增强现实 ar

From Pokémon characters dropped into city streets to costume filters decorating our Snapchat selfies, AR experiences are becoming a part of our daily lives. But augmented reality is more than entertainment. Now, brands are getting seriously involved too. Today, businesses with physical products, real-world locations, or troves of intellectual property are exploring AR as a compelling way to create useful, engaging, and – above all – realistic consumer experiences.

从神奇宝贝角色掉落在城市街道上,到服装滤​​镜装饰我们的Snapchat自拍照,AR体验已成为我们日常生活的一部分。 但是增强现实不仅仅是娱乐。 现在,品牌也正在认真参与其中。 如今,拥有实物产品,位于现实世界中或拥有大量知识产权的企业正在探索将AR作为一种令人信服的方式来创建有用,引人入胜且尤其是现实的消费者体验。

But the reality is, you can’t control (or predict) the user’s environment, device, technology expertise, location, or physical abilities. This makes it incredibly difficult to develop an experience that will work consistently in the presence of any of these challenges.

但是现实是,您无法控制(或预测)用户的环境,设备,技术专长,位置或物理能力。 这使得在遇到任何这些挑战时要发展出始终如一的工作经验变得异常困难。

Leading immersive agency and Unity MARS customer Sugar Creative has seen them all – so we recently teamed up with the UK studio to host a webinar, “From Imagination to Reality.”

领先的沉浸式代理商和Unity MARS客户Sugar Creative已经看到了所有内容-因此我们最近与英国工作室合作举办了一个网络研讨会,“从想象到现实”。

Unity XR specialists from our technical and business development teams joined Will Humphrey, lead creative & studio director of Sugar Creative, the studio behind Dr. Seuss’s ABC–An Amazing AR Alphabet! and many other augmented experiences.

来自我们的技术和业务开发团队的Unity XR专家加入了糖创意的首席创意兼工作室总监威尔·汉弗莱(Will Humphrey),糖创意是苏斯博士ABC –惊人的AR字母背后的工作室! 和许多其他丰富的经验。

Watch the webinar on-demand to learn about:


  • The growing importance of AR for business


  • Challenges to a truly natural-feeling experience


  • Overcoming technology hurdles to gain creative and development time


Watch the webinar


If you’re a creative studio or agency facing these real-world challenges with AR development, check out some of the key topics covered in the webinar below.


有哪些行业AR场景需要开始探索? (What are some industry AR scenarios to start exploring?)

  • Entertainment – bringing existing media assets to life, adding components of interactivity and play so that you’re not merely telling a story – the user is experiencing the story


  • Construction – digital twinning as a way to incorporate raw data and simulation; taking BIM data and moving it into a visual space

    构造–数字孪生是整合原始数据和模拟的一种方式; 获取BIM数据并将其移入可视空间

  • Product development – visualizing and working out the usage of a product; incorporating storytelling about the product, following it back to its creation

    产品开发–可视化并确定产品的使用情况; 结合有关产品的故事讲述,然后再回溯到创作

  • Education – allowing learners to explore inaccessible new frontiers – for instance, taking tiny, cellular-level content that you can’t even see with your eye, and put it in a familiar place to give it context


  • Medical – building relationships with the patient, demystify diagnoses for patients in a meaningful context


COVID-19大流行对AR的潜在影响是什么? (What’s the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the potential for AR?)

The pandemic is highlighting the greater need to make experiences accessible for people who don’t have access – or can’t physically travel – to a specific location. Will reminds us that people can’t simply travel wherever they want, even when the world eventually recovers. “So the question is, ‘why can’t I be transported there?’ Or, ‘why can’t the experience come to me?’” That means brands and agencies who provide it will actually see an expansion of the marketplace.

