
Robots can be tremendously successful in social media.


Lil Miquela is currently one of the most popular virtual influencers on Instagram.

Lil Miquela目前是Instagram上最受欢迎的虚拟影响者之一。

She was created in 2016 by a company called Brud, in Los Angeles, and she is entirely computer-generated. But don’t let that fool you: Even though she’s a robot, Miquela has a strong personality.

她是由洛杉矶的一家名为Brud的公司于2016年创立的,完全由计算机生成。 但是,不要让那个愚弄你:即使Miquela是个机器人,她也有很强的个性。

She is 19 and has Brazilian and Spanish roots. Miquela is a singer who uses her social media to discuss travel, fashion, art, and lifestyle. The virtual influencer has 2.5 million followers on Instagram. Among the brand that she worked with are Prada, Off White, and Samsung.

她今年19岁,有巴西和西班牙血统。 Miquela是一位歌手,她使用她的社交媒体来讨论旅行,时尚,艺术和生活方式。 虚拟影响者在Instagram上拥有250万关注者。 她合作的品牌包括Prada,Off White和Samsung。

And if you, like me, are amazed by the potential of the virtual influencers, there are some social media lessons that we can learn from the young Miquela.


创建一个好的生物 (Create a Good Bio)

The bio is the first thing we see when we find a profile on Instagram. It is like the introduction of a text — it needs to make the user curious enough to scroll down and keep consuming your content. It’s the only opportunity to make an excellent first impression.

当我们在Instagram上找到个人资料时,个人简介是第一眼。 这就像文本的介绍一样-它需要使用户足够好奇以向下滚动并继续使用您的内容。 这是留下深刻印象的唯一机会。

The picture below shows Miquela’s bio:


Miquela’s Instagram bio. Screenshot courtesy of the author.
Miquela的Instagram生物。 屏幕截图由作者提供。

There are some elements Miquela uses to make a great bio:


  • Picture: Her profile picture contrasts with the pink circle of the stories. This contrast creates an interesting visual effect that attracts attention.图片:她的个人资料图片与故事的粉红色圆圈形成对比。 这种对比产生了引人注目的有趣的视觉效果。
  • What to write on the bio: She uses the bio to reinforce her values through the #BlackLivesMatter movement and to communicate that she supports @plus1org and @musicares.在个人简介上写些什么:她使用个人简介通过#BlackLivesMatter运动巩固自己的价值观,并传达自己支持@ plus1org和@musicares的信息。
  • The power of links: Miquela announces that her single, “Hard Feelings,” is out. She has a compelling call-to-action, followed by a link at the end that directs followers to platforms in which they can listen to the music.

    链接的力量:Miquela宣布她的单曲“ Hard Feelings 已经发行。 她有一个引人注目的号召性用语, 最后是一个链接,该链接将关注者定向到可以听音乐的平台。

  • Personality: “Change-seeking robot” demonstrates her uniqueness. She is a robot, and this makes her authentic. Miquela uses it to build her storytelling. She’s not a regular robot: she’s a robot on social media. At the same time, she’s not a typical influencer either, because she’s not human.个性:“寻求变革的机器人”彰显了她的独特性。 她是一个机器人,这使她很真实。 Miquela使用它来建立故事。 她不是普通的机器人:她是社交媒体上的机器人。 同时,她也不是典型的影响者,因为她不是人。

怎么卖 (How to Sell)

Miquela is not only a virtual influencer, but she is also a singer. Her account on Spotify has almost one million monthly listeners.

Miquela不仅是一位虚拟的影响者,而且还是歌手。 她在Spotify上的帐户每月有近一百万的听众。

Her Instagram account is one of the ways through which she promotes her songs. The promotion strategy is very robust and includes storytelling and most of Instagram’s other features.

她的Instagram帐户是宣传歌曲的方式之一。 促销策略非常强大,包括讲故事和Instagram其他大多数功能。

重复 (Repetition)

The most substantial aspect of Miquela’s promotion is repetition.


Considering that Instagram is a fast platform, repetition is crucial for an effective campaign. The same message gets across on multiple posts. Here’s how she promoted her latest song, “Hard Feelings”:

考虑到Instagram是一个快速的平台,重复对于有效的竞选活动至关重要。 同一条消息出现在多个帖子中。 这是她如何宣传她的最新歌“ Hard Feelings”:

  • Different versions: “Hard Feelings” had three releases so far — the single, the music video, and the remix. She brings novelty to the same song, which keeps the audience interested.不同的版本:到目前为止,“ Hard Feelings”发行了三个版本-单曲,音乐视频和混音。 她为同一首歌带来了新颖性,使听众保持了兴趣。
  • Multiple posts: Since July 25, every single post on her feed references her song, “Hard Feelings.” That’s so far 22 pictures and videos, only on her feed.多篇文章:自7月25日以来,她的供稿中的每篇文章都引用了她的歌曲“ Hard Feelings”。 到目前为止,只有她的feed上有22张图片和视频。

使用多种功能 (Using multiple features)

By promoting the song in different features, it’s simple to use the repetition strategy.


