
When most people think of Hackweek, what typically comes to mind are images of wild-eyed developers, huddled up in rooms for days, poring over hundreds of lines of code and dozens of cups of coffee. We imagine these teams toasting in celebration, being inspired and energized by what they discover and create, bonded in feelings of camaraderie, reveling in the satisfaction that comes from deep focus and unwavering hard work. In a typical year, this is what Hackweek is – an opportunity for Unity employees from every corner of the globe to unite under one sky and one time zone and to hack through the many challenges and opportunities we see facing our company.

当大多数人想到Hackweek时,通常想到的是野心勃勃的开发人员的图像,他们挤在房间里呆了几天,仔细研究了数百行代码和数十杯咖啡。 我们想象这些团队为庆祝而敬酒,被他们发现和创造的东西启发和激励,迷恋于友情,陶醉于深切关注和坚定不移的努力中。 在典型的一年中,这就是Hackweek –为来自世界各地的Unity员工提供了一个机会,在一个天空和一个时区团结起来,克服我们面对公司所面临的众多挑战和机遇。

But we know that this year has been anything but typical.


“With everything going on in the world, it’s important that we keep tradition alive,” said Chief Product Officer, Brett Bibby. “Hackweek has positive energy associated with it, and we want it to provide an opportunity for people to remember and reconnect with the mission of the company, to reconnect with their personal mission and goals, and ultimately, to remember that they are agents for change in the world.”

首席产品官Brett Bibby说:“在世界上发生的所有事情中,重要的是要保持传统。 “ Hackweek具有积极的活力,我们希望它为人们提供一个机会,使他们能够记住并重新与公司的使命联系起来,与他们的个人使命和目标重新联系起来,并最终记住他们是变革的推动者在世界上。”

Honoring the Hackweek tradition was a priority for Unity, so we forged on, committed to making it happen, one way or another.


一起精神与行动 (Together in spirit and action)

Signups went out, and the official call to Hackweek was resolutely announced with only two certainties – it would be virtual, and we would do our best to pull it off. What came following this announcement was a surprise and a true delight.

注册失败了,只有两个确定性坚决宣布了对Hackweek的正式电话–这将是虚拟的,我们将竭尽所能。 宣布这一消息之后,带来的是惊喜和真正的喜悦。

Even though there would be no travel, no promise of the long-missed face-time with our colleagues, we saw more participation in Hackweek than ever before. This year, Hackweek had a total of 1,039 participants, 217 active ideas registered on kickoff day, 961 attendees for the global kickoff calls, and 1,489 for the final viewing. In terms of percentage, and when compared to previous years, these numbers were truly impressive. However, what was even more impressive than the participation numbers was how Unity employees carried out Hackweek – how they found different ways to connect and collaborate, how they made it their own, and how they created hundreds of brilliant ideas together.

即使没有旅行,也没有承诺与我们的同事长期面对面交往,但我们看到Hackweek的参与比以往任何时候都多。 今年,Hackweek共有1,039名参与者,在启动日登记了217个活跃的想法,用于全球启动电话的961位参与者,以及最终观看的1,489位参与者。 就百分比而言,与前几年相比,这些数字确实令人印象深刻。 但是,比参加人数更令人印象深刻的是Unity员工如何开展Hackweek –他们如何找到不同的联系和协作方式,如何实现自己的想法以及如何 共同 创造数百个绝妙的想法

进化是集体的口头禅 (Evolution as the collective mantra)

One of the most liberating things about Hackweek is the fact that when you sign up, you know you can choose to work on anything you want. Every participant has the freedom to come up with their own project and carry it through as they see fit. Most years, we see a myriad of ultra-creative projects geared toward innovating Unity in different ways. This year the spirit of innovation remained strong, but a quick glance through the idea registry will show you that what was on most people’s minds wasn’t necessarily revolution, but evolution.

Hackweek上最解放的事情之一是,当您注册后就知道,您可以选择自己想要做的 任何事情 。 每个参与者都可以自由提出自己的项目并按照自己的意愿进行。 多数年来,我们看到无数的超创意项目以不同的方式致力于Unity的创新。 今年,创新精神依然浓厚,但是只要快速浏览一下创意注册中心,您就会知道,大多数人的想法不一定是革命,而是 进化

Many of the projects from Hackweek were motivated by solving practical problems. Bibby noted how “This was a really pragmatic year. It was about evolving our knowledge and skill, improving our understanding of the products that we make, listening to feedback from the community and evolving quality of life features that have a big impact on users.”

