If you’re going on vacation and will be away from home for any significant amount of time, it might be a good idea to enable Vacation Mode on your Schlage Connect smart lock. Here’s how it works and how to turn it on.

如果您要休假并且要长时间不在家中,最好在Schlage Connect智能锁上启用“休假模式”。 这是它的工作方式以及如何打开它。

Since you’ll be gone and no one will need to enter your house, Vacation Mode essentially disables the keypad on the Schlage Connect, disabling all key codes that would normally unlock your door. However, the physical lock will still work using a key.

由于您将一去不复返,并且不需要任何人进入您的房屋,因此假期模式实际上会禁用Schlage Connect上的键盘,并禁用所有通常会打开门的钥匙密码。 但是,物理锁仍然可以使用钥匙来工作。

自行启用假期模式 (Enabling Vacation Mode on the Lock Itself)

You’ll first need to know your lock’s programming code, which can be found on the back of the interior portion of the unit. You should have jotted it down before installing the lock, but if not, you’ll need to take it apart and write it down. This is required to put the lock into programming mode, which allows you to change and manage any settings.

您首先需要知道锁的编程代码,该代码可在设备内部的背面找到。 在安装锁之前,您应该先将其记下,否则,您需要将其拆开并写下来。 这是将锁置于编程模式所必需的,该模式允许您更改和管理任何设置。

Once that’s taken care of, open your door and extend the deadbolt so that it’s in the locked position. Then press the Schlage button at the top of the keypad and enter in your programming code.

处理完后,请打开门并伸出固定栓,使其处于锁定位置。 然后按键盘顶部的Schlage按钮,然后输入您的编程代码。

Next, press “4”. You’ll hear two beeps, as well as see two blinks of the green checkmark. Your lock is now in Vacation Mode and any key codes that you try to enter in won’t work until you disable Vacation Mode.

接下来,按“ 4”。 您会听到两声蜂鸣声,并看到绿色复选标记闪烁两次。 您的锁现在处于“休假模式”,并且您尝试输入的任何键码在禁用“休假模式”之前均不起作用。

To disable vacation mode, all you need to do is press the Schlage button and enter in your programming code again. From there, you’ll hear two beeps and see two blinks of the green checkmark.

要禁用休假模式,您所需要做的就是按下Schlage按钮并再次输入编程代码。 从那里,您会听到两声蜂鸣声,并看到绿色复选标记闪烁两次。

从手机启用假期模式 (Enabling Vacation Mode from Your Phone)

To enable Vacation Mode from your phone, you’ll first need to connect the smart lock to a smarthome hub, if it isn’t already. I’m using the Wink Hub 2 along with the Wink app. Take a look at our setup guide on how to connect the lock to a smarthome hub. You can use a different hub than mine—it should follow a similar process for the most part.

要通过手机启用休假模式,您首先需要将智能锁连接到智能家居集线器(如果尚未启用)。 我正在将Wink Hub 2和Wink应用程序一起使用。 看看我们的设置指南 ,了解如何将锁连接到智能家居集线器。 您可以使用与我不同的集线器-大多数情况下,它应遵循类似的过程。

Start by selecting your lock in the app and tapping on the settings gear icon in the top-right corner of the screen.


When the pop-out menu appears, tap on “Front Door” under “Locks”. Keep in mind that your lock might be named something differently other than “Front Door”.

当弹出菜单出现时,点击“锁”下的“前门”。 请记住,您的锁的名称可能不同于“前门”。

Next, scroll down and tap on “Vacation Mode”.


Tap on the toggle switch to the right of “Vacation Mode”.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/335381/how-to-enable-vacation-mode-on-the-schlage-connect-smart-lock/

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