  • Link in bio.链接到生物。
  • She uses multiple videos and pictures on the feed.她在供稿中使用了多个视频和图片。
  • Her strategy includes both stories and story highlights.她的策略既包括故事,也包括故事重点。

评书 (Storytelling)

Whenever Miquela releases a new single, she develops a story behind it.


For the song “Speak Now,” she recorded an IGTV telling the story of how she recorded the music video with her ex. She says the experience helped her to overcome the breakup.

她为这首歌“ Speak Now” 录制了IGTV ,讲述了如何与前夫录制音乐视频的故事。 她说,这种经历帮助她克服了分手。

It becomes more than just music — it’s part of her personal story. This strategy works very well for other artists, such as Taylor Swift.

它不仅仅是音乐,而是她个人故事的一部分。 此策略对其他艺术家(例如泰勒·斯威夫特)非常有效。

故事要点 (Story Highlights)

Let’s analyze Miquela’s story highlights:


Miquela’s story highlights. Screenshot courtesy of the author.
Miquela的故事集锦。 屏幕截图由作者提供。

Here’s her strategy to produce excellent content for the highlights:


  • Visual identity: Every cover has the same visual identity. Each one is a picture with a black background, with colorful icons. This way, it’s easier to build appealing visual content and to maintain consistency.视觉识别:每个封面都有相同的视觉识别。 每张都是黑色背景的图片,带有彩色图标。 这样,更容易构建吸引人的视觉内容并保持一致性。
  • Titles: The titles of the highlights are in caps lock, which makes it easier to read. Besides, they are short — each of them in only one word since there’s little space there.标题:高亮显示的标题使用大写锁定,这使它更易于阅读。 此外,它们很短-每个单词都只有一个字,因为那里的空间很小。
  • Music: All highlights refer to Miquela’s music. She heavily uses this feature to promote her work.

    音乐: 所有亮点均指Miquela的音乐。 她大量使用此功能来促进她的工作。

The following picture is an example of what type of content she uses in the story highlights:

下图是她在故事重点中使用的内容类型的示例 :

Miquela’s story. Screenshot courtesy of the author.
Miquela的故事。 屏幕截图由作者提供。

It’s easy to see that Miquela uses multiple features:


  • Swipe up: She uses the swipe function to promote her music.向上滑动:她使用滑动功能来推广自己的音乐。
  • Music: Miquela added her song to the “music” feature that’s available.

    音乐:Miquela将她的歌曲添加到了 可用的“音乐”功能。

  • Icons: At the bottom, there’s the “swipe up” icon. This feature is a part of Miquela’s informal language, and this one is a clear call-to-action.

    图标: 在底部,有“向上滑动”图标。 此功能是Miquela非正式语言的一部分,并且是明确的号召性用语。

In other stories on the highlights, Miquela uses other features, such as reposting, short videos, pictures, and even texts for more serious topics. However, most of them are related to her music.

在重点内容中的其他故事中,Miquela使用其他功能,例如重新发布,短视频,图片,甚至是用于更严肃主题的文本。 但是,大多数与她的音乐有关。

调整受众群体的语言 (Adjust the Language to the Audience)

This advice is as old as social media, but still overlooked by content producers: speak the audience’s language.


Unlike other platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram offers fast and entertaining content. Miquela understands this and has developed a very informal style.

与LinkedIn等其他平台不同,Instagram提供了快速而有趣的内容。 Miquela明白这一点,并发展出一种非常非正式的风格。

She expresses this informality in three ways: captions, comments, and videos.


字幕 (Captions)

Miquela writes captions to every single post. She uses them to promote her sings — as seen before — and to connect with the audience.

Miquela在每个帖子中都写标题。 如前所述,她使用它们来提升自己的演唱能力,并与听众保持联系。

Take this picture as an example:


Miquela’s post on Instagram. Screenshot courtesy of the author.
Miquela在Instagram上的帖子。 屏幕截图由作者提供。

In these four lines of text, the influencer uses multiple elements to reinforce her message:


  • Slang: “GTFO” and “y’all.”lang语:“ GTFO”和“所有人”。
  • Emojis: She uses emojis at the end of the text.表情符号:她在文字结尾使用表情符号。
  • Extended words: “Byyeeeee.”扩展词:“ Byyeeeee。”

注释 (Comments)

The comments section is also essential for Miquela’s interaction with the audience. The picture below is a video in which she provides a sneak peek of her latest song, “Hard Feelings”:

评论部分对于Miquela与观众的互动也至关重要。 下面的图片是一个视频,其中她提供了她的最新歌曲“ Hard Feelings”的速览:

