
  • 一、工具介绍
    • 1.1 工具对比
    • 1.2 用途
    • 1.3 限制
    • 1.4 性能对比
  • 二、工具使用
    • 2.1 参数说明
    • 2.2 使用案例


  my2sql是go版MySQL binlog解析工具,通过解析MySQL binlog ,可以生成原始SQL、回滚SQL、去除主键的INSERT SQL等,也可以生成DML统计信息。类似工具有binlog2sql、MyFlash、my2fback等,本工具基于my2fback、binlog_rollback工具二次开发而来。

1.1 工具对比

  • binlog2sql:Python 编写,用于生成回滚/前滚 SQL 进行数据恢复/补偿
  • MyFlash:C 语言编写,用于生成反向 binlog 文件(二进制)进行数据恢复
  • my2sql:Go 语言编写,除了闪回,还提供了前滚和事务分析的功能

1.2 用途

  • 数据快速回滚(闪回)
  • 主从切换后新master丢数据的修复
  • 从binlog生成标准SQL,带来的衍生功能
  • 生成DML统计信息,可以找到哪些表更新的比较频繁
  • IO高TPS高, 查出哪些表在频繁更新
  • 找出某个时间点数据库是否有大事务或者长事务
  • 主从延迟,分析主库执行的SQL语句
  • 除了支持常规数据类型,对大部分工具不支持的数据类型做了支持,比如json、blob、text、emoji等数据类型sql生成

1.3 限制

  • 使用回滚/闪回功能时,binlog格式必须为row,且binlog_row_image=full, DML统计以及大事务分析不受影响
  • 只能回滚DML, 不能回滚DDL
  • 支持指定-tl时区来解释binlog中time/datetime字段的内容。开始时间-start-datetime与结束时间-stop-datetime也会使用此指定的时区, 但注意此开始与结束时间针对的是binlog event header中保存的unix timestamp。结果中的额外的datetime时间信息都是binlog event header中的unix timestamp
  • 此工具是伪装成从库拉取binlog,需要连接数据库的用户有SELECT, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT权限
  • MySQL8.0版本需要在配置文件中加入default_authentication_plugin =mysql_native_password,用户密码认证必须是mysql_native_password才能解析

1.4 性能对比

测试项 my2sql binlog2sql
1.1G binlog生成回滚SQL 1分40秒 65分钟
1.1G binlog生成原始SQL 1分30秒 50分钟
1.1G binlog生成表DML统计信息、以及事务统计信息 40秒 不支持


2.1 参数说明

  • -U

  优先使用unique key作为where条件,默认false

  • -add-extraInfo


datetime=2020-07-16_10:44:09 database=orchestrator table=cluster_domain_name binlog=mysql-bin.011519 startpos=15552 stoppos=15773
UPDATE `orchestrator`.`cluster_domain_name` SET `last_registered`='2020-07-16 10:44:09' WHERE `cluster_name`=''
  • -big-trx-row-limit n


  • -databases 、 -tables

  库及表条件过滤, 以逗号分隔

  • -sql
  • -doNotAddPrifixDb
      默认生成insert into db1.tb1 (x1, x1) values (y1, y1)类sql,也可以生成不带库名的sql
  • -file-per-table
  • -full-columns
  • -ignorePrimaryKeyForInsert
  • -output-dir
  • -output-toScreen
  • -threads
  • -work-type

