

这段时间由于人民币升值,在SAP出现了一些汇差的问题,之前一些定单一直将汇差录入Exchange rate differences科目,但最近有一张单,却将汇差录入另外一个科目,经过连翻搜索不果,虽然最初估计SAP的处理方法是正确的,但在和会计人员讨论后,得出的结果是,一定要入汇差科目. :faint:



Exchange rate differences between GR/invoice SAP Note 128

Exchange rate differences between goods receipt and invoice receipt are posted under the following preconditions:

  • The invoice is posted in the same (foreign) currency as the purchase order.
    The exchange rate in the purchase order is not fixed.

As a basic rule, an exchange rate difference is only posted as substitute for a price difference, that is, only in the case of stock material (standard price with variance or moving average price with stock shortage/undercoverage). The exchange rate difference results from the following calculation schema:

  • GR value in foreign currency at GR exchange rate
    GR value in foreign currency at IR exchange rate

In the process, the quantity situation is of course taken into account. For example, in the case of IR before GR no exchange rate difference is posted, and in the case of "partial" invoices a proportional exchange rate difference is posted.

For cancelled invoices/credit memos, the following applies:

All invoices/credit memos/subsequent debits must be posted in the same (foreign) currency. (However, not necessarily in the PO currency). The exchange rate difference results from the following calculation schema:

  • Previous IR value in local currency at average exchange rate of previous invoices/credit memos/subsequent debits
    IR value in local currency at exchange rate of present credit memo (in relation to the total quantity invoiced)

Here, too, an exchange rate difference is only posted as substitute for a price difference.

For delivery costs, exchange rate differences are posted to the stock account as long as stock coverage exists. No price difference lines are generated.

During the goods receipt no currency check is carried out and therefore, only the local currency is updated in the invoice.
 source link:http://www.lotusfans.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24799



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