


1.匹配被双引号包含的所有字符串(strings surrounded by double-quotation marks)


2.匹配被方括号包含的所有字符串(strings surrounded by [ ])


3.匹配变量名(variable names)




strings surrounded by double-quotation marks
strings surrounded by [ ]
variable names
IP addresses
lines followed by a tab
Full-width Katakana
Half-width Kana
CJK ideographs
CJK ideograph marks
Insert // at start of lines
Find: ^
Replace with: //
Remove // at start of lines
Find: ^//
Remove trailing whitespaces
Find: \s+?$
Replace with:
Replace (abc) with [abc]
Find: \((.*?)\)
Replace: \[\1\]
Replace <H3 ...> with <H4 ...>
Find: <H3(.*?)>
Replace: <H4\1>
Replace 9/13/2003 with 2003.9.13
Find: ([0-9]{1,2})/([0-9]{1,2})/([0-9]{2,4})
Replace: \3\.\1\.\2
Uppercase characters from a to z
Find: [a-z]
Replace: \U\0
Capitalize all words
Find: ([a-zA-Z])([a-zA-Z]*)
Replace: \U\1\L\2



  1. EmEditor 正则表达式语法

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  6. emeditor正则表达式_EmEditor 正则表达式使用实例教程

    一.基础篇 1. [cpp] view plaincopy ^  匹配行首,比如说查找^s, 就是查位于行首的 s 2. [cpp] view plaincopy .*?$  这个用处比较大,但一般不 ...

  7. emeditor正则表达式_教你EmEditor如何使用正则表达式?

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  9. Java正则表达式例子汇总

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  7. 【ASP.NET】HTTP中的 get 和 post 请求
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