Change detection using landsat time series: A review of frequencies,preprocessing, algorithms, and applications (朱哲,2017)


We present a comprehensive review of four important aspects of change detection studies based on Landsat time series, including frequencies, preprocessing, algorithms, and applications.


A single Landsat satellite visits the same location in every 16 days, which means it can collect 22–23 images per year for a given location (without considering overlap areas).
一颗卫星 16天 1幅影像—1年22-23幅
The use of more frequent Landsat time series provides the possibility of detecting change at a much faster pace. The dense Landsat time series also provides the possibility of capturing the intra-annual seasonal changes, and this information can be very helpful for improving change detection accuracy.



Atmospheric correction
Cloud and cloud shadow detection
Composite, fusion, and metrics

预处理目的:To make sure the time series are well aligned

in 2016, the USGS EROS Center started reorganizing the Landsat archive into a formal tiered data Collection structure, which ensures that Landsat Level-1 products provides a consistent archive of known data quality (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Real-Time) to support time series analyses and data ‘‘stacking”.Highest available data quality Landsat images (image-to-image tolerances of <12 m RMSE; https://landsat.usgs.gov/landsatcollections) are placed into Tier 1 and are considered most suitable for time series analysis.

Atmospheric correction 大气校正

1:relative normalization 相对归一化
2:absolute correction 绝对校正

1:relative normalization 相对归一化

based on the relationship between seudo-invariant features from multi-date images

2:absolute correction 绝对校正

a.empirical 经验方法

DOS(Dark Object Subtraction)方法
根据图像中的最暗值估计路径辐射,不考虑pixel-to-pixel variation。

b.physical-based 物理方法

ATCOR--------------Atmospheric/Topographic CORrection
MODTRAN---------MODerate resolution atmospheric TRANsmission
6S---------------------the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum (6S) code
LEDAPS-------------the Landsat Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive Processing System (LEDAPS) software 实现landsat4-7自动大气校正
L8SR-----------------类似于ledaps的进化版 适合Landsat8和landsat5-7

Cloud and cloud shadow detection 云、云阴影的检测

只存在于像元级 粗分辨率:如AVHRR MODIS

ACCA(Automated Cloud Cover Assessment)
可以估计云量的百分比 但不能掩膜


a.physical rules based

-Vermote and Saleous (2007)

  • 需要辅助数据,如借助地表温度(National Centers for Environmental Prediction,NCEP)缠上一个地表温度参考层来检测云。
  • 是LEDAPS的一部分
  • 服务于Landsat数据

-Vermote et al. (2016)

  • 借助cirrus band and the new blue band等新波段的优点
  • 是L8SR的一部分
  • 服务于Landsat8数据

-huang et al.(2010)

  • 基于DEM归一化的温度和预分类森林像素检测云
    detects clouds based on temperature that are normalized by DEM and pre-classified confident forest pixels
  • 基于太阳传感器几何特征检测云阴影
    the cloud shadows are detected based on the solar-sensor geometry.

-Oreopoulos et al. (2011)

  • 改进MODIS的云检测算法应用在Landsat数据上
  • 不使用thermal band,其效果却与AACA媲美

-Zhu,Woodcock (2012) Zhu et al. (2015)

  • Fmask (Function of mask)
  • 利用光谱和空间信息
  • 服务于Landsat4-8数据
  • 云的识别基于云概率层?和场景动态阈值
    clouds are identified based on a cloud probability layer and a scene-based dynamic threshold
  • 基于相似性和相应的太阳传感器几何形状,云阴影与云相匹配
    cloud shadows are matched with clouds based on similarity and the corresponding solar-sensor geometry

-Qiu et al. (2017)

  • 整合DEM和Fmask➡MFmask (Mountainous Fmask)
  • 在山区,检测云/云阴影效果更好

-USGS EROS Center(2013)

  • 使用C语言重新编码Fmask➡CFmask
  • 2016年后,CFmask用来为所有正式分层数据收集结构(the formal tiered data Collection structure) 的1级产品提供质量评估(QA)波段,即全球归档计划(LGAC)后的1级产品中的QA波段

Landsat MSS的云/云阴影的检测具有较大的挑战性,因为MSS没有热波段和短波近红外波段thermal and SWIR bands,这两个波段对云的检测都十分重要。

-Braaten et al. (2015)

  • rule-based approach,精度与Fmask相当

b.machine learning based

-**Roy et al. (2010) Potapov et al. (2011) **

  • 决策树
  • 训练样本: 手动输入的云掩膜

Scaramuzza et al. (2012)

  • 两个不使用TIRS波段的针对Landsat8OLI的算法
  • 1.使用现成的机器学习2.使用神经网络对ACCA增强(AT-ACCA)

-Hughes and Hayes (2014)

  • 使用神经网络分类器和空间后处理识别云和云阴影
  • 与Fmask相比,这个方法在云阴影的检测上有更小的漏分误差(omission errors),在云的检测上有更大的漏分误差




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