








  • Bayes定理:

  • MCMC蒙特卡罗模型:

    假设计算,如果无法通过数学推导直接求出解析解,一般不可能对区间(a,b)上所有的x值进行枚举,我们可以将h(x)分解为某个函数f(x)和一个定义在(a,b)上的概率密度函数p(x)的乘积,则整个积分可以写成,这样原积分等同于f(x)在p(x)这个分布上的均值。这时,如果我们从分布p(x)上采集大量的样本点,这些样本符合分布p(x),即有。那么我们就可以通过这些样本来逼近这个均值,这就是蒙特卡罗方法的基本思想。蒙特卡罗方法的核心问题是如何从分布上随机采集样本,一般采用马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗方法(Markov Chain Monte Carlo,MCMC)产生指定分布下的样本。

  • 马尔可夫链:




即:f(x) = w*x+hb


即:h(x) = w*x’+vb


  • 能量函数和概率分布:


其中 s 是某个量子态, E(s) 为这个状态的能量, P(s) 为这个状态出现的概率。



对于其中一个隐藏权重hi,我们可以将某个神经元 hi 关联的能量分离出来,也就是:

其中 Wi 是和神经元 hi 相连的权重,h’ 是除去 hi 的向量。
为了方便,我们把和 hi 无关的部分记作:







  • 梯度计算:




from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.neural_network import BernoulliRBMimg0 = np.array(Image.open('zero.png').convert('L'))#标准化数据,只有0和1的值
def normalize_data(data):  # 0.1<=data[i][j]<=0.9data = (data - np.mean(data)) / np.std(data)rows,cols = data.shapefor i in range(rows):for j in range(cols):if (data[i,j] > 0):data[i,j] = 1else:data[i,j] = 0return dataimg0 = normalize_data(img0)rbm = BernoulliRBM(n_components=20, learning_rate=0.06, batch_size=10, n_iter=200, verbose=True, random_state=0)
weight = rbm.components_
baise = rbm.intercept_hidden_
baise_vis = rbm.intercept_visible_#逆向还原输入的图片
hidden_img = np.dot(img0, weight.T) + baise
reverimg = np.dot(hidden_img, weight) + baise_vis
ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.title('original image')
plt.imshow(img0, cmap='gray')
ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.imshow(hidden_img, cmap='gray')
ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.imshow(reverimg, cmap='gray')


