Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. Today we will help you get started by showing you some of the options available and how easy it is to get started.

Arduino是一个基于灵活,易于使用的硬件和软件的开源电子原型平台。 今天,我们将通过向您展示一些可用的选项以及入门的简便性来帮助您入门。

Arduino hardware is an open-source circuit board with a microprocessor and input/output (I/O) pins for communication and controlling physical objects (LED, servos, buttons, etc.). The board will typically be powered via USB or an external power supply which in turn allows it to power other hardware and sensors.

Arduino硬件是带有微处理器和输入/输出(I / O)引脚的开源电路板,用于通信和控制物理对象(LED,伺服器,按钮等)。 该板通常将通过USB或外部电源供电,从而允许其为其他硬件和传感器供电。

Arduino also has an open-source software component which is similar to C++. The Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) allows you to write code, compile it, and then upload it to your Arduino for stand alone use in prototyping and projects.

Arduino还具有类似于C ++的开源软件组件。 Arduino集成开发环境(IDE)允许您编写代码,对其进行编译,然后将其上传到Arduino,以便在原型设计和项目中单独使用。

All of this was designed to be easy to use to let artists and makers freely develop their ideas into real objects. If you are interested in building something yourself, have a look to see the hardware options, and software available to get your started.

所有这些设计旨在易于使用,让艺术家和制作人自由地将他们的想法发展为真实的对象。 如果您有兴趣自己构建某些东西,请查看硬件选项和可用于入门的软件。

Arduino变体 (Arduino Variants)

The Arduino hardware being “open-source” means that you can view schematics of every board available. This means you are free to buy the hardware components and solder the board together yourself if you are so inclined. To get started, we’d probably just recommend you spend the ~$30 and see how much you really want to invest.

Arduino硬件是“开源的”,这意味着您可以查看每个可用电路板的示意图。 这意味着您可以自由购买硬件组件,如果愿意的话可以自己将板子焊接在一起。 首先,我们可能会建议您花费30美元左右,看看您真正想投资多少。

The image below was created using Fritzing and is the layout for a basic Arduino using a bread board.


The Arduino comes in a variety of different types that make choosing the right one difficult to decide, but variety also allows for flexibility in choosing the perfect solution.


We cannot cover every Arduino option, but here are some notable options for getting started.


Arduino Uno

Arduino Uno

The Uno is a great starter Arduino, it provides a solid foundation for those just getting started and has a lot of the options you will want as you explore the platform. It also works with almost every shield available (more on this later).

Uno是一个出色的入门Arduino,它为刚起步的人提供了坚实的基础,并且在您探索平台时会提供很多选择。 它也适用于几乎所有可用的屏蔽(稍后会详细介绍)。

Arduino Nano


The Nano is almost feature for feature the same as the Arduino Uno, but it is about 1/3 the size and cannot use shields easily. The Uno is meant to be used as a permanent fixture in projects or with breadboards for testing.

Nano几乎具有与Arduino Uno相同的功能,但其尺寸约为1/3,无法轻松使用屏蔽。 Uno可以用作项目中的永久性固定装置,也可以与面包板一起用作测试用。

Arduino Lilypad

Arduino Lilypad

The Lilypad has a unique design that can be sewn into fabrics for wearable projects or art. Of course you are not limited to those applications but shields won’t work on this Arduino so expansion may become difficult.

Lilypad具有独特的设计,可以缝入可穿戴项目或艺术品的织物中。 当然,您不仅限于这些应用程序,而且屏蔽板在此Arduino上不起作用,因此扩展可能会变得困难。

Arduino Mega 2560

Arduino Mega 2560

The Mega 2560 has more memory and more I/O pins than any other Arduino. This is the biggest and best Arduino you can get, but you may not need that much power if your projects don’t call for it. This also would be a more expensive Arduino to leave in a project permanently.

Mega 2560具有比其他任何Arduino更多的内存和更多的I / O引脚。 这是您可以获得的最大,最好的Arduino,但是如果您的项目不需要的话,您可能不需要那么多的功能。 永久留在项目中的这将是更昂贵的Arduino。



The Netduino is the cousin of the Arduino. It is still an open source hardware hacking and prototyping solution. But the Netduino runs .NET Micro Framework for its software base. It is pin compatible with Arduino shields, but some may require drivers to run.