这种流行病突出表明,对于无法访问(或无法实际旅行)到特定位置的人们提供无障碍体验的更大需求。 威尔提醒我们,即使世界最终恢复,人们也不能随便旅行。 “所以问题是,'为什么我不能被运送到那儿?' 或,“为什么体验无法传给我?””这意味着提供体验的品牌和代理商实际上将看到市场的扩展。

What’s more, he says, businesses and attractions are realizing they have audiences in rural areas, or disadvantaged populations, that aren’t in a position to attend on-location performances, shows, exhibits, or other venues. Now they can provide experiences where these audiences already are.

他说,更重要的是,企业和景点正在意识到他们在农村地区或弱势群体中拥有观众,而他们无法参加现场表演,表演,展览或其他场所。 现在,他们可以提供这些受众已经拥有的体验。

是什么让身临其境的应用无法融入环境? (What keeps immersive apps from feeling integrated into the environment?)

  • Device capabilities – every platform is different, and authors need to consider all the technology platforms


  • The real world – there’s a heavy expectation on the AR app to interpret the environment it’s in; it needs to be ‘aware’ of its surroundings, which implies incorporating intelligence

    现实世界–人们对AR应用程序寄予厚望,以解释其所处的环境; 它需要对周围环境有“意识”,这意味着需要整合智能

  • Individual users – most importantly, what abilities do people have? What disabilities do people have? How do all the users differ?

    个人用户–最重要的是,人们具有什么能力? 人们有什么残疾? 所有用户有何不同?

Creating intelligent AR “is the way to bridge these differences so we can have a shared experience,” says Will.


Image courtesy of Sugar Creative

图片由Sugar Creative提供

什么是智能AR? (What is intelligent AR?)

In essence, the intelligent AR capabilities in Unity MARS enable developers to capture real-world information and use spatial data in a way that bridges the physical environment with the digital experience.

本质上,Unity MARS中的智能AR功能使开发人员能够捕获现实世界的信息,并以将物理环境与数字体验联系起来的方式使用空间数据。

This use of data integrates the imagined assets with the surrounding surfaces, walls, floors, objects, and rooms while accounting for scale and even dimensionality aspects like depth and distance. (In the webinar, Will illustrates this with a “hide and seek” game from the Dr. Seuss’s ABC app, shown side-by-side in the MARS interface and in a screen capture of the app in use.)

数据的使用将想象中的资产与周围的表面,墙壁,地板,物体和房间集成在一起,同时考虑了比例甚至深度和深度等维度方面。 (在网络研讨会中,Will用Dr. Seuss的ABC应用程序中的“捉迷藏”游戏对此进行了说明,并在MARS界面和正在使用的应用程序的屏幕截图中并排显示。)

It also makes testing in simulated environments readily accessible without deploying to every platform, which immediately solves for one of the above challenges in authoring augmented experiences – and results in more time for development and design.


是什么使增强现实与其他创意媒介不同? (What makes augmented reality different from other creative mediums?)

Most creatives tell their stories – in film, art, performance – knowing how they will be experienced, says Will. With this medium, the creators and authors have no idea how it will be experienced.

威尔说,大多数创意者讲述他们的故事-在电影,艺术,表演方面-知道他们将如何经历。 使用这种媒体,创作者和作者都不知道如何体验。

“We can provide the ingredients to build the world, but then the users will build it on their own – based on the physical environment they’re in, their use of the device, and their individual, personal abilities. Every experience will be different,” he says.

“我们可以提供构建世界的要素,但是用户将根据自己所处的物理环境,设备的使用以及个人的个人能力,自行构建世界。 每种经历都会有所不同,”他说。

观看网络研讨会 (Watch the webinar)

Catch From Imagination to Reality on-demand to learn more about solving the challenges of AR experience with intelligent tools.

按需捕获从想象到现实的内容 ,以了解有关使用智能工具解决AR体验挑战的更多信息。

Watch the webinar


Discover more on how you can use Unity to level up your augmented experiences on our solutions page.


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/09/03/taking-ar-projects-from-imagination-to-reality/

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