使用过Ext的朋友都体会过该JavaScript库的强大,但该库的学习门槛较高。现在有了一个封装了Ext库的Asp.net 服务器控件,当前有二个版本,分别支持.NET2.0和.NET3.5,本人试用的是.NET3.5 版本,内包含ScriptManager、ScriptContainer、HtmlEditor、Panel,DataPicker、HiddenField、RadioButton、Calendar、FieldSet、CheckBox、TextArea、TextBox、NumberTextBox、Window共十四个子控件。
Coolite Studio (ASP.NET) Download
<head runat="server" lang="zh-cn">
    <cool:ScriptContainer ID="ScriptContainer1" runat="server">
    <link href="对应皮肤CSS文件的相应路径" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script runat="server">
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
<script runat="server">
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpContext.Current.Session["Coolite.Theme"] = Coolite.Web.UI.Theme.Gray;

1<?xml version="1.0"?>23<configuration>4<configSections>5<section name="coolite" type="Coolite.Web.UI.GlobalConfig"/>6</configSections>7<!-- COOLITE GLOBAL CONFIGURATION ATTRIBUTES -->8<!-- cleanResourceUrl = true|false 9        The Coolite controls can clean up the autogenerate WebResource Url so they look presentable. 10        Default is true -->11<!-- gzip = true|false 12        Whether to automatically render scripts with gzip compression. 13        Default is true. -->14<!-- scriptAdapter = Ext, jQuery, Prototype, YUI 15        Which script adapter to use. 16        Default is "Ext" -->17<!-- renderScripts = true|false 18        Whether to have the coolite controls output the required JavaScript includes or not.19        Gives developer option of manually including required <script> files. 20        Default is true -->21<!-- renderStyles = true|false 22        Whether to have the coolite controls output the required StyleSheet includes or not.23        Gives developer option of manually including required <link>/<style> files.24        Default is true -->25<!-- scriptMode = Release, Debug 26        Whether to include the Release (condensed) or Debug (with documentation) JavaScript files27        Default is "release" -->28<!-- theme = Default, Gray 29        Which embedded theme to use.30        Default is "Default" -->31<coolite32cleanResourceUrl="true"33     gzip="true"34     scriptAdapter="Ext" 35     renderScripts="true"36     renderStyles="true"37     scriptMode="Release"38     theme="Gray"39/>40</configuration>


注:该控件默认只包括二种风格的主题,更多的主题可到ExtJS官方网站下载: http://extjs.com/learn/Ext_Extensions#User_Themes
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager2" runat="server">
           <asp:ScriptReference Path="对应目录/ext-lang-zh_CN.js" />


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