note: this passage serves for the analysis of Alec Jacobson’s thesis

1.what’s stiffness matrix

According to (2.16), stiffness matrix is given by:



2. matlab code analysis

function L = cotmatrix(V,F)% COTMATRIX computes cotangent matrix (laplacian mesh operator), (mass/area% terms already cancelled out)%% L = cotmatrix(V,F)%% Inputs:%   V  #V x 3 matrix of vertex coordinates%   F  #F x 3  matrix of indices of triangle corners% Outputs:%   L  sparse #V x #V matrix of cot weights %% Copyright 2011, Alec Jacobson (, Denis Zorin%% See also: cotmatrix3%% should change code below, so we don't need this transposeif(size(F,1) == 3)warning('F seems to be 3 by #F, it should be #F by 3');endF = F';% renaming indices of vertices of triangles for conveniencei1 = F(1,:); i2 = F(2,:); i3 = F(3,:); %i1 = i1'; i2 = i2'; i3 = i3';% #F x 3 matrices of triangle edge vectors, named after opposite vertices%seamanj:这里i1,i2,i3是索引,应该为一个向量,无论列向量,行向量都行v1 = V(i3,:) - V(i2,:);  v2 = V(i1,:) - V(i3,:); v3 = V(i2,:) - V(i1,:);%seamanj:这里v1,v2,v3,对于某个索引来说是个行向量,然后多个索引从垂直方向延伸% computing areas if size(V,2) == 2% 2d vertex datadblA = v1(:,1).*v2(:,2)-v1(:,2).*v2(:,1);% seamanj added: dbl for doubleelseif size(V,2) == 3%n  = cross(v1,v2,2);  dblA  = multinorm(n,2);% area of parallelogram is twice area of triangle% area of parallelogram is || v1 x v2 || n  = cross(v1,v2,2); % THIS DOES MATRIX NORM!!! don't use it!!% dblA  = norm(n,2);% This does correct l2 norm of rowsdblA = (sqrt(sum((n').^2)))';else error('unsupported vertex dimension %d', size(V,2))end% cotangents and diagonal entries for element matricescot12 = -dot(v1,v2,2)./dblA; cot23 = -dot(v2,v3,2)./dblA; cot31 = -dot(v3,v1,2)./dblA;%注意v1和v2向量的起点不在一个点上,算余弦要把一个向量反转, 如果为锐角这里的cot都为正% diag entries computed from the condition that rows of the matrix sum up% to 0% (follows from  the element matrix formula E_{ij} = (v_i dot v_j)/4/A )diag1 = -cot12/2-cot31/2; diag2 = -cot12/2-cot23/2; diag3 = -cot31/2-cot23/2;%diag1 = -diag1; diag2 = -diag2; diag3 = -diag3;% indices of nonzero elements in the matrix for sparse() constructori = [i1 i2 i2 i3 i3 i1  i1 i2 i3];j = [i2 i1 i3 i2 i1 i3  i1 i2 i3];% values corresponding to pairs form (i,j)v = [cot12/2 cot12/2 cot23/2 cot23/2 cot31/2 cot31/2 diag1 diag2 diag3];% for repeated indices (i,j) sparse automatically sums up elements, as we% wantL = sparse(i,j,v,size(V,1),size(V,1));

I have already added some comments in the code. Therefore, I would like to pick some important lines to explain.

For one edge in each triangle, say edge e12e_{12}, the corresponding element in stiffness matrix L12L_{12} is like:


L_{12}=\int\limits_{\Omega}-\nabla\phi_1\nabla\phi _2dA=-A\nabla\phi_1\cdot\nabla\phi_2=-A*(-\frac{cot\alpha_{12}}{2A})=\frac{cot\alpha_{12}}{2}

note: there are some little errors in Jacobson’s original thesis.

At line 52 to 54, diag entries computed from the condition that rows of the matrix sum up to 0(follows from the element matrix formula Eij=(Vi⋅Vj)/4/A)E_{ij} = (V_i \cdot V_j)/4/A ).

I would like to explain why the sum equals 0. As the comment said, the element matrix formula is Eij=(Vi⋅Vj)/4AE_{ij}=(V_i\cdot V_j)/4A, the sum of a row is like: ∑jEij=∑j(Vi⋅Vj)/4A=(Vi⋅∑jVj)/4A\sum\limits_{j}E_{ij}=\sum\limits_{j}(V_i\cdot V_j)/4A=(V_i\cdot \sum\limits_{j}V_j)/4A. As we all know, in a triangle the sum of three edge vectors is zero which reveals ∑jVj=0\sum\limits_{j}V_j=0, proved.

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