
This code sample simulates the passive dynamics of a given model, renders it offscreen, reads the color and depth pixel values, and saves them into a raw data file that can then be converted into a movie file with tools such as ffmpeg. The rendering is simplified compared to simulate.cc because there is no user interaction, visualization options or timing; instead we simply render with the default settings as fast as possible. The dimensions and number of multi-samples for the offscreen buffer are specified in the MuJoCo model, while the simulation duration, frames-per-second to be rendered (usually much less than the physics simulation rate), and output file name are specified as command-line arguments. For example, a 5 second animation at 60 frames per second is created with:

render humanoid.xml 5 60 rgb.out

The default humanoid.xml model specifies offscreen rendering with 800x800 resolution. With this information in hand, we can compress the (large) raw date file into a playable movie file:

ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pixel_format rgb24 -video_size 800x800-framerate 60 -i rgb.out -vf "vflip" video.mp4


  <visual><map force="0.1" zfar="30"/><rgba haze="0.15 0.25 0.35 1"/><quality shadowsize="4096"/><global offwidth="800" offheight="800"/></visual>











/*** * created by Feisy,2022-02-23*/
#ifndef RECODER_H_
#define RECODER_H_#include "mujoco.h"
#include <string>// select EGL, OSMESA or GLFW
#if defined(MJ_EGL)
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#elif defined(MJ_OSMESA)
#include <GL/osmesa.h>
OSMesaContext ctx;
unsigned char buffer[10000000];
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#endif#include "array_safety.h"
namespace mju = ::mujoco::sample_util;class Recoder
public:Recoder();virtual ~Recoder();public:int Init(mjModel* m);int Setting(std::string &save_file,int fps,int duration);/*** cur_time is d->time or other type time you used,also yi can be real elapsed time*/int Run(mjModel* m,mjData* d ,mjvCamera &cam,mjvOption &opt,double cur_time);void Release();private:void init_opengl();private:bool m_bInit;
private:int m_fps;int m_duration;std::string m_file;private:double m_frametime;int m_framecount;private:int m_W;int m_H;std::FILE *m_fp;unsigned char *m_rgb;float *m_depth;mjrRect m_viewport;mjvScene m_scn;mjrContext m_con;


#include "Recoder.h"Recoder::Recoder()
{m_bInit = false;
}int Recoder::Init(mjModel *m)
{init_opengl();// should call firstmjv_defaultScene(&m_scn);mjr_defaultContext(&m_con);mjv_makeScene(m, &m_scn, 2000);mjr_makeContext(m, &m_con, 200);// set rendering to offscreen buffermjr_setBuffer(mjFB_OFFSCREEN, &m_con);if (m_con.currentBuffer != mjFB_OFFSCREEN){std::printf("Warning: offscreen rendering not supported, using default/window framebuffer\n");}// get size of active renderbufferm_viewport = mjr_maxViewport(&m_con);m_W = m_viewport.width;m_H = m_viewport.height;// allocate rgb and depth buffersm_rgb = (unsigned char *)std::malloc(3 * m_W * m_H);m_depth = (float *)std::malloc(sizeof(float) * m_W * m_H);if (!m_rgb || !m_depth){mju_error("Could not allocate buffers");}m_frametime = 0.0;m_framecount = 0;m_bInit = true;printf("recoder init finish\n");return 0;
}int Recoder::Setting(std::string &save_file, int fps, int duration)
{m_fps = fps;m_duration = duration;m_file = std::string(save_file.data());// create output rgb filem_fp = std::fopen(m_file.data(), "wb");if (!m_fp){mju_error("Could not open rgbfile for writing");}printf("recoder setting finish\n");return 0;
}int Recoder::Run(mjModel *m, mjData *d, mjvCamera &cam, mjvOption &opt, double cur_time)
