到如下链接http://www.scitools.com 下载 .tgz文件解压缩:
%tar -zxvf Understand*.tgz
% cd bin/linux32% ./understand添加如下信息到用户的.bash_profile文件中% export PATH=$PATH:/home/myname/scitools/bin/linux32
% export PATH=$PATH:/home/myname/scitools/bin/linux64

注册码如下,在rhel7server x86_64下验证可用


 Treemaps are an area-based visualization where the size and color of the area are visually representing a metric. This Understand feature allows the user to choose the metric they want to see. This treemap has the metric CountLine tied to size. The color is tied to the metric CountSemicolon. Example of sample project zlib that…  Read more »   

UML Class Diagram

 The UML Class diagram can be viewed for a specific class of your choice: or for your entire project: Both diagrams have options to show the details of each class and solo classes to customize your view. More information about graphs and setting options.   

Control Flow Graphs

 All of our graphs have options to make them customizable for what you are looking for and making your graphical image what you want to see. More information on how to generate a Control Flow Graph can be found on our support page. Example Control Flow Graph of a C++ function: More information about graphs…  Read more »   

Hierarchy Graphs

 Example Hierarchical Graph (Calls) of C function Main: This tree has been manually expanded and contracted to just show what is desired. Example Hierarchical Graph (Expanded Data Members) of a C++ Class: This graph shows all the data fields in the main and children class or sub-types. Example Hierarchical Graph (With Hiearchy) of an Ada…  Read more »   

Declaration Graphs

 Here is an example Declaration Graph of an Ada Package: Note that items like “Close” that extend out of the main box are globals. Items like “Buffer Access” which are inside are private. Example Declaration Graph of a C++ Method: More information on how to configure graphs can be found on our support page.   

Dependency Graphs

 Understand can generate graphs that show the hierarchy of an architecture, or just a sub-hierarchy. The dependency graphs include a customizer pane which allows you to modify the graph display by controlling expansion, highlighting, and arrows on a per-node basis. Node children and Edges coming in and going out are easy to see and identify using…  Read more »

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