2.2 使用案例

  • 解析标准SQL
[root@zijie releases]# ./my2sql  -user root -password 970125  -work-type 2sql  -start-file /data/mysql/binlog/binlog.000008  -start-datetime "2021-03-01 00:00:00" -stop-datetime "2021-04-01 00:00:00" -output-dir ./
[2021/03/15 10:33:38] [info] binlogsyncer.go:144 create BinlogSyncer with config {1113306 mysql 3306 root   utf8 false false <nil> false Local false 0 0s 0s 0 false false 0}
[2021/03/15 10:33:38] [info] binlogsyncer.go:360 begin to sync binlog from position (binlog.000008, 4)
[2021/03/15 10:33:38] [info] stats_process.go:166 start thread to analyze statistics from binlog
[2021/03/15 10:33:38] [info] events.go:208 start thread to write redo/rollback sql into file
[2021/03/15 10:33:38] [info] events.go:58 start thread 1 to generate redo/rollback sql
[2021/03/15 10:33:38] [info] events.go:58 start thread 2 to generate redo/rollback sql
[2021/03/15 10:33:38] [info] repl.go:15 start to get binlog from mysql
[2021/03/15 10:33:38] [info] binlogsyncer.go:777 rotate to (binlog.000008, 4)
[2021/03/15 10:33:43] [info] repl.go:83 deadline exceeded.
[2021/03/15 10:33:43] [info] repl.go:17 finish getting binlog from mysql
[2021/03/15 10:33:43] [info] stats_process.go:266 exit thread to analyze statistics from binlog
[2021/03/15 10:33:43] [info] events.go:183 exit thread 1 to generate redo/rollback sql
[2021/03/15 10:33:43] [info] events.go:183 exit thread 2 to generate redo/rollback sql
[2021/03/15 10:33:43] [info] events.go:272 finish writing redo/forward sql into file
[2021/03/15 10:33:43] [info] events.go:275 exit thread to write redo/rollback sql into file[root@zijie releases]# cat forward.8.sql
INSERT INTO `test`.`t1` (`id`) VALUES (1);
UPDATE `test`.`t1` SET `id`=2 WHERE `id`=1;
DELETE FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `id`=2;
INSERT INTO `test`.`t1` (`id`,`name`) VALUES (1,'');
UPDATE `test`.`t1` SET `id`=2 WHERE `id`=1;
DELETE FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `id`=2;
INSERT INTO `test`.`t2` (`id`) VALUES (1);
UPDATE `test`.`t2` SET `id`=2 WHERE `id`=1;
DELETE FROM `test`.`t2` WHERE `id`=2;
  • 解析回滚SQL
[root@zijie releases]# ./my2sql  -user root -password 970125  -work-type rollback  -start-file /data/mysql/binlog/binlog.000008  -start-datetime "2021-03-01 00:00:00" -stop-datetime "2021-04-01 00:00:00" -output-dir ./
[2021/03/15 10:40:30] [info] binlogsyncer.go:144 create BinlogSyncer with config {1113306 mysql 3306 root   utf8 false false <nil> false Local false 0 0s 0s 0 false false 0}
[2021/03/15 10:40:30] [info] binlogsyncer.go:360 begin to sync binlog from position (binlog.000008, 4)
[2021/03/15 10:40:30] [info] stats_process.go:166 start thread to analyze statistics from binlog
[2021/03/15 10:40:30] [info] events.go:208 start thread to write redo/rollback sql into file
[2021/03/15 10:40:30] [info] events.go:58 start thread 1 to generate redo/rollback sql
[2021/03/15 10:40:30] [info] events.go:58 start thread 2 to generate redo/rollback sql
[2021/03/15 10:40:30] [info] repl.go:15 start to get binlog from mysql
[2021/03/15 10:40:30] [info] binlogsyncer.go:777 rotate to (binlog.000008, 4)
[2021/03/15 10:40:35] [info] repl.go:83 deadline exceeded.
[2021/03/15 10:40:35] [info] repl.go:17 finish getting binlog from mysql
[2021/03/15 10:40:35] [info] stats_process.go:266 exit thread to analyze statistics from binlog
[2021/03/15 10:40:35] [info] events.go:183 exit thread 1 to generate redo/rollback sql
[2021/03/15 10:40:35] [info] events.go:183 exit thread 2 to generate redo/rollback sql
[2021/03/15 10:40:35] [info] events.go:257 finish writing rollback sql into tmp files, start to revert content order of tmp files
[2021/03/15 10:40:35] [info] rollback_process.go:15 start thread 1 to revert rollback sql files
[2021/03/15 10:40:35] [info] rollback_process.go:41 start to revert tmp file .rollback.8.sql into rollback.8.sql
[2021/03/15 10:40:35] [info] rollback_process.go:156 finish reverting tmp file .rollback.8.sql into rollback.8.sql