{if (cur_time > m_duration){return 1;}// render new frame if it is time (or first frame)if ((cur_time - m_frametime) > 1 / m_fps || m_frametime == 0){// update abstract scenemjv_updateScene(m, d, &opt, NULL, &cam, mjCAT_ALL, &m_scn);// render scene in offscreen buffermjr_render(m_viewport, &m_scn, &m_con);// add time stamp in upper-left cornerchar stamp[50];mju::sprintf_arr(stamp, "Time = %.3f", cur_time);mjr_overlay(mjFONT_NORMAL, mjGRID_TOPLEFT, m_viewport, stamp, NULL, &m_con);// read rgb and depth buffersmjr_readPixels(m_rgb, m_depth, m_viewport, &m_con);// insert subsampled depth image in lower-left corner of rgb imageconst int NS = 3; // depth image sub-samplingfor (int r = 0; r < m_H; r += NS)for (int c = 0; c < m_W; c += NS){int adr = (r / NS) * m_W + c / NS;m_rgb[3 * adr] = m_rgb[3 * adr + 1] = m_rgb[3 * adr + 2] = (unsigned char)((1.0f - m_depth[r * m_W + c]) * 255.0f);}// write rgb image to filestd::fwrite(m_rgb, 3, m_W * m_H, m_fp);// print every 10 frames: '.' if ok, 'x' if OpenGL errorif (((m_framecount++) % 10) == 0){if (mjr_getError()){std::printf("x");}else{std::printf(".");}}// save simulation timem_frametime = cur_time;}return 0;
}void Recoder::Release()
{if (false == m_bInit){return;}m_bInit = false;mjr_freeContext(&m_con);mjv_freeScene(&m_scn);// close file, free buffersstd::fclose(m_fp);std::free(m_rgb);std::free(m_depth);#if defined(MJ_EGL)// get current displayEGLDisplay eglDpy = eglGetCurrentDisplay();if (eglDpy == EGL_NO_DISPLAY){return;}// get current contextEGLContext eglCtx = eglGetCurrentContext();// release contexteglMakeCurrent(eglDpy, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT);// destroy context if validif (eglCtx != EGL_NO_CONTEXT){eglDestroyContext(eglDpy, eglCtx);}// terminate displayeglTerminate(eglDpy);//------------------------ OSMESA
#elif defined(MJ_OSMESA)OSMesaDestroyContext(ctx);//------------------------ GLFW
// terminate GLFW (crashes with Linux NVidia drivers)
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(_WIN32)glfwTerminate();
}// create OpenGL context/window
void Recoder::init_opengl()
{//------------------------ EGL
#if defined(MJ_EGL)// desired configconst EGLint configAttribs[] = {EGL_RED_SIZE, 8,EGL_GREEN_SIZE, 8,EGL_BLUE_SIZE, 8,EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, 8,EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24,EGL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8,EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE, EGL_RGB_BUFFER,EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, EGL_PBUFFER_BIT,EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE, EGL_OPENGL_BIT,EGL_NONE};// get default displayEGLDisplay eglDpy = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY);if (eglDpy == EGL_NO_DISPLAY){mju_error_i("Could not get EGL display, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// initializeEGLint major, minor;if (eglInitialize(eglDpy, &major, &minor) != EGL_TRUE){mju_error_i("Could not initialize EGL, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// choose configEGLint numConfigs;EGLConfig eglCfg;if (eglChooseConfig(eglDpy, configAttribs, &eglCfg, 1, &numConfigs) != EGL_TRUE){mju_error_i("Could not choose EGL config, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// bind OpenGL APIif (eglBindAPI(EGL_OPENGL_API) != EGL_TRUE){mju_error_i("Could not bind EGL OpenGL API, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// create contextEGLContext eglCtx = eglCreateContext(eglDpy, eglCfg, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, NULL);if (eglCtx == EGL_NO_CONTEXT){mju_error_i("Could not create EGL context, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// make context current, no surface (let OpenGL handle FBO)if (eglMakeCurrent(eglDpy, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, eglCtx) != EGL_TRUE){mju_error_i("Could not make EGL context current, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}//------------------------ OSMESA
#elif defined(MJ_OSMESA)// create contextctx = OSMesaCreateContextExt(GL_RGBA, 24, 8, 8, 0);if (!ctx){mju_error("OSMesa context creation failed");}// make currentif (!OSMesaMakeCurrent(ctx, buffer, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 800, 800)){mju_error("OSMesa make current failed");}//------------------------ GLFW
