1. Raspberry Pi camera software


raspivid is a command line application that allows you to capture video with the camera module

raspistill allows you to capture images

Example Commands


Capture an image in jpeg format:

raspistill -o image.jpg

Capture a 5s video in h264 format:

raspivid -o video.h264

Capture a 10s video:

raspivid -o video.h264 -t 10000

Capture a 10s video in demo mode:

raspivid -o video.h264 -t 10000 -d

To see a list of possible options for running raspivid orraspistill, you can run:

raspivid | less

raspistill | less

How to install the Raspberry Pi camera module


Display a five-second demo: raspivid -d
Display a 640x480 preview: raspivid -p 0,0,640,480
Capture 20s of h264 video: raspivid -t 20000 -o video.h264
Take a 640x480 shot: raspistill -o image.jpg -w 640 -h 480
Take a reduced quality JPEG: raspistill -o image.jpg -q 5

2. Streaming video in RBP native way (Without OpenCV)

raspivid -t 999999 -o – | nc [insert the IP address of the client] 5001

在客户端(包括Linux, Windows和Mac)运行netcat和mplayer即可。比如Linux下只要:
nc -l -p 5001 | mplayer -fps 31 -cache 1024 -


libavformat version 53.21.1 (external)
Mismatching header version 53.19.0

Exiting... (End of file)

nc.traditional -l -p 5001 | mplayer -fps 31 -cache 1024 -


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