写点什么呢?不写了,直接贴代码. 懂的不写也懂,不懂的等用到的时候就懂了


* Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.


* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

* You may obtain a copy of the License at


* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

* limitations under the License.


import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;

import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;

import java.util.BitSet;

import org.apache.commons.codec.BinaryDecoder;

import org.apache.commons.codec.BinaryEncoder;

import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException;

import org.apache.commons.codec.EncoderException;

import org.apache.commons.codec.StringDecoder;

import org.apache.commons.codec.StringEncoder;



* Codec for the Quoted-Printable section of RFC 1521 .



* The Quoted-Printable encoding is intended to represent data that largely consists of octets that correspond to

* printable characters in the ASCII character set. It encodes the data in such a way that the resulting octets are

* unlikely to be modified by mail transport. If the data being encoded are mostly ASCII text, the encoded form of the

* data remains largely recognizable by humans. A body which is entirely ASCII may also be encoded in Quoted-Printable

* to ensure the integrity of the data should the message pass through a character- translating, and/or line-wrapping

* gateway.




* Note:



* Rules #3, #4, and #5 of the quoted-printable spec are not implemented yet because the complete quoted-printable spec

* does not lend itself well into the byte[] oriented codec framework. Complete the codec once the steamable codec

* framework is ready. The motivation behind providing the codec in a partial form is that it can already come in handy

* for those applications that do not require quoted-printable line formatting (rules #3, #4, #5), for instance Q codec.



* @see RFC 1521 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One:

* Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies


* @author Apache Software Foundation

* @since 1.3

* @version $Id: QuotedPrintableCodec.java,v 1.7 2004/04/09 22:21:07 ggregory Exp $


public class QuotedPrintableCodec implements BinaryEncoder, BinaryDecoder, StringEncoder, StringDecoder {


* The default charset used for string decoding and encoding.


private String charset = UTF8;

private static final String US_ASCII = "US-ASCII";

private static final String UTF8 = "UTF-8";


* BitSet of printable characters as defined in RFC 1521.


private static final BitSet PRINTABLE_CHARS = new BitSet(256);

private static byte ESCAPE_CHAR = '=';

private static byte TAB = 9;

private static byte SPACE = 32;

// Static initializer for printable chars collection

static {

// alpha characters

for (int i = 33; i <= 60; i++) {



for (int i = 62; i <= 126; i++) {







* Default constructor.


public QuotedPrintableCodec() {




* Constructor which allows for the selection of a default charset


* @param charset

* the default string charset to use.


public QuotedPrintableCodec(String charset) {


this.charset = charset;



* Encodes byte into its quoted-printable representation.


* @param b

* byte to encode

* @param buffer

* the buffer to write to


private static final void encodeQuotedPrintable(int b, ByteArrayOutputStream buffer) {


char hex1 = Character.toUpperCase(Character.forDigit((b >> 4) & 0xF, 16));

char hex2 = Character.toUpperCase(Character.forDigit(b & 0xF, 16));





* Encodes an array of bytes into an array of quoted-printable 7-bit characters. Unsafe characters are escaped.



* This function implements a subset of quoted-printable encoding specification (rule #1 and rule #2) as defined in

* RFC 1521 and is suitable for encoding binary data and unformatted text.



* @param printable

* bitset of characters deemed quoted-printable

* @param bytes

* array of bytes to be encoded

* @return array of bytes containing quoted-printable data


public static final byte[] encodeQuotedPrintable(BitSet printable, byte[] bytes) {

if (bytes == null) {

return null;


if (printable == null) {

printable = PRINTABLE_CHARS;


ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {

int b = bytes[i];

if (b < 0) {

b = 256 + b;


if (printable.get(b)) {


} else {

encodeQuotedPrintable(b, buffer);



return buffer.toByteArray();



* Decodes an array quoted-printable characters into an array of original bytes. Escaped characters are converted

* back to their original representation.



* This function implements a subset of quoted-printable encoding specification (rule #1 and rule #2) as defined in

* RFC 1521.



* @param bytes

* array of quoted-printable characters

* @return array of original bytes

* @throws DecoderException

* Thrown if quoted-printable decoding is unsuccessful


public static final byte[] decodeQuotedPrintable(byte[] bytes) throws DecoderException {

if (bytes == null) {

return null;


ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {

int b = bytes[i];

if (b == ESCAPE_CHAR) {

try {

int u = Character.digit((char) bytes[++i], 16);

int l = Character.digit((char) bytes[++i], 16);

if (u == -1 || l == -1) {

throw new DecoderException("Invalid quoted-printable encoding");


buffer.write((char) ((u << 4) + l));

} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

throw new DecoderException("Invalid quoted-printable encoding");


} else {




return buffer.toByteArray();



* Encodes an array of bytes into an array of quoted-printable 7-bit characters. Unsafe characters are escaped.



