Section on Backup :

1. The following command line utility is the most recommended way to perform. the export. Alternatively,

the Aphelion Web Admin Interface or Syntegra LDAP Browser Interface can also be used.

Unix:   /usr/sbin/lde/export -f /var/lde/PTCLdap/PTCLdap_lde.conf -l
/usr/sbin/lde/export -f /var/lde/PTCldap/PTCLdap_lde.conf -c '' -o 目标文件
                 1) cd to your virtual drive of Aphelion. Default is R:
                 2) cd to \usr\sbin\lde (This is where you will find the export command)
                 3) R:\usr\sbin\lde>export -f R:\usr\var\lde\PTCLdap\PTCLdap_lde.conf -l

Important: On Windows, the command will not run properly unless the command prompt is set to the R: drive (type "R:", without quotes, and press enter)

Now examine the contents of /var/lde/PTCLdap/PTCLdap_database/root.ldif, to ensure that it is
    complete. It is recommended that this LDAP export be performed and data backed up as part of regular
    Windchill maintenance operations.

Section on Recovery :

The following procedure section can be used in cases such as system failures where the Aphelion LDAP
server was reinstalled:

1. Back up all of the directory containing the LDAP database.

For unix this is /var/lde/PTCLdap

And for windows it is R:\usr\var\lde\PTCLdap. In this example R is the "virtual drive" used by Aphelion.

These are the defaults locations, they can and will vary between sites.

2. Stop the server (if running).

    /etc/rc2.d/S77cdsDaemon stop
    net stop "Aphelion Administration"
    net stop "Aphelion Services"

NOTE: For windows servers, ensure that the Aphelion Services are started at least once before continuing;
    this will ensure that the virtual drive (R: generally) has been mapped.

3. Locate the backup LDIF file, and place it in to the following location :

Unix: /var/lde/PTCLdap/PTCLdap_database/root.ldif
    Windows: R:\usr\var\lde\PTCLdap\PTCLdap_database\root.ldif

Ensure the file name is all in lower case.

4. Import the data into the database:

Unix: /usr/sbin/lde/import -f /var/lde/PTCLdap/PTCLdap_lde.conf
                 1) cd to your virtual drive of Aphelion. Default is R:
                 2) cd to \usr\sbin\lde
                 3) R:\usr\sbin\lde> import -f R:\usr\var\lde\PTCLdap\PTCLdap_lde.conf

Important: On Windows, the command will not run properly unless the command prompt is set to the R: drive (type "R:", without quotes, and press enter)

5. Do check the output to make sure there are no errors.

6. Start the Aphelion servers:

Unix: /etc/rc2.d/S77cdsDaemon start
    Windows: net start "Aphelion Services"
                  net start "Aphelion Administration"

7. Now check the database connection by connecting using an LDAP browser.

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