Hackweek的许多项目都是出于解决实际问题的动机。 毕比指出:“这是非常务实的一年。 这是关于发展我们的知识和技能,增进对生产产品的理解,听取社区的反馈以及发展对用户有重大影响的生活质量功能。”

Senior Product Marketing Lead, Thomas Krogh-Jacobsen, whose team worked on a project called Level Up Our Learning Content, which focused on improving various Education features, noted that “Caring about users was a central theme for many of the projects this year. When you look at why people want to work on certain things, you can see that many of these ideas were inspired by some kind of empathy. Many people commented on how they recalled receiving feedback on a pain point from a user, and they wanted to solve that problem, to remove that pain point.”

高级产品营销负责人Thomas Krogh-Jacobsen的团队致力于一个名为 Level Up Our Learning Content 的项目 ,该项目专注于改善各种教育功能,他指出:“关心用户是今年许多项目的中心主题。 当您查看 人们 为什么 要在某些事情上进行工作时,您会发现其中许多想法是受某种同理心启发的。 许多人评论了他们如何回忆起从用户那里收到有关痛点的反馈,他们想解决该问题,以消除痛点。”

His team’s project focused on improving the experience for first-time users, ensuring that Unity’s educational content is supported by the latest version of Unity. “We asked ourselves how we could improve the user journey and the onboarding experience in general. It wasn’t about building a new feature, but how we can make our current features better.”

他的团队的项目着重于改善首次用户的使用体验,确保最新版本的Unity支持Unity的教育内容。 “我们问自己,我们如何才能改善用户体验和总体上的入职体验。 这并不是要构建新功能,而是如何使现有功能更好。”

The pragmatic spirit of improving user experience across the board was also present in the way ideas for projects came together and how they were executed. Core Documentation Lead, Jo Petty, worked on a project titled, Attack the API Docs. “Usually Hackweek is a great moment to address the documentation because while the documentation team regularly fixes documentation bugs, at Hackweek we have so many engaged developers in one room, looking to contribute to projects that are a little bit different from their every day,” said Petty.

项目构想的组合方式和执行方式也体现了全面改善用户体验的务实精神。 核心文档负责人Jo Petty从事了一个名为 Attack the API Docs的项目 。 “通常,Hackweek是解决文档的好时机,因为尽管文档团队会定期修复文档错误,但在Hackweek中,我们有这么多参与开发人员在一个房间里,希望为与日常工作有所不同的项目做出贡献。”小资说。

“I knew that this year, with everyone working remotely, that this project would appeal to anyone who wanted to join a casual project they could fit around their schedules. This project was important because our users instantly see the benefits of the fixes to the documentation, and we have dedicated time with developers who know the subject matter inside out. I think that we managed to adapt to the remoteness of Hackweek easily, and built up a good rapport on Slack to collaborate and get some of our documentation fixed.”

“我知道今年,每个人都在远程工作,这个项目将吸引那些想要参加他们自己的日程安排的休闲项目的人。 该项目之所以重要,是因为我们的用户可以立即看到文档修订的好处,并且我们与专门了解主题的开发人员一起度过了宝贵的时间。 我认为我们设法轻松地适应了Hackweek的远程性,并在Slack上建立了良好的融洽关系,以进行协作并修复一些文档。”

一线希望和惊喜 (Silver linings and surprises)

While the majority of the projects did focus on improving quality of life features and solving practical problems for users, Hackweek wasn’t without its fun. Head of Global Evangelism Content, Mike Geig, led a Bootcamp that taught game-building to non-technical employees. Members of the Evangelism team play a huge role in facilitating Hackweek, often sacrificing their own dream Hackweek projects in order to help other Unity employees create their own. This is the second year Unity has invited non-technical employees to Hackweek, and it was here that Unity saw some of its most unique content. With 245 signups and 119 completed games, the Bootcamp’s participation exploded.

虽然大多数项目的确致力于改善生活质量和为用户解决实际问题,但Hackweek并非没有乐趣。 全球福音派内容负责人Mike Geig领导了一个Bootcamp,该培训班向非技术人员教授游戏的构建。 福音派团队的成员在促进Hackweek方面发挥了巨大作用,经常牺牲自己梦想的Hackweek项目,以帮助其他Unity员工创建自己的项目。 这是Unity第二年邀请非技术人员参加Hackweek,这是Unity看到其一些最独特的内容的地方。 通过245个注册和119个完成的游戏,Bootcamp的参与人数激增。

“My goal was to have people really experience what it was like to be an indie developer. Folks in accounting and HR and legal and all these other roles – have them say ‘ah, this is why people make games, this is what they actually experience!’,” said Geig. Not only did participation numbers skyrocket, it was through game building that Unity employees discovered just how much fun a virtual Hackweek could be. “Because it was virtual, a lot of people actually got to involve their families and partners at home in the game building process.”

