[多选] 用户使用计算机从输入汉字到输出汉字的过程中,涉及到的编码有()


The mistake I made last week has been a timely reminder of the need for ________ care.[ ]A.equalB.co

The manager was annoyed by the ________ interruptions while he was on vacation, so he turned off his

Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as ________ sickness.[ ]A. no

Juliet is one of the ______ customers to Walmart because she lives just two blocks away. [ ]A. usual

Every ________ space on the wall was covered with graffiti(涂鸦), so it didn't look beautiful.[ ]A.

It seems that all the people ________ are interested in the ________ situation.[ ]A. present; presen

I’m not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a(n) __________imagination. [ ]A.

— Would it be________for you to come at 9: 00 am tomorrow?— Can we make it a little earlier?I have a

-Do you have any ________ experience of this type of work?-I am sorry, but I have just graduated fro

Training is provided ,so no experience is required for the job. [ ]A. alternativeB. primitiveC. reli

Her good health is chiefly due to proper diet and________exercise.[ ]A. common B. ordinaryC. regular

—Whichteamdoyouthinkis_____towinthefinal?—Sorry,Idon'tknow.[ ]A.aboutB.possibleC.sureD. likely

I was so _________ as to believe everything he said. I now hate myself for being so simple-minded. [

The young fellow at last managed to make himself________with his________English.[ ]A. understand; br

I’m sure that if you make good use of your ____ time, your English will be improved in a short time.

The description was pretty ________, so the police could figure out the portrait of the criminal.[ ]

Letterboxes are much more ________ in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instea

In the ________ future, all the people living in the village ________ will have to move to another p

Several hours later, with the help of the police, the students managed to escape from the dangerous

— Do you have any ________ experience of this type of work?— I am sorry, but I have just graduated f

Girls used to take fewer advanced math courses than boys but now they are taking just ________. [ ]A

The water behind the Three Gorges Dam should be ________ higher than down stream.[ ]A.sixty-five met

Several hours later, with the help of the police, the students managed to escape from the dangerous

The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took_____ pictures of them.[

The young dancers looked so beautiful in their new clothes that we took ________ pictures of them.[

I don't want to move to that city. It is heavily polluted. Pollution is common. The city here is ___

We are living a _____ life in the country.[ ]A. still B. quietC. calm D. silent

This question is rather________for a child of only five years old.That's to say,you shouldask a simp

________ with hunger, the orphan had no choice but to beg for food.[ ]A. To be desperateB. Desperate

The mistake I made last week has been a timely reminder of the need for ________ care.[ ]A. equalB.

The former focuses on the natural world; the________starts with human beings and studies howhuman be

In the ________ future, all the people living in the village ________ will have to move to anotherpl

Every year _____ money and energy is spent on environment protection.[ ]A. quantities ofB. a large n

Millions of people watched the________TV broadcast of the NBA.[ ]A. livingB. liveC. aliveD. lively

I was so _________ as to believe everything he said. I now hate myself for being so simple-minded. [

-I wonder if he will show up at the concert.-He will.He is only too________to watch the famous music

Exercise is________as any other to lose unwanted weight.[ ]A.so useful a wayB.as a useful wayC.as us

Do remember to be ________. We must avoid any possible risks when doing this dangerous chemical expe

At the very beginning, Einstein's Theory of Relativity was so ________ that few scientists could und

I’m not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a(n) __________imagination. [ ]A.

Once children reach the age of 18, they are encouraged to be ______ and make a living on their own.[

The ________ cause of his illness was excessive drinking, but the real cause was his deep grief at h

Since the party is very ________,whether you wear the red dress or the blue dress is really unimport

John's mother used to be very _____ about what she wore,although her family was not that rich.[ ]A.c

As is known to all, oranges are _______ Vitamin C.[ ]A. rich inB. poor withC. short of D. good for

We are supposed to dress up as movie characters for the party, what a(n) ________ idea![ ]A. obvious

Ordinary woman though she is, she has won the award because she tries every means to makepeople ____

Peter seemed to have an instant understanding of the most ________ problems. [ ]A. complexB. fashion

My elder brother wants to buy a _____ computer, so that he can carry it around when he travels.[ ]A.

— Excuse me, can you tell me what "DIY"stands for?— It is ________ for "Do it yourself". [ ]A. short

Exercise is________as any other to lose unwanted weight.[ ]A.so useful a wayB.as a useful wayC.as us

—I wonder if you are satisfied with my proposal.—But I prefer to see a(n) ________ one before making

Though you’ve got a tight schedule these days, I would be _____ if you could afford time to attend o

The deserted island is only _______ by boat.[ ]A.suitableB.practicalC.available D.accessible

It’s a ____coincidence that the day before his retirement, my English teacher will have been teachin

For years people thought the picture was a(n) ________ Van Gogh, but in fact it’s a fake.[ ]A. absol

The manager was annoyed by the ________ interruptions while he was on vacation, so he turned off his

________ to what you might think, it is safe to swim with AIDS patients in the same pool. [ ]A. Diff

John's mother used to be very _____ about what she wore,although her family was not that rich.[ ]A.c

Though the situation is rather serious, financial leaders are still ________ about global economy.[

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