
Good afternoon, respected teachers, my name is XXX, it is indeed a great honor to have the opportunity to interview here.

First I would like to introduce myself, I am 22 years old and come from a small city of XX province. The people in our hometown are very kindly and friendly. There are four members in my family: my father, my mother, my sister and me. I am proud of them. Father and mother are my first teachers, they taught me to be honesty, responsibility, candid, aggressive and so on. They taught me how to be a man. The most important education I receive is from my family.

My undergraduate period will be accomplish in XXX University. During the three and a half years, I have grasped the basic knowledge of computer science. I’m open-minded and have broad interests that include reading, programming, basketball and so on, I enjoy programming the most, because through programming I can creat the world that I like.

I am a confident boy and have strong ability of learning by myself. I accept new things quite quickly and I am willing to create. I dear on difficulties, and with my long time efforts in solving problems, I believe I can make most of the problem solved.

If I have could have the chance to study here just like four years ago, I promise I will never fail your expectation, I will try my best to study and learn as much as I could so as to make contribution to the society in the future.

That’s all, thank you for your time!


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