1.Eclipse --> help --> new software 安装Maven插件


2.Eclipse 创建 Maven project (勾选 create a simple project)

groupId ,artifactId 为必填项,项目新建成功后对应 pom.xml 中的 <groupId >和<artifactId >中的值




<groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><!--This is generally unique amongst an organization or a project-->
<artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent</artifactId><!--The artifactId is generally the name that the project is known by-->






public class Greeting {

private final long id;
private final String content;

public Greeting(long id,String content){
this.id = id;
this.content = content;

public long getId() {
return id;

public String getContent() {
return content;



public class GreetingController {

private static final String template = "hello,%s!";

private final AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong();

public Greeting greeting(@RequestParam(value="name",defaultValue="world")String name){
return new Greeting(counter.getAndIncrement(),String.format(template, name));


public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

7.项目启动访问url :http://localhost:8080/greeting 返回结果:


测试成功:(Maven + Restful)学习阶段,暂且不加注释


Eclipse + Spring + maven Building a RESTful Web Service ---需要添加注释相关推荐

  1. 【转】Spring 4.x实现Restful web service

    http://my.oschina.net/yuyidi/blog/352909 首先我们还是跟之前一样,创建一个maven项目,不过因为Spring Restful web service是基于Sp ...

  2. Building a Restful Web Service(最好的Spring入门教程 --来自Spring官网的Guides)

    搭建一个Restful Web服务 本文档将引导你用Spring搭建一个"Hello,World!"Restful Web服务. 你要搭建的是什么? 你将搭建一个Web服务,这个服 ...

  3. Spring起步(一)Building a RESTful Web Service

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  4. gradle第二天(Building a RESTful Web Service)

    1.创建项目project: 在项目下用命令:mkdir -p src/main/java/hello/ 创建路径 src/main/java/hello/ 2.在项目下添加文件: (1)在src/m ...

  5. Building a RESTful Web Service

    http://spring.io/guides/gs/rest-service/ Should shutdown tomcat service first , and then java -jar * ...

  6. spring3创建RESTFul Web Service

    spring 3支持创建RESTFul Web Service,使用起来非常简单.不外乎一个@ResponseBody的问题. 例如:后台controller: 做一个JSP页面,使用ajax获取数据 ...

  7. Apache CXF实现Web Service(3)——Tomcat容器和不借助Spring的普通Servlet实现JAX-RS(RESTful) web service...

    起步 参照这一系列的另外一篇文章: Apache CXF实现Web Service(2)--不借助重量级Web容器和Spring实现一个纯的JAX-RS(RESTful) web service 首先 ...

  8. spring boot demo( 获取一个RESTful web service)

    Consuming a RESTful Web Service spring demo中给的接口是  http://gturnquist-quoters.cfapps.io/api/random. 返 ...

  9. Java RESTful Web Service实战(第2版)

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