# 需要导入模块: from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt [as 别名]

# 或者: from PyQt5.QtCore.Qt import SizeFDiagCursor [as 别名]

def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):


super(FramelessWindow, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)

pos = event.pos()

xPos, yPos = pos.x(), pos.y()

wm, hm = self.width() - self.Margins, self.height() - self.Margins

if self.isMaximized() or self.isFullScreen():

self.Direction = None



if event.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton and self._pressed:



if xPos <= self.Margins and yPos <= self.Margins:

# 左上角

self.Direction = LeftTop


elif wm <= xPos <= self.width() and hm <= yPos <= self.height():

# 右下角

self.Direction = RightBottom


elif wm <= xPos and yPos <= self.Margins:

# 右上角

self.Direction = RightTop


elif xPos <= self.Margins and hm <= yPos:

# 左下角

self.Direction = LeftBottom


elif 0 <= xPos <= self.Margins and self.Margins <= yPos <= hm:

# 左边

self.Direction = Left


elif wm <= xPos <= self.width() and self.Margins <= yPos <= hm:

# 右边

self.Direction = Right


elif self.Margins <= xPos <= wm and 0 <= yPos <= self.Margins:

# 上面

self.Direction = Top


elif self.Margins <= xPos <= wm and hm <= yPos <= self.height():

# 下面

self.Direction = Bottom


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