#else// init GLFWif (!glfwInit()){mju_error("Could not initialize GLFW");}// create invisible window, single-bufferedglfwWindowHint(GLFW_VISIBLE, 0);glfwWindowHint(GLFW_DOUBLEBUFFER, GLFW_FALSE);GLFWwindow *window = glfwCreateWindow(800, 800, "Invisible window", NULL, NULL);if (!window){mju_error("Could not create GLFW window");}// make context currentglfwMakeContextCurrent(window);


// Copyright 2021 DeepMind Technologies Limited
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>#include "mujoco.h"// select EGL, OSMESA or GLFW
#if defined(MJ_EGL)#include <EGL/egl.h>
#elif defined(MJ_OSMESA)#include <GL/osmesa.h>OSMesaContext ctx;unsigned char buffer[10000000];
#else#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#endif#include "array_safety.h"
namespace mju = ::mujoco::sample_util;//-------------------------------- global data ------------------------------------------
char xmlpath[] = "./dbpendulum/doublependulum.xml";
char rgb_file[] = "./rgb.out";
// MuJoCo model and data
mjModel* m = 0;
mjData* d = 0;// MuJoCo visualization
mjvScene scn;//关于使用OPENGL渲染的设置
mjvCamera cam;
mjvOption opt;
mjrContext con;//关于OPENGL的上下文//-------------------------------- utility functions ------------------------------------// load model, init simulation and rendering
void initMuJoCo(const char* filename) {// load and compilechar error[1000] = "Could not load binary model";if (std::strlen(filename)>4 && !std::strcmp(filename+std::strlen(filename)-4, ".mjb")) {m = mj_loadModel(filename, 0);} else {m = mj_loadXML(filename, 0, error, 1000);}if (!m) {mju_error_s("Load model error: %s", error);}// make data, run one computation to initialize all fieldsd = mj_makeData(m);mj_forward(m, d);// initialize visualization data structuresmjv_defaultCamera(&cam);mjv_defaultOption(&opt);mjv_defaultScene(&scn);mjr_defaultContext(&con);// create scene and contextmjv_makeScene(m, &scn, 2000);mjr_makeContext(m, &con, 200);// center and scale view//这里的相机是看向一个固定点,对于动态移动的物体,考虑用d->qpos等信息动态追踪double arr_view[] = {89.608063, -11.588379, 5, 0.000000, 0.000000, 2.000000};cam.azimuth = arr_view[0];cam.elevation = arr_view[1];cam.distance = arr_view[2];cam.lookat[0] = arr_view[3];cam.lookat[1] = arr_view[4];cam.lookat[2] = arr_view[5];}// deallocate everything
void closeMuJoCo(void) {mj_deleteData(d);mj_deleteModel(m);mjr_freeContext(&con);mjv_freeScene(&scn);
}// create OpenGL context/window
void initOpenGL(void) {//------------------------ EGL
#if defined(MJ_EGL)// desired configconst EGLint configAttribs[] = {EGL_RED_SIZE,           8,EGL_GREEN_SIZE,         8,EGL_BLUE_SIZE,          8,EGL_ALPHA_SIZE,         8,EGL_DEPTH_SIZE,         24,EGL_STENCIL_SIZE,       8,EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE,  EGL_RGB_BUFFER,EGL_SURFACE_TYPE,       EGL_PBUFFER_BIT,EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE,    EGL_OPENGL_BIT,EGL_NONE};// get default displayEGLDisplay eglDpy = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY);if (eglDpy==EGL_NO_DISPLAY) {mju_error_i("Could not get EGL display, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// initializeEGLint major, minor;if (eglInitialize(eglDpy, &major, &minor)!=EGL_TRUE) {mju_error_i("Could not initialize EGL, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// choose configEGLint numConfigs;EGLConfig eglCfg;if (eglChooseConfig(eglDpy, configAttribs, &eglCfg, 1, &numConfigs)!=EGL_TRUE) {mju_error_i("Could not choose EGL config, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// bind OpenGL APIif (eglBindAPI(EGL_OPENGL_API)!=EGL_TRUE) {mju_error_i("Could not bind EGL OpenGL API, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// create contextEGLContext eglCtx = eglCreateContext(eglDpy, eglCfg, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, NULL);if (eglCtx==EGL_NO_CONTEXT) {mju_error_i("Could not create EGL context, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// make context current, no surface (let OpenGL handle FBO)if (eglMakeCurrent(eglDpy, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, eglCtx)!=EGL_TRUE) {mju_error_i("Could not make EGL context current, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}//------------------------ OSMESA
