


CFile::modeCreate   Directs the constructor to create a new file. If the file exists already, it is truncated to 0 length.


CFile::modeNoTruncate   Combine this value with modeCreate. If the file being created already exists, it is not truncated to 0 length. Thus the file is guaranteed to open, either as a newly created file or as an existing file. This might be useful, for example, when opening a settings file that may or may not exist already. This option applies to CStdioFile as well.



CFile::modeRead   Opens the file for reading only.


CFile::modeReadWrite   Opens the file for reading and writing.


CFile::modeWrite   Opens the file for writing only.

CFile::modeNoInherit   Prevents the file from being inherited by child processes.


CFile::shareDenyNone   Opens the file without denying other processes read or write access to the file. Create fails if the file has been opened in compatibility mode by any other process.


CFile::shareDenyRead   Opens the file and denies other processes read access to the file. Create fails if the file has been opened in compatibility mode or for read access by any other process.


CFile::shareDenyWrite   Opens the file and denies other processes write access to the file. Create fails if the file has been opened in compatibility mode or for write access by any other process.


CFile::shareExclusive   Opens the file with exclusive mode, denying other processes both read and write access to the file. Construction fails if the file has been opened in any other mode for read or write access, even by the current process.


CFile::shareCompat   This flag is not available in 32 bit MFC. This flag maps to CFile::shareExclusive when used in CFile::Open.


CFile::typeText   Sets text mode with special processing for carriage return–linefeed pairs (used in derived classes only).

CFile::typeText   设置成对回车换行对有特殊处理的文本模式(仅用在派生类中)
CFile::typeBinary   设置二进制模式(仅用在派生类中)

CStdioFile继承自CFile,一个CStdioFile 对象代表一个用运行时函数fopen 打开的C 运行时流文件。

      流式文件是被缓冲的,而且可以以文本方式(缺省)或二进制方式打开。文本方式提供对硬回车—换行符对的特殊处理。当你将一个换行符(0x0A)写入一个文本方式的CStdioFile 对象时,字节对(0x0D,0x0A)被发送给该文件。当你读一个文件时,字节对(0x0D,0x0A)被翻译为一个字节(0x0A)。 
  CStdioFile 不支持Duplicate,LockRange,和UnlockRange 这几个CFile 函数。如果在CStdioFile 中调用了这几个函数,将会出现CNoSupported 异常。 
  CStdioFile::ReadString(LPTSTR lpsz, UINT nMax); 
  1)如果nMax <= 字符数,读取(nMax-1)个字符 + 0x00 
  2)如果nMax = 字符数 + 1,读取nMax个字符 + 0x00 
  3)如果nMax > 字符数,读取nMax个字符 + 0x0A + 0x00 
  CStdioFile::ReadString(CString &rString);(重载) 
  CStdioFile::WriteString( LPCTSTR lpsz );(不支持CString直接写入) 
  将一个缓冲区中的数据写入与CStdioFile 对象关联的文件中。结束的空字符(“/0”)不被写入该文件。lpsz 中的所有换行符都被以一个硬回车换行符对写入该文件,即“/n”被转化成“/r/n”写入到文件里。 
  CFile的派生类CStdioFile提供了对文件进行流式的操作功能。其中函数void CStdioFile::WriteString( LPCTSTR lpsz )写入一个字符串,需要给字符串lpsz的末尾加上换行标志”/r/n”;函数bool CStdioFile::ReadString(CString &rString )从文件中读取一行,如果文件未读完返回true,否则返回false。   
    当CStdioFile.WriteString无法处理中文时,把工程的字符集属性 改成 使用多字节字符集 就可以了,具体设置方法如:打开项目属性-->配置属性-->常规-->字符集-->改成 使用多字节字符集
    要注意的是CStdioFile在_MSBC环境下读取任何ANSI文本数据都没问题,在UNICODE环境下读取ANSI文本中的中文时就会显示乱码。其原因是由于CStdioFile 读取ANSI文本数据时按char类型读取,在_MSBC下可以直接填充到CString,在UNICODE环境下要先将char转换成宽字符 WCHAR,然后再填充到CString,即一个汉字的两个char将变成两个UNICODE字符WCHAR。那么问题如何解决呢?实际上在UNICODE环境下,file.ReadString(strLine)取得的数据是char类型,但是存储在UNICODE字符串中。为了取得真实数据,必须对strLine进行处理。
  BOOL CStdioFile::Open(LPCTSTR lpszFileName, UINT nOpenFlags, CFileException* pException) 
   /// 调用基类打开文件,注意通过nOpenFlags & ~typeText过滤了文件的文本属性
   if (!CFile::Open(lpszFileName, (nOpenFlags & ~typeText), pException))
   return FALSE;
  if (nOpenFlags & typeBinary)
   szMode[nMode++] = 'b', nFlags ^= _O_TEXT;
   szMode[nMode++] = 't';
   // open a C-runtime low-level file handle
   int nHandle = _open_osfhandle((UINT_PTR) m_hFile, nFlags);
   // open a C-runtime stream from that handle
   if (nHandle != -1)
   m_pStream = _fdopen(nHandle, szMode);
   FILE* m_pStream; // stdio FILE


  1. CStdioFile类学习

    CStdioFile 类学习笔记 2007-7-17 CStdioFile 类的声明保存再 afx.h 头文件中. CStdioFile 类继承自 CFile 类, CStdioFile 对象表示一个 ...

  2. Cstdiofile类详解

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  3. Win32中MFC中的CStdioFile类

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  4. 利用CStdioFile类实现写文件读文件(mfc)

    文章目录 1.主要函数 1.1读文件 1.2写文件 2.补充知识 3.说明 二话不说,先上代码! 1.主要函数 1.1读文件 // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码CFileDialog dl ...

  5. 将CStdioFile类扩展,读取UNICODE文本文件

    最近因为要读取SQL脚本文件,用CStdioFile来读取脚本文件,却在程序调试时读取不了文件. 后来看了一下文本文件格式,竟然是UNICODE格式的,原来在导出SQL脚本的时候,选项默认的是UNIC ...

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  7. CFile和CStdioFile的区别以及‘\r’、‘\r\n’

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  8. CFile、CStdioFile、FILE和其他文件操作(转)

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