Restricted Boltzmann Machine features for digit classification
==============================================================For greyscale image data where pixel values can be interpreted as degrees of
blackness on a white background, like handwritten digit recognition, the
Bernoulli Restricted Boltzmann machine model (:class:`BernoulliRBM
<sklearn.neural_network.BernoulliRBM>`) can perform effective non-linear
feature extraction.In order to learn good latent representations from a small dataset, we
artificially generate more labeled data by perturbing the training data with
linear shifts of 1 pixel in each direction.This example shows how to build a classification pipeline with a BernoulliRBM
feature extractor and a :class:`LogisticRegression
<sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression>` classifier. The hyperparameters
of the entire model (learning rate, hidden layer size, regularization)
were optimized by grid search, but the search is not reproduced here because
of runtime constraints.Logistic regression on raw pixel values is presented for comparison. The
example shows that the features extracted by the BernoulliRBM help improve the
classification accuracy.
"""from __future__ import print_functionprint(__doc__)# Authors: Yann N. Dauphin, Vlad Niculae, Gabriel Synnaeve
# License: BSDimport numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom scipy.ndimage import convolve
from sklearn import linear_model, datasets, metrics
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.neural_network import BernoulliRBM
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.base import clone# #############################################################################
# Setting updef nudge_dataset(X, Y):"""上下左右四个方向做卷积,4+1=5,复制5倍This produces a dataset 5 times bigger than the original one,by moving the 8x8 images in X around by 1px to left, right, down, up"""direction_vectors = [[[0, 1, 0],[0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0]],[[0, 0, 0],[1, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0]],[[0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 1],[0, 0, 0]],[[0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0],[0, 1, 0]]]def shift(x, w):return convolve(x.reshape((8, 8)), mode='constant', weights=w).ravel()X = np.concatenate([X] +[np.apply_along_axis(shift, 1, X, vector)for vector in direction_vectors])Y = np.concatenate([Y for _ in range(5)], axis=0)return X, Y# Load Data
digits = datasets.load_digits()
X = np.asarray(digits.data, 'float32')
X, Y = nudge_dataset(X, digits.target)
# 归一化到0-1
X = (X - np.min(X, 0)) / (np.max(X, 0) + 0.0001)  # 0-1 scalingX_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0)# Models we will use
logistic = linear_model.LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs', max_iter=10000,multi_class='multinomial')
rbm = BernoulliRBM(random_state=0, verbose=True)rbm_features_classifier = Pipeline(steps=[('rbm', rbm), ('logistic', logistic)])# #############################################################################
# Training# Hyper-parameters. These were set by cross-validation,
# using a GridSearchCV. Here we are not performing cross-validation to
# save time.
rbm.learning_rate = 0.06
rbm.n_iter = 20
# More components tend to give better prediction performance, but larger
# fitting time
rbm.n_components = 100 # 隐藏层,相当于特征值
logistic.C = 6000 # 正则化系数λ的倒数,通常默认为1,越大正则化越微小,默认为1# 利用管道一次定义训练,多步使用
# Training RBM-Logistic Pipeline
rbm_features_classifier.fit(X_train, Y_train)# Training the Logistic regression classifier directly on the pixel
raw_pixel_classifier = clone(logistic)
raw_pixel_classifier.C = 100.
raw_pixel_classifier.fit(X_train, Y_train)# #############################################################################
# EvaluationY_pred = rbm_features_classifier.predict(X_test)
print("Logistic regression using RBM features:\n%s\n" % (metrics.classification_report(Y_test, Y_pred)))Y_pred = raw_pixel_classifier.predict(X_test)
print("Logistic regression using raw pixel features:\n%s\n" % (metrics.classification_report(Y_test, Y_pred)))# #############################################################################
# Plottingplt.figure(figsize=(4.2, 4))
for i, comp in enumerate(rbm.components_):plt.subplot(10, 10, i + 1)plt.imshow(comp.reshape((8, 8)), cmap=plt.cm.gray_r,interpolation='nearest')plt.xticks(())plt.yticks(())
plt.suptitle('100 components extracted by RBM', fontsize=16)
plt.subplots_adjust(0.08, 0.02, 0.92, 0.85, 0.08, 0.23)plt.show()


Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM)
author: Ye Hu
import os
import timeit
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from PIL import Image
from unit06_rbm.utils import tile_raster_images
from unit06_rbm import input_dataclass RBM(object):"""A Restricted Boltzmann Machines class"""def __init__(self, inpt=None, n_visiable=784, n_hidden=500, W=None,hbias=None, vbias=None):""":param inpt: Tensor, the input tensor [None, n_visiable]:param n_visiable: int, number of visiable units:param n_hidden: int, number of hidden units:param W, hbias, vbias: Tensor, the parameters of RBM (tf.Variable)"""self.n_visiable = n_visiableself.n_hidden = n_hidden# Optionally initialize inputif inpt is None:inpt = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, self.n_visiable])self.input = inpt# Initialize the parameters if not givenif W is None:bounds = -4.0 * np.sqrt(6.0 / (self.n_visiable + self.n_hidden))W = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([self.n_visiable, self.n_hidden], minval=-bounds,maxval=bounds), dtype=tf.float32)if hbias is None:hbias = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.n_hidden, ]), dtype=tf.float32)if vbias is None:vbias = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.n_visiable, ]), dtype=tf.float32)self.W = Wself.hbias = hbiasself.vbias = vbias# keep track of parameters for training (DBN)self.params = [self.W, self.hbias, self.vbias]def propup(self, v):"""Compute the sigmoid activation for hidden units given visible units"""return tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(v, self.W) + self.hbias)def propdown(self, h):"""Compute the sigmoid activation for visible units given hidden units"""return tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(h, tf.transpose(self.W)) + self.vbias)def sample_prob(self, prob):"""Do sampling with the given probability (you can use binomial in Theano)"""return tf.nn.relu(tf.sign(prob - tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(prob))))def sample_h_given_v(self, v0_sample):"""Sampling the hidden units given visiable sample"""h1_mean = self.propup(v0_sample)h1_sample = self.sample_prob(h1_mean)return (h1_mean, h1_sample)def sample_v_given_h(self, h0_sample):"""Sampling the visiable units given hidden sample"""v1_mean = self.propdown(h0_sample)v1_sample = self.sample_prob(v1_mean)return (v1_mean, v1_sample)def gibbs_vhv(self, v0_sample):"""Implement one step of Gibbs sampling from the visiable state"""h1_mean, h1_sample = self.sample_h_given_v(v0_sample)v1_mean, v1_sample = self.sample_v_given_h(h1_sample)return (h1_mean, h1_sample, v1_mean, v1_sample)def gibbs_hvh(self, h0_sample):"""Implement one step of Gibbs sampling from the hidden state"""v1_mean, v1_sample = self.sample_v_given_h(h0_sample)h1_mean, h1_sample = self.sample_h_given_v(v1_sample)return (v1_mean, v1_sample, h1_mean, h1_sample)def free_energy(self, v_sample):"""Compute the free energy"""wx_b = tf.matmul(v_sample, self.W) + self.hbiasvbias_term = tf.matmul(v_sample, tf.expand_dims(self.vbias, axis=1))hidden_term = tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(1.0 + tf.exp(wx_b)), axis=1)return -hidden_term - vbias_termdef get_train_ops(self, learning_rate=0.1, k=1, persistent=None):"""Get the training opts by CD-k:params learning_rate: float:params k: int, the number of Gibbs step (Note k=1 has been shown work surprisingly well):params persistent: Tensor, PCD-k (TO DO:)"""# Compute the positive phaseph_mean, ph_sample = self.sample_h_given_v(self.input)# The old state of the chainif persistent is None:chain_start = ph_sampleelse:chain_start = persistent# Use tf.while_loop to do the CD-kcond = lambda i, nv_mean, nv_sample, nh_mean, nh_sample: i < kbody = lambda i, nv_mean, nv_sample, nh_mean, nh_sample: (i + 1,) + self.gibbs_hvh(nh_sample)i, nv_mean, nv_sample, nh_mean, nh_sample = tf.while_loop(cond, body, loop_vars=[tf.constant(0),tf.zeros(tf.shape(self.input)),tf.zeros(tf.shape(self.input)),tf.zeros(tf.shape(chain_start)),chain_start])"""# Compute the update values for each parameterupdate_W = self.W + learning_rate * (tf.matmul(tf.transpose(self.input), ph_mean) - tf.matmul(tf.transpose(nv_sample), nh_mean)) / tf.to_float(tf.shape(self.input)[0])  # use probabilityupdate_vbias = self.vbias + learning_rate * (tf.reduce_mean(self.input - nv_sample, axis=0))   # use binary valueupdate_hbias = self.hbias + learning_rate * (tf.reduce_mean(ph_mean - nh_mean, axis=0))       # use probability# Assign the parameters new valuesnew_W = tf.assign(self.W, update_W)new_vbias = tf.assign(self.vbias, update_vbias)new_hbias = tf.assign(self.hbias, update_hbias)"""chain_end = tf.stop_gradient(nv_sample)  # do not compute the gradientscost = tf.reduce_mean(self.free_energy(self.input)) - tf.reduce_mean(self.free_energy(chain_end))# Compute