#elif defined(MJ_OSMESA)// create contextctx = OSMesaCreateContextExt(GL_RGBA, 24, 8, 8, 0);if (!ctx) {mju_error("OSMesa context creation failed");}// make currentif (!OSMesaMakeCurrent(ctx, buffer, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 800, 800)) {mju_error("OSMesa make current failed");}//------------------------ GLFW
#else// init GLFWif (!glfwInit()) {mju_error("Could not initialize GLFW");}// create invisible window, single-bufferedglfwWindowHint(GLFW_VISIBLE, 0);glfwWindowHint(GLFW_DOUBLEBUFFER, GLFW_FALSE);GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(800, 800, "Invisible window", NULL, NULL);if (!window) {mju_error("Could not create GLFW window");}// make context currentglfwMakeContextCurrent(window);
}// close OpenGL context/window
void closeOpenGL(void) {//------------------------ EGL
#if defined(MJ_EGL)// get current displayEGLDisplay eglDpy = eglGetCurrentDisplay();if (eglDpy==EGL_NO_DISPLAY) {return;}// get current contextEGLContext eglCtx = eglGetCurrentContext();// release contexteglMakeCurrent(eglDpy, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT);// destroy context if validif (eglCtx!=EGL_NO_CONTEXT) {eglDestroyContext(eglDpy, eglCtx);}// terminate displayeglTerminate(eglDpy);//------------------------ OSMESA
#elif defined(MJ_OSMESA)OSMesaDestroyContext(ctx);//------------------------ GLFW
#else// terminate GLFW (crashes with Linux NVidia drivers)#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(_WIN32)glfwTerminate();#endif
}//-------------------------------- main function ----------------------------------------int main(int argc, const char** argv) {// parse numeric argumentsdouble duration = 10, fps = 60;// initialize OpenGL and MuJoCoinitOpenGL();initMuJoCo(xmlpath);// set rendering to offscreen buffermjr_setBuffer(mjFB_OFFSCREEN, &con);if (con.currentBuffer!=mjFB_OFFSCREEN) {std::printf("Warning: offscreen rendering not supported, using default/window framebuffer\n");}// get size of active renderbuffermjrRect viewport =  mjr_maxViewport(&con);int W = viewport.width;int H = viewport.height;// allocate rgb and depth buffers//一幅图像有长和宽,每个像素个R,G,B三个通道,depth是OPENGL的概念unsigned char* rgb = (unsigned char*)std::malloc(3*W*H);float* depth = (float*)std::malloc(sizeof(float)*W*H);if (!rgb || !depth) {mju_error("Could not allocate buffers");}// create output rgb filestd::FILE* fp = std::fopen(rgb_file, "wb");if (!fp) {mju_error("Could not open rgbfile for writing");}d->qpos[0] = 0.5;// main loopdouble frametime = 0;int framecount = 0;while (d->time<duration) {// render new frame if it is time (or first frame)if ((d->time-frametime)>1/fps || frametime==0) {// update abstract scene 模型以及状态刷新到场景中mjv_updateScene(m, d, &opt, NULL, &cam, mjCAT_ALL, &scn);// render scene in offscreen buffer 将场景画出来mjr_render(viewport, &scn, &con);// add time stamp in upper-left cornerchar stamp[50];mju::sprintf_arr(stamp, "Time = %.3f", d->time);mjr_overlay(mjFONT_NORMAL, mjGRID_TOPLEFT, viewport, stamp, NULL, &con);// read rgb and depth buffers 从OPENGL的上下文中读取出当前画好的内容mjr_readPixels(rgb, depth, viewport, &con);// insert subsampled depth image in lower-left corner of rgb imageconst int NS = 3;           // depth image sub-samplingfor (int r=0; r<H; r+=NS)for (int c=0; c<W; c+=NS) {int adr = (r/NS)*W + c/NS;rgb[3*adr] = rgb[3*adr+1] = rgb[3*adr+2] = (unsigned char)((1.0f-depth[r*W+c])*255.0f);}// write rgb image to filestd::fwrite(rgb, 3, W*H, fp);// print every 10 frames: '.' if ok, 'x' if OpenGL errorif (((framecount++)%10)==0) {if (mjr_getError()) {std::printf("x");} else {std::printf(".");}}// save simulation timeframetime = d->time;}// advance simulationmj_step(m, d);}std::printf("\n");// close file, free buffersstd::fclose(fp);std::free(rgb);std::free(depth);// close MuJoCo and OpenGLcloseMuJoCo();closeOpenGL();return 1;

#COMMON=-O2 -I../../include -L../../bin -mavx -pthread
#LIBS = -w -lmujoco200 -lglfw.3
#CC = gcc#LINUX
#COMMON=-O2 -I../../include -L../../bin -mavx -pthread -Wl,-rpath,'$$ORIGIN'
