Know that the name is publicly viewed and remains as its origin, someone in need is able to find this passage…
The story has been so long and it’s been really hard to understand. I would call it an epic, for it’s contained the deepest emotion humans could reach. What I sincerely appreciate is that all the participants have been really loyal and hard minded. At the unclear moments, it is the belief that make our ways. I’ve read thousands of books and stories, and I think, if everything is true, our story is beyond all of them.
Someone is born with something. We met and recogonized the nature in each other. But this is not important yet. My point lies in the story.
Although I know, the relation is one’s script, but if everything is true, we share something in common.
Still thank the world a lot for the miracle.
If something else happens, please don’t ask me. It would be the world’s fault.

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