.join(imgdir, f))  # open pic as documentrect = img[0].rect  # pic dimensionpdfbytes = img.convert_to_pdf()  # make a PDF streamimg.close()  # no longer neededimgPDF = fitz.open("pdf", pdfbytes)  # open stream as PDFpage = doc.new_page(width = rect.width,  # new page with ...height = rect.height)  # pic dimensionpage.show_pdf_page(rect, imgPDF, 0)  # image fills the pagepsg.EasyProgressMeter("Import Images",  # show our progressi+1, imgcount)doc.save("all-my-pics.pdf")


svg = page.get_svg_image(matrix=fitz.Identity)


pix = fitz.Pixmap("input.xxx")  # any supported input format
pix.save("output.yyy")  # any supported output format


import fitz
src = fitz.Pixmap("img-7edges.png")      # create pixmap from a picture
col = 3                                  # tiles per row
lin = 4                                  # tiles per column
tar_w = src.width * col                  # width of target
tar_h = src.height * lin                 # height of target# create target pixmap
tar_pix = fitz.Pixmap(src.colorspace, (0, 0, tar_w, tar_h), src.alpha)# now fill target with the tiles
for i in range(col):for j in range(lin):src.set_origin(src.width * i, src.height * j)tar_pix.copy(src, src.irect) # copy input to new loctar_pix.save("tar.png")





page.insert_image(rect,                  # where to place the image (rect-like)filename=None,         # image in a filestream=None,           # image in memory (bytes)pixmap=None,           # image from pixmapmask=None,             # specify alpha channel separatelyrotate=0,              # rotate (int, multiple of 90)xref=0,                # re-use existing imageoc=0,                  # control visibility via OCG / OCMDkeep_proportion=True,  # keep aspect ratiooverlay=True,          # put in foreground
)page.show_pdf_page(rect,                  # where to place the image (rect-like)src,                   # source PDFpno=0,                 # page number in source PDFclip=None,             # only display this area (rect-like)rotate=0,              # rotate (float, any value)oc=0,                  # control visibility via OCG / OCMDkeep_proportion=True,  # keep aspect ratiooverlay=True,          # put in foreground


# example: 'stream' contains a transparent PNG image:
pix = fitz.Pixmap(stream)  # intermediate pixmap
base = fitz.Pixmap(pix, 0)  # extract base image without alpha
mask = fitz.Pixmap(None, pix)  # extract alpha channel for the mask image
basestream = base.pil_tobytes("JPEG")
maskstream = mask.pil_tobytes("JPEG")
page.insert_image(rect, stream=basestream, mask=maskstream)# 添加透明度
stream = open("example.jpg", "rb").read()
basepix = fitz.Pixmap(stream)
opacity = 0.3  # 30% opacity, choose a value 0 < opacity < 1
value = int(255 * opacity)  # we need an integer between 0 and 255
alphas = [value] * (basepix.width * basepix.height)
alphas = bytearray(alphas)  # convert to a bytearray
pixmask = fitz.Pixmap(fitz.csGRAY, basepix.width, basepix.height, alphas, 0)
page.insert_image(rect, stream=stream, mask=pixmask.tobytes())


import sys, fitz
fname = sys.argv[1]  # get document filename
doc = fitz.open(fname)  # open document
out = open(fname + ".txt", "wb")  # open text output
for page in doc:  # iterate the document pagestext = page.get_text().encode("utf8")  # get plain text (is in UTF-8)out.write(text)  # write text of pageout.write(bytes((12,)))  # write page delimiter (form feed 0x0C)


import sys
import fitzdef mark_word(page, text):"""Underline each word that contains 'text'."""found = 0wlist = page.getTex("words")  # make the word listfor w in wlist:  # scan through all words on pageif text in w[4]:  # w[4] is the word's stringfound += 1  # countr = fitz.Rect(w[:4])  # make rect from word bboxpage.add_underline_annot(r)  # underlinereturn foundfname = sys.argv[1]  # filename
text = sys.argv[2]  # search string
doc = fitz.open(fname)print("underlining words containing '%s' in document '%s'" % (word, doc.name))new_doc = False  # indicator if anything found at allfor page in doc:  # scan through the pagesfound = mark_word(page, text)  # mark the page's wordsif found:  # if anything found ...new_doc = Trueprint("found '%s' %i times on page %i" % (text, found, page.number + 1))if new_doc:doc.save("marked-" + doc.name)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import fitz# the document to annotate
doc = fitz.open("tilted-text.pdf")# the text to be marked
t = "¡La práctica hace el campeón!"# work with first page only
page = doc[0]# get list of text locations
# we use "quads", not rectangles because text may be tilted!
rl = page.search_for(t, quads = True)# mark all found quads with one annotation
page.add_squiggly_annot(rl)# save to a new PDF

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