#LIBS = -lmujoco200 -lGL -lm -lglew ../../bin/libglfw.so.3
COMMON=-O2   -I../include -L../bin -mavx -pthread -Wl,-rpath,'$$ORIGIN'
LIBS = ../bin/libmujoco.so -lGL -lm ../bin/libglew.so ../bin/libglfw.so.3
#COMMON=/O2 /MT /EHsc /arch:AVX /I../../include /Fe../../bin/
#LIBS = ../../bin/glfw3.lib  ../../bin/mujoco200.lib
#CC = clROOT = dbpendulumRECORD=db_recordall:$(CC) $(COMMON) main.c $(LIBS) -o ../bin/$(ROOT)$(CC) $(COMMON) record.c $(LIBS) -o ../bin/$(RECORD)main.o:$(CC) $(COMMON) -c main.crecord.o:$(CC) $(COMMON) -c record.cclean:rm *.o ../../bin/$(ROOT)


// Copyright 2021 DeepMind Technologies Limited
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>#include "mujoco.h"// select EGL, OSMESA or GLFW
#if defined(MJ_EGL)#include <EGL/egl.h>
#elif defined(MJ_OSMESA)#include <GL/osmesa.h>OSMesaContext ctx;unsigned char buffer[10000000];
#else#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#endif#include "array_safety.h"
namespace mju = ::mujoco::sample_util;//-------------------------------- global data ------------------------------------------// MuJoCo model and data
mjModel* m = 0;
mjData* d = 0;// MuJoCo visualization
mjvScene scn;
mjvCamera cam;
mjvOption opt;
mjrContext con;//-------------------------------- utility functions ------------------------------------// load model, init simulation and rendering
void initMuJoCo(const char* filename) {// load and compilechar error[1000] = "Could not load binary model";if (std::strlen(filename)>4 && !std::strcmp(filename+std::strlen(filename)-4, ".mjb")) {m = mj_loadModel(filename, 0);} else {m = mj_loadXML(filename, 0, error, 1000);}if (!m) {mju_error_s("Load model error: %s", error);}// make data, run one computation to initialize all fieldsd = mj_makeData(m);mj_forward(m, d);// initialize visualization data structuresmjv_defaultCamera(&cam);mjv_defaultOption(&opt);mjv_defaultScene(&scn);mjr_defaultContext(&con);// create scene and contextmjv_makeScene(m, &scn, 2000);mjr_makeContext(m, &con, 200);// center and scale viewcam.lookat[0] = m->stat.center[0];cam.lookat[1] = m->stat.center[1];cam.lookat[2] = m->stat.center[2];cam.distance = 1.5 * m->stat.extent;
}// deallocate everything
void closeMuJoCo(void) {mj_deleteData(d);mj_deleteModel(m);mjr_freeContext(&con);mjv_freeScene(&scn);
}// create OpenGL context/window
void initOpenGL(void) {//------------------------ EGL
#if defined(MJ_EGL)// desired configconst EGLint configAttribs[] = {EGL_RED_SIZE,           8,EGL_GREEN_SIZE,         8,EGL_BLUE_SIZE,          8,EGL_ALPHA_SIZE,         8,EGL_DEPTH_SIZE,         24,EGL_STENCIL_SIZE,       8,EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE,  EGL_RGB_BUFFER,EGL_SURFACE_TYPE,       EGL_PBUFFER_BIT,EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE,    EGL_OPENGL_BIT,EGL_NONE};// get default displayEGLDisplay eglDpy = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY);if (eglDpy==EGL_NO_DISPLAY) {mju_error_i("Could not get EGL display, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// initializeEGLint major, minor;if (eglInitialize(eglDpy, &major, &minor)!=EGL_TRUE) {mju_error_i("Could not initialize EGL, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// choose configEGLint numConfigs;EGLConfig eglCfg;if (eglChooseConfig(eglDpy, configAttribs, &eglCfg, 1, &numConfigs)!=EGL_TRUE) {mju_error_i("Could not choose EGL config, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// bind OpenGL APIif (eglBindAPI(EGL_OPENGL_API)!=EGL_TRUE) {mju_error_i("Could not bind EGL OpenGL API, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// create contextEGLContext eglCtx = eglCreateContext(eglDpy, eglCfg, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, NULL);if (eglCtx==EGL_NO_CONTEXT) {mju_error_i("Could not create EGL context, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}// make context current, no surface (let OpenGL handle FBO)if (eglMakeCurrent(eglDpy, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, eglCtx)!=EGL_TRUE) {mju_error_i("Could not make EGL context current, error 0x%x\n", eglGetError());}//------------------------ OSMESA