Netduino是Arduino的堂兄。 它仍然是一个开源的硬件黑客和原型解决方案。 但是Netduino为其软件基础运行.NET Micro Framework。 它与Arduino屏蔽引脚兼容,但有些可能需要驱动程序才能运行。

For more Arduino hardware check out the link below.


Arduino配件(护罩) (Arduino Accessories (Shields))

Shields make adding functionality to your Arduino a snap, literally. They have pins that push right into the top of your Arduino and you can immediately take advantage of whatever the shield can do. You can also add multiple shields at a time. An Arduino that watches Twitter for a specific hashtag (ethernet shield) and then controls an RC car using RF (RF shield) isn’t beyond the scope of a single project thanks to the shield flexibility.

实际上,盾牌使向Arduino添加功能变得轻而易举。 它们具有直接推入Arduino顶部的引脚,您可以立即利用屏蔽的作用。 您也可以一次添加多个屏蔽。 Arduino可以监视Twitter的特定主题标签(以太网屏蔽),然后使用RF(RF屏蔽)控制RC汽车,这要归功于该屏蔽的灵活性。

You will notice below that some shields look a lot like the Arduino boards themselves, but don’t be confused because they lack the main processing power to run the code you will write in sketches (more on this below).




This is one of the most popular shields because it expands your Arduino to be able to use the internet for communication and control. The Ethernet shield is one of the most versatile available, and once you’ve mastered the basics you should look to get one just so you can make your washer/toaster/coffee maker tweet.

这是最受欢迎的防护罩之一,因为它扩展了Arduino,使其能够使用互联网进行通信和控制。 以太网屏蔽是最通用的以太网屏蔽之一,一旦您掌握了基础知识,就应该尝试购买它,以便使洗衣机/烤面包机/咖啡壶鸣叫。



The XBee shield makes point-to-point wireless communication easy. You can use this to network two Arduinos together or set up an entire mesh network of Arduinos that will one day RULE THE WORLD!

XBee防护板使点对点无线通信变得容易。 您可以使用它来将两个Arduino联网在一起,或者建立一个完整的Arduino网状网络,这将有一天统治世界!



The Arduino can control motors and servos without needing a shield, but the motor shield ramps up that ability to 11. You can use this to remote control your lawn mower, or build your own robot.


There are many other Arduino shields available like music, video game, and bluetooth. This is just the tip of the iceberg and we’d recommend doing some searching of your own to find the perfect shield for your project.

还有许多其他的Arduino防护罩,例如音乐,视频游戏和蓝牙。 这只是冰山一角,我们建议您自己进行一些搜索,以找到适合您的项目的完美盾牌。

If you are looking to prototype Arduinos and shields together along with various sensors we’d recommend checking out Fritzing which not only helps with the prototyping stages, but they also aid in showing you how to make permanent PCB boards for producing your project.

如果您正在寻找Arduino和屏蔽板以及各种传感器的原型,我们建议您检查一下Fritzing ,这不仅有助于原型制作阶段,而且还有助于向您展示如何制作永久性PCB板来生产项目。

编程(草图) (Programming (Sketches))

The Arduino IDE is a cross platform developer tool written in Java. It allows you to control all of the software functions of your Arduino.

Arduino IDE是一个用Java编写的跨平台开发人员工具。 它允许您控制Arduino的所有软件功能。

Each program that you write is called a sketch and is compiled and uploaded to your Arduino using the IDE. A lot of sketches are freely available online and the IDE even comes with a plethora of examples to get you started with just about every function your Arduino is capable of.

您编写的每个程序都称为草图,并使用IDE编译并上传到Arduino。 许多草图可在线免费获得,IDE甚至附带了大量示例,可让您开始使用Arduino能够提供的几乎所有功能。

Eclipse and Notepad++ are popular alternatives to writing your sketches, but they lack easy access to sketch examples and compiling/uploading the finished sketch to the Arduino.

Eclipse和Notepad ++是编写草图的流行替代方法,但是它们无法轻松访问草图示例以及将完成的草图编译/上传到Arduino。

资源资源 (Resources)

This article is designed to get your started in your Arduino projects. For more reading check out the links below and get started making stuff.

本文旨在帮助您入门Arduino项目。 要了解更多信息,请查看下面的链接并开始制作东西。

If you have more useful links or an Arduino project of your own, feel free to leave a comment to share with all the readers.


Project Ideas


Arduino hardware reference





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