Miquela’s post on Instagram. Screenshot courtesy of the author.
Miquela在Instagram上的帖子。 屏幕截图由作者提供。

Precisely like the captions, the comments also have some lessons:


  • Reply: Miquela replies to comments of the audience, which increases engagement.回复:Miquela回复了观众的评论,这增加了参与度。
  • Language: The style of the comment is remarkably similar to the caption. She maintains the same form of communication.语言:注释的样式与标题非常相似。 她保持相同的沟通方式。
  • Emojis and abbreviations: Both elements present in the comment that make it informal.表情符号和缩写:注释中都包含这两种元素,使它们变得非正式。

影片 (Videos)

Instead of long IGTV videos, Miquela focuses on short videos on her feed.


  • These are mostly related to her music — either short video clips or calls-to-action. They are part of an overall strategy to promote the songs.这些主要与她的音乐有关-短片或号召性用语。 它们是推广歌曲的总体策略的一部分。
  • By making short videos, she gets the message across more directly.通过制作短片,她可以更直接地传达信息。
  • Short videos are more engaging because they are faster to watch.短视频更吸引人,因为它们可以更快地观看。
  • It keeps communication informal.它使沟通保持非正式。

其他特性 (Other Features)

Instagram is a platform with multiple features. Besides the ones mentioned previously, here’s how Miquela uses IGTV, location, and stories.

Instagram是一个具有多种功能的平台。 除了前面提到的内容,Miquela还使用IGTV,位置和故事。

互联网电视 (IGTV)

IGTV is the least used feature in Miquela’s strategy.


Since March of 2019, she has only posted 15 videos. As mentioned previously, she prefers to focus on short posts on the feed when it comes to videos.

自2019年3月以来,她只发布了15个视频。 如前所述,当涉及视频时,她希望重点关注Feed上的简短帖子。

Here are some lessons from this:


  • Intention: Miquela’s videos are short, and most of them have the intention to promote her music. When planning the content production, it’s best to take into consideration the overall strategy — in her case, to sell the music. Posting on IGTV simply to have content makes no sense.意图:Miquela的视频很短,大多数都是为了宣传她的音乐。 在计划内容制作时,最好考虑整体策略-就她而言,就是出售音乐。 仅在IGTV上发布内容就没有意义。
  • Focus: Miquela uses most of Instagram features. The fact that she doesn’t use IGTV too much doesn’t matter, because she has plenty of good content for the other features, such as highlights and the feed.重点:Miquela使用Instagram大多数功能。 她没有过多使用IGTV的事实无关紧要,因为她对其他功能(例如精彩集锦和供稿)有很多满意的内容。

Miquela is the perfect example that each influencer has a different niche — and, thus, different strategies. While other influencers use IGTV in their approach, Miquela chose another plan, and it works well for her.

Miquela是一个很好的例子,每个有影响力的人都有不同的细分市场,因此策略也不同。 当其他影响者在他们的方法中使用IGTV时,Miquela选择了另一个计划,并且对她来说效果很好。

位置 (Location)

Miquela always uses exciting locations for the posts on her feed.


She’s not afraid to get creative. Locations became a supporting tool to promote her music, and don’t refer to physical locations.

她不怕有创造力。 位置成为宣传她的音乐的辅助工具,并不涉及实际位置。

Some examples are “Somewhere Out There,” “Middle of the Dessert,” and “My Own World.”


故事 (Stories)

Stories are another Instagram feature that Miquela uses well. For the everyday stories, not the highlights, here are the different uses:

故事是Miquela很好用的另一项Instagram功能。 对于日常故事,而不是重点内容,以下是不同的用法:

  • Calls-to-action: swipe-ups and links.号召性用语:快速滑动和链接。
  • Reposting: Miquela often shares pictures from fans listening to her music.重新发布:Miquela经常分享歌迷们聆听她音乐的图片。
  • Mixed content: both videos and pictures.混合内容:视频和图片。

Overall, it feels like she uses it mainly to promote her music. The focus, however, is on the highlights instead of the everyday stories.

总体来说,感觉就像她主要是用来推广自己的音乐一样。 但是,重点是重点而不是日常故事。

Virtual influencers are a growing trend now. Miquela and her creators are doing a fantastic job when it comes to developing storytelling and connecting to the audience. Marketers, influencers, and businesses have much to learn from her. From creating an excellent bio to selling a product, Miquela knows how to use her social media.

虚拟影响者现在正在增长。 在发展故事讲述和与观众建立联系方面,Miquela和她的创作者做得非常出色。 营销人员,影响者和企业可以向她学习很多东西。 从创造出色的生物到销售产品,Miquela知道如何使用她的社交媒体。

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-marketing/5-powerful-instagram-lessons-from-a-robot-influencer-35e5d3901b7c




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