#elif defined(MJ_OSMESA)// create contextctx = OSMesaCreateContextExt(GL_RGBA, 24, 8, 8, 0);if (!ctx) {mju_error("OSMesa context creation failed");}// make currentif (!OSMesaMakeCurrent(ctx, buffer, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 800, 800)) {mju_error("OSMesa make current failed");}//------------------------ GLFW
#else// init GLFWif (!glfwInit()) {mju_error("Could not initialize GLFW");}// create invisible window, single-bufferedglfwWindowHint(GLFW_VISIBLE, 0);glfwWindowHint(GLFW_DOUBLEBUFFER, GLFW_FALSE);GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(800, 800, "Invisible window", NULL, NULL);if (!window) {mju_error("Could not create GLFW window");}// make context currentglfwMakeContextCurrent(window);
}// close OpenGL context/window
void closeOpenGL(void) {//------------------------ EGL
#if defined(MJ_EGL)// get current displayEGLDisplay eglDpy = eglGetCurrentDisplay();if (eglDpy==EGL_NO_DISPLAY) {return;}// get current contextEGLContext eglCtx = eglGetCurrentContext();// release contexteglMakeCurrent(eglDpy, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT);// destroy context if validif (eglCtx!=EGL_NO_CONTEXT) {eglDestroyContext(eglDpy, eglCtx);}// terminate displayeglTerminate(eglDpy);//------------------------ OSMESA
#elif defined(MJ_OSMESA)OSMesaDestroyContext(ctx);//------------------------ GLFW
#else// terminate GLFW (crashes with Linux NVidia drivers)#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(_WIN32)glfwTerminate();#endif
}//-------------------------------- main function ----------------------------------------int main(int argc, const char** argv) {// check command-line argumentsif (argc!=5) {std::printf(" USAGE:  record modelfile duration fps rgbfile\n");return 0;}// parse numeric argumentsdouble duration = 10, fps = 30;std::sscanf(argv[2], "%lf", &duration);std::sscanf(argv[3], "%lf", &fps);// initialize OpenGL and MuJoCoinitOpenGL();initMuJoCo(argv[1]);// set rendering to offscreen buffermjr_setBuffer(mjFB_OFFSCREEN, &con);if (con.currentBuffer!=mjFB_OFFSCREEN) {std::printf("Warning: offscreen rendering not supported, using default/window framebuffer\n");}// get size of active renderbuffermjrRect viewport =  mjr_maxViewport(&con);int W = viewport.width;int H = viewport.height;// allocate rgb and depth buffersunsigned char* rgb = (unsigned char*)std::malloc(3*W*H);float* depth = (float*)std::malloc(sizeof(float)*W*H);if (!rgb || !depth) {mju_error("Could not allocate buffers");}// create output rgb filestd::FILE* fp = std::fopen(argv[4], "wb");if (!fp) {mju_error("Could not open rgbfile for writing");}// main loopdouble frametime = 0;int framecount = 0;while (d->time<duration) {// render new frame if it is time (or first frame)if ((d->time-frametime)>1/fps || frametime==0) {// update abstract scenemjv_updateScene(m, d, &opt, NULL, &cam, mjCAT_ALL, &scn);// render scene in offscreen buffermjr_render(viewport, &scn, &con);// add time stamp in upper-left cornerchar stamp[50];mju::sprintf_arr(stamp, "Time = %.3f", d->time);mjr_overlay(mjFONT_NORMAL, mjGRID_TOPLEFT, viewport, stamp, NULL, &con);// read rgb and depth buffersmjr_readPixels(rgb, depth, viewport, &con);// insert subsampled depth image in lower-left corner of rgb imageconst int NS = 3;           // depth image sub-samplingfor (int r=0; r<H; r+=NS)for (int c=0; c<W; c+=NS) {int adr = (r/NS)*W + c/NS;rgb[3*adr] = rgb[3*adr+1] = rgb[3*adr+2] = (unsigned char)((1.0f-depth[r*W+c])*255.0f);}// write rgb image to filestd::fwrite(rgb, 3, W*H, fp);// print every 10 frames: '.' if ok, 'x' if OpenGL errorif (((framecount++)%10)==0) {if (mjr_getError()) {std::printf("x");} else {std::printf(".");}}// save simulation timeframetime = d->time;}// advance simulationmj_step(m, d);}std::printf("\n");// close file, free buffersstd::fclose(fp);std::free(rgb);std::free(depth);// close MuJoCo and OpenGLcloseMuJoCo();closeOpenGL();return 1;


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