[2021/03/15 10:40:35] [info] rollback_process.go:25 exit thread 1 to revert rollback sql files
[2021/03/15 10:40:35] [info] events.go:270 finish reverting content order of tmp files
[2021/03/15 10:40:35] [info] events.go:275 exit thread to write redo/rollback sql into file[root@zijie releases]# cat rollback.8.sql
INSERT INTO `test`.`t2` (`id`) VALUES (2);
UPDATE `test`.`t2` SET `id`=1 WHERE `id`=2;
DELETE FROM `test`.`t2` WHERE `id`=1;
INSERT INTO `test`.`t1` (`id`,`name`) VALUES (2,'');
UPDATE `test`.`t1` SET `id`=1 WHERE `id`=2;
DELETE FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `id`=1;
INSERT INTO `test`.`t1` (`id`) VALUES (2);
UPDATE `test`.`t1` SET `id`=1 WHERE `id`=2;
DELETE FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `id`=1;
  • 统计DML以及大事务
[root@zijie releases]# ./my2sql  -user root -password 970125  -work-type stats  -start-file /data/mysql/binlog/binlog.000008  -start-datetime "2021-03-01 00:00:00" -stop-datetime "2021-04-01 00:00:00"  -big-trx-row-limit 500 -long-trx-seconds 300   -output-dir ./
[2021/03/15 10:53:18] [info] binlogsyncer.go:144 create BinlogSyncer with config {1113306 mysql 3306 root   utf8 false false <nil> false Local false 0 0s 0s 0 false false 0}
[2021/03/15 10:53:18] [info] binlogsyncer.go:360 begin to sync binlog from position (binlog.000008, 4)
[2021/03/15 10:53:18] [info] stats_process.go:166 start thread to analyze statistics from binlog
[2021/03/15 10:53:18] [info] repl.go:15 start to get binlog from mysql
[2021/03/15 10:53:18] [info] binlogsyncer.go:777 rotate to (binlog.000008, 4)
[2021/03/15 10:53:23] [info] repl.go:83 deadline exceeded.
[2021/03/15 10:53:23] [info] repl.go:17 finish getting binlog from mysql
[2021/03/15 10:53:23] [info] stats_process.go:266 exit thread to analyze statistics from binlog[root@zijie releases]# cat biglong_trx.txt
binlog            starttime           stoptime            startpos   stoppos    rows     duration   tables
[root@zijie releases]# cat binlog_status.txt
binlog            starttime           stoptime            startpos   stoppos    inserts  updates  deletes  database        table
binlog.000008     2021-03-14_22:34:38 2021-03-14_22:34:55 783        1534       1        1        1        test            t1
binlog.000008     2021-03-14_22:58:44 2021-03-14_22:58:53 1970       2749       1        1        1        test            t1
binlog.000008     2021-03-14_23:04:13 2021-03-14_23:04:22 3170       3921       1        1        1        test            t2
  • 从某一位置解析出标准SQL,并且持续打印到屏幕
[root@zijie releases]# ./my2sql  -user root -password 970125  -work-type 2sql  -start-file /data/mysql/binlog/binlog.000008  -start-datetime "2021-03-01 00:00:00" -stop-datetime "2021-04-01 00:00:00" -output-toScreen
[2021/03/15 10:55:20] [info] binlogsyncer.go:144 create BinlogSyncer with config {1113306 mysql 3306 root   utf8 false false <nil> false Local false 0 0s 0s 0 false false 0}
[2021/03/15 10:55:20] [info] binlogsyncer.go:360 begin to sync binlog from position (binlog.000008, 4)
[2021/03/15 10:55:20] [info] stats_process.go:166 start thread to analyze statistics from binlog
[2021/03/15 10:55:20] [info] events.go:208 start thread to write redo/rollback sql into file
[2021/03/15 10:55:20] [info] events.go:58 start thread 1 to generate redo/rollback sql
[2021/03/15 10:55:20] [info] events.go:58 start thread 2 to generate redo/rollback sql
[2021/03/15 10:55:20] [info] repl.go:15 start to get binlog from mysql
[2021/03/15 10:55:20] [info] binlogsyncer.go:777 rotate to (binlog.000008, 4)
INSERT INTO `test`.`t1` (`id`) VALUES (1)
UPDATE `test`.`t1` SET `id`=2 WHERE `id`=1
DELETE FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `id`=2
INSERT INTO `test`.`t1` (`id`,`name`) VALUES (1,'')
UPDATE `test`.`t1` SET `id`=2 WHERE `id`=1
DELETE FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `id`=2
INSERT INTO `test`.`t2` (`id`) VALUES (1)
UPDATE `test`.`t2` SET `id`=2 WHERE `id`=1
DELETE FROM `test`.`t2` WHERE `id`=2


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