本文翻译自:JPA and Hibernate - Criteria vs. JPQL or HQL

What are the pros and cons of using Criteria or HQL ? 使用Criteria或HQL有什么利弊? The Criteria API is a nice object-oriented way to express queries in Hibernate, but sometimes Criteria Queries are more difficult to understand/build than HQL. Criteria API是在Hibernate中表达查询的一种很好的面向对象的方式,但是有时候Criteria Queries比HQL更难以理解/构建。

When do you use Criteria and when HQL? 您何时使用标准以及何时使用HQL? What do you prefer in which use cases? 在哪种用例中,您更喜欢什么? Or is it just a matter of taste? 还是只是口味问题?




For me Criteria is a quite easy to Understand and making Dynamic queries. 对我而言,条件很容易理解和进行动态查询。 But the flaw i say so far is that It loads all many-one etc relations because we have only three types of FetchModes ie Select, Proxy and Default and in all these cases it loads many-one (may be i am wrong if so help me out :)) 但是到目前为止,我说的缺点是它加载所有多对一关系,因为我们只有三种类型的FetchModes,即选择,代理和默认,并且在所有这些情况下,它都加载多对一(如果这样的话,我是错的我出来:))

2nd issue with Criteria is that it loads complete object ie if i want to just load EmpName of an employee it wont come up with this insted it come up with complete Employee object and i can get EmpName from it due to this it really work bad in reporting . Criteria的第二个问题是它加载了完整的对象,即,如果我只想加载一个雇员的EmpName,它不会提出这个insted,它会提出完整的Employee对象,由于这个问题,我真的可以从中获取EmpName 报告where as HQL just load(did't load association/relations) what u want so increase performance many times. 就像HQL只是加载(不加载关联/关系)那样,您想要的东西因此可以多次提高性能。

One feature of Criteria is that it will safe u from SQL Injection because of its dynamic query generation where as in HQL as ur queries are either fixed or parameterised so are not safe from SQL Injection. Criteria的一项功能是,由于它具有动态查询生成功能,因此它可以保护您免受SQL Injection的侵害,因为在HQL中,由于ur的查询是固定的或参数化的,因此对于SQL Injection是不安全的。

Also if you write HQL in ur aspx.cs files, then you are tightly coupled with ur DAL. 另外,如果您在ur aspx.cs文件中编写HQL,那么您与UR DAL紧密相关。

Overall my conclusion is that there are places where u can't live without HQL like reports so use them else Criteria is more easy to manage. 总的来说,我的结论是,有些地方像报告一样无法没有HQL,因此可以使用它们,否则Criteria更加易于管理。


Criteria are the only way to specify natural key lookups that take advantage of the special optimization in the second level query cache. 条件是指定自然键查找的唯一方法,该方法利用二级查询缓存中的特殊优化。 HQL does not have any way to specify the necessary hint. HQL没有任何方法可以指定必要的提示。

You can find some more info here: 您可以在这里找到更多信息:

  • http://tech.puredanger.com/2009/07/10/hibernate-query-cache/ http://tech.puredanger.com/2009/07/10/hibernate-query-cache/






Criteria Api is one of the good concept of Hibernate. Criteria Api是Hibernate的良好概念之一。 according to my view these are the few point by which we can make difference between HQL and Criteria Api 根据我的观点,这些是我们可以区分HQL和Criteria Api的几点

  1. HQL is to perform both select and non-select operations on the data, but Criteria is only for selecting the data, we cannot perform non-select operations using criteria. HQL将对数据执行选择和非选择操作,但是Criteria仅用于选择数据,我们不能使用条件执行非选择操作。
  2. HQL is suitable for executing Static Queries, where as Criteria is suitable for executing Dynamic Queries HQL适合执行静态查询,而Criteria适合执行动态查询
  3. HQL doesn't support pagination concept, but we can achieve pagination with Criteria. HQL不支持分页概念,但是我们可以使用Criteria实现分页。
  4. Criteria used to take more time to execute than HQL. 与HQL相比,执行标准所花的时间更多。
  5. With Criteria we are safe with SQL Injection because of its dynamic query generation but in HQL as your queries are either fixed or parametrized, there is no safe from SQL Injection 使用Criteria,我们可以安全地使用SQL Injection,因为它可以动态生成查询,但是在HQL中,由于查询是固定的或参数化的,因此SQL Injection是不安全的


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