the gradientsgparams = tf.gradients(ys=[cost], xs=self.params)new_params = []for gparam, param in zip(gparams, self.params):new_params.append(tf.assign(param, param - gparam * learning_rate))if persistent is not None:new_persistent = [tf.assign(persistent, nh_sample)]else:new_persistent = []return new_params + new_persistent  # use for trainingdef get_reconstruction_cost(self):"""Compute the cross-entropy of the original input and the reconstruction"""activation_h = self.propup(self.input)activation_v = self.propdown(activation_h)# Do this to not get Nanactivation_v_clip = tf.clip_by_value(activation_v, clip_value_min=1e-30, clip_value_max=1.0)reduce_activation_v_clip = tf.clip_by_value(1.0 - activation_v, clip_value_min=1e-30, clip_value_max=1.0)cross_entropy = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(self.input * (tf.log(activation_v_clip)) +(1.0 - self.input) * (tf.log(reduce_activation_v_clip)), axis=1))return cross_entropydef reconstruct(self, v):"""Reconstruct the original input by RBM"""h = self.propup(v)return self.propdown(h)if __name__ == "__main__":os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '-1'# mnist examplesmnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot=True)# define inputx = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 784])# set random_seedtf.set_random_seed(seed=99999)np.random.seed(123)# the rbm modeln_visiable, n_hidden = 784, 500rbm = RBM(x, n_visiable=n_visiable, n_hidden=n_hidden)learning_rate = 0.1batch_size = 20cost = rbm.get_reconstruction_cost()# Create the persistent variablepersistent_chain = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([batch_size, n_hidden]), dtype=tf.float32)train_ops = rbm.get_train_ops(learning_rate=learning_rate, k=15, persistent=persistent_chain)init = tf.global_variables_initializer()output_folder = "rbm_plots"if not os.path.isdir(output_folder):os.makedirs(output_folder)os.chdir(output_folder)training_epochs = 15display_step = 1print("Start training...")with tf.Session() as sess:start_time = timeit.default_timer()sess.run(init)for epoch in range(training_epochs):avg_cost = 0.0batch_num = int(mnist.train.num_examples / batch_size)for i in range(batch_num):x_batch, _ = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size)# 训练sess.run(train_ops, feed_dict={x: x_batch})# 计算costavg_cost += sess.run(cost, feed_dict={x: x_batch, }) / batch_num# 输出if epoch % display_step == 0:print("Epoch {0} cost: {1}".format(epoch, avg_cost))# Construct image from the weight matriximage = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X=sess.run(tf.transpose(rbm.W)),img_shape=(28, 28),tile_shape=(10, 10),tile_spacing=(1, 1)))image.save("new_filters_at_epoch_{0}.png".format(epoch))end_time = timeit.default_timer()training_time = end_time - start_timeprint("Finished!")print("  The training ran for {0} minutes.".format(training_time / 60, ))# Reconstruct the image by samplingprint("...Sampling from the RBM")# then_chains = 20n_samples = 10number_test_examples = mnist.test.num_examples# Randomly select the 'n_chains' examplestest_indexs = np.random.randint(number_test_examples - n_chains)test_samples = mnist.test.images[test_indexs:test_indexs + n_chains]# Create the persistent variable saving the visiable statepersistent_v_chain = tf.Variable(tf.to_float(test_samples), dtype=tf.float32)# The step of Gibbsstep_every = 1000# Inplement the Gibbscond = lambda i, h_mean, h_sample, v_mean, v_sample: i < step_everybody = lambda i, h_mean, h_sample, v_mean, v_sample: (i + 1,) + rbm.gibbs_vhv(v_sample)i, h_mean, h_sample, v_mean, v_sample = tf.while_loop(cond, body,loop_vars=[tf.constant(0), tf.zeros([n_chains, n_hidden]),tf.zeros([n_chains, n_hidden]),tf.zeros(tf.shape(persistent_v_chain)),persistent_v_chain])# Update the persistent_v_chainnew_persistent_v_chain = tf.assign(persistent_v_chain, v_sample)# Store the image by samplingimage_data = np.zeros((29 * (n_samples + 1) + 1, 29 * (n_chains) - 1),dtype="uint8")# Add the original imagesimage_data[0:28, :] = tile_raster_images(X=test_samples,img_shape=(28, 28),tile_shape=(1, n_chains),tile_spacing=(1, 1))# Initialize the variablesess.run(tf.variables_initializer(var_list=[persistent_v_chain]))# Do successive samplingfor idx in range(1, n_samples + 1):sample = sess.run(v_mean)sess.run(new_persistent_v_chain)print("...plotting sample", idx)image_data[idx * 29:idx * 29 + 28, :] = tile_raster_images(X=sample,img_shape=(28, 28),tile_shape=(1, n_chains),tile_spacing=(1, 1))image = Image.fromarray(image_data)image.save("new_original_and_{0}samples.png".format(n_samples))



[1] A Practical Guide to Training Restricted Boltzmann Machines - Geo rey Hinton
[2] A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets


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