1. Pre-tuning method


如果只有少量精确标注的数据,pre-tuning method可以帮助提升最后训练模型的精度[1]。

First pre-tuning on cheap large datasets on related domain.

Then fine-tuning on expensive well-labeled data.

As we fine-tune on precisely labeled data,

it is possible to pre-train on so-called weakly labeled data.

(i.e. 90% of the labels might be correct and 10% wrong)

2.Caveats of real-world label distributions[1]


- Unbalanced label distribution

- Unbalanced cost of misclassification

- More data
- Change labeling:ie. merge some rare labels
- Sampling: ignore / over-or undersample / Negative minging / weighting the loss

3. Understanding black box models
- understand why and how a model can make wrong predictions,
- give some intuition why our model can perform better than any previous solution,

- make sure that the model cannot be tricked.


[1] 《Applying deep learning to real-world problems》


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