* This function implements a subset of quoted-printable encoding specification (rule #1 and rule #2) as defined in

* RFC 1521 and is suitable for encoding binary data and unformatted text.



* @param bytes

* array of bytes to be encoded

* @return array of bytes containing quoted-printable data


public byte[] encode(byte[] bytes) {

return encodeQuotedPrintable(PRINTABLE_CHARS, bytes);



* Decodes an array of quoted-printable characters into an array of original bytes. Escaped characters are converted

* back to their original representation.



* This function implements a subset of quoted-printable encoding specification (rule #1 and rule #2) as defined in

* RFC 1521.



* @param bytes

* array of quoted-printable characters

* @return array of original bytes

* @throws DecoderException

* Thrown if quoted-printable decoding is unsuccessful


public byte[] decode(byte[] bytes) throws DecoderException {

return decodeQuotedPrintable(bytes);



* Encodes a string into its quoted-printable form using the default string charset. Unsafe characters are escaped.



* This function implements a subset of quoted-printable encoding specification (rule #1 and rule #2) as defined in

* RFC 1521 and is suitable for encoding binary data.



* @param pString

* string to convert to quoted-printable form

* @return quoted-printable string


* @throws EncoderException

* Thrown if quoted-printable encoding is unsuccessful


* @see #getDefaultCharset()


public String encode(String pString) throws EncoderException {

if (pString == null) {

return null;


try {

return encode(pString, getDefaultCharset());

} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

throw new EncoderException(e.getMessage());




* Decodes a quoted-printable string into its original form using the specified string charset. Escaped characters

* are converted back to their original representation.


* @param pString

* quoted-printable string to convert into its original form

* @param charset

* the original string charset

* @return original string

* @throws DecoderException

* Thrown if quoted-printable decoding is unsuccessful

* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException

* Thrown if charset is not supported


public String decode(String pString, String charset) throws DecoderException, UnsupportedEncodingException {

if (pString == null) {

return null;


return new String(decode(pString.getBytes(US_ASCII)), charset);



* Decodes a quoted-printable string into its original form using the default string charset. Escaped characters are

* converted back to their original representation.


* @param pString

* quoted-printable string to convert into its original form

* @return original string

* @throws DecoderException

* Thrown if quoted-printable decoding is unsuccessful

* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException

* Thrown if charset is not supported

* @see #getDefaultCharset()


public String decode(String pString) throws DecoderException {

if (pString == null) {

return null;


try {

return decode(pString, getDefaultCharset());

} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

throw new DecoderException(e.getMessage());




* Encodes an object into its quoted-printable safe form. Unsafe characters are escaped.


* @param pObject

* string to convert to a quoted-printable form

* @return quoted-printable object

* @throws EncoderException

* Thrown if quoted-printable encoding is not applicable to objects of this type or if encoding is

* unsuccessful


public Object encode(Object pObject) throws EncoderException {

if (pObject == null) {

return null;

} else if (pObject instanceof byte[]) {

return encode((byte[]) pObject);

} else if (pObject instanceof String) {

return encode((String) pObject);

} else {

throw new EncoderException("Objects of type "

+ pObject.getClass().getName()

+ " cannot be quoted-printable encoded");




* Decodes a quoted-printable object into its original form. Escaped characters are converted back to their original

* representation.


* @param pObject

* quoted-printable object to convert into its original form

* @return original object

* @throws DecoderException

* Thrown if quoted-printable decoding is not applicable to objects of this type if decoding is

* unsuccessful


public Object decode(Object pObject) throws DecoderException {

if (pObject == null) {

return null;

} else if (pObject instanceof byte[]) {

return decode((byte[]) pObject);

} else if (pObject instanceof String) {

return decode((String) pObject);

} else {

throw new DecoderException("Objects of type "

+ pObject.getClass().getName()

+ " cannot be quoted-printable decoded");




* Returns the default charset used for string decoding and encoding.


* @return the default string charset.


public String getDefaultCharset() {

return this.charset;



* Encodes a string into its quoted-printable form using the specified charset. Unsafe characters are escaped.



* This function implements a subset of quoted-printable encoding specification (rule #1 and rule #2) as defined in

* RFC 1521 and is suitable for encoding binary data and unformatted text.



* @param pString

* string to convert to quoted-printable form

* @param charset

* the charset for pString

* @return quoted-printable string


* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException

* Thrown if the charset is not supported


public String encode(String pString, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {

if (pString == null) {

return null;


return new String(encode(pString.getBytes(charset)), US_ASCII);



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