
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -g -nostdlib -nostartfiles -c cc_asm.S -o cc_asm.o
cc_asm.S: Assembler messages:
cc_asm.S:22: Error: unexpected character `w' in type specifier
cc_asm.S:22: Error: bad instruction `ldr.w r7,[sp],#4'
cc_asm.S:32: Error: instruction not supported in Thumb16 mode -- `adds r7,#12'
cc_asm.S:34: Error: unexpected character `w' in type specifier
cc_asm.S:34: Error: bad instruction `ldr.w r7,[sp],#4'
cc_asm.S:45: Error: instruction not supported in Thumb16 mode -- `adds r7,#12'
cc_asm.S:47: Error: unexpected character `w' in type specifier
cc_asm.S:47: Error: bad instruction `ldr.w r7,[sp],#4'
cc_asm.S:58: Error: unexpected character `w' in type specifier
cc_asm.S:58: Error: bad instruction `ldr.w r7,[sp],#4'

产生情景arm32 汇编中解决方案
汇编代码中加入 .syntax unified


arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -g -nostdlib -nostartfiles -c cc_asm.S -o cc_asm.o
cc_asm.S: Assembler messages:
cc_asm.S:22: Error: width suffixes are invalid in ARM mode -- `ldr.w r7,[sp],#4'
cc_asm.S:34: Error: width suffixes are invalid in ARM mode -- `ldr.w r7,[sp],#4'
cc_asm.S:47: Error: width suffixes are invalid in ARM mode -- `ldr.w r7,[sp],#4'
cc_asm.S:58: Error: width suffixes are invalid in ARM mode -- `ldr.w r7,[sp],#4'
产生情景arm32 汇编中解决方案
汇编代码中加入 .thumb

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