“我的目​​标是让人们真正体验成为独立开发者的感觉。 会计,人力资源和法律以及其他所有角色的人们都让他们说:“啊,这就是人们制作游戏的原因,这就是他们实际体验的内容!”,”盖格说。 参与人数不仅激增,而且通过游戏构建,Unity员工发现了虚拟Hackweek会带来多少乐趣。 “由于它是虚拟的,所以实际上很多人都需要家人和伴侣在家中参与游戏制作过程。”

Senior Technical Producer for R&D Graphics, Tricia McIntosh, created a game that featured her own daughter’s singing voice. “My daughter being six years old is just now starting to be interested in what I do for work. She has always known I “work on games” but me working at home with her now gives her more insight into what I do every day, which is a silver lining on this whole situation, “ said McIntosh.

R&D Graphics的高级技术制作人Tricia McIntosh 创建了一款游戏 , 该游戏 具有她自己女儿的歌声。 “我六岁的女儿刚开始对我的工作产生兴趣。 她一直都知道我在“从事游戏”,但是现在我和她一起在家工作,使她对我每天的工作有更深入的了解,这是整个情况的一线希望,” McIntosh说。

“I was initially bummed that I wouldn’t be traveling to participate in Hackweek this year but I found it was actually really enjoyable to do Hackweek at home with her, something I wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise. She helped me think of an idea for the game, and then got straight to work drawing pictures for me to illustrate her concept… she was often right over my shoulder as I worked on coding and building the game each day, she helped me with the title screen and all the audio for the game. Even now weeks later, she is still inspired to create new game designs and wants me to help her learn to code it herself.”

“最初,我很沮丧,因为我今年不会去参加Hackweek,但我发现与她在家进行Hackweek真的很愉快,否则我将无法做到。 她帮助我想到了游戏的构想,然后直接为我画画来说明她的概念……在我每天编写代码和构建游戏的过程中,她经常站在我的肩膀上,她帮助我完成了标题屏幕以及游戏的所有音频。 即使在现在的几周后,她仍然受到启发来创建新的游戏设计,并希望我帮助她学习自己编写代码。”

McIntosh noted how Unity made it all “very approachable” and was happy that “Unity has provided us both the opportunity to make a game so easily.”

McIntosh指出Unity是如何使其“非常平易近人”的,并为“ Unity为我们俩提供了如此轻松制作游戏的机会而感到高兴。”


所有人的骄傲时刻 (A moment of pride for all)

Despite this being the first virtual Hackweek at Unity, and despite all the uncertainties and challenges we faced, Unity saw a whopping 195 videos of completed projects. This wasn’t a typical year, and these weren’t typical results. Regardless of the challenges that came along with being physically distant, the way Unity employees executed Hackweek is a testament to just how well we really do work together, and how dedicated we are as a company to teaching, learning, inspiring, and creating with one another.

尽管这是Unity的第一个虚拟Hackweek,尽管我们面临着所有不确定性和挑战,但Unity还是观看了195个完整项目的视频。 这不是典型的一年,也不是典型的结果。 不管身处何处,都面临着挑战,Unity员工执行Hackweek的方式证明了我们的真正合作水平以及我们作为一家公司的教学,学习,启发和创造的专注程度另一个。

When asked how he felt about the outcome of Hackweek, Bibby said, “I’m most proud how Hackweek has grown to include the entire company. It has expanded to all departments and functions. I’m proud and encouraged at the enthusiasm that everybody has to learn our own products, to ‘eat our own dog food’, to really be fearless and go in and understand what users are saying and experience the joy and the pain. It’s extremely rewarding for us and ultimately benefits our users.”

当被问及他对Hackweek的结果有何看法时,Bibby说:“我为Hackweek如何成长为包括整个公司感到自豪。 它已扩展到所有部门和职能。 我为每个人都必须学习我们自己的产品,“吃自己的狗粮”,真正地无所畏惧并了解用户在说什么并体验到喜悦和痛苦的热情而感到自豪和鼓舞。 这对我们来说是非常有益的,并最终使我们的用户受益。”


Intrigued about Unity and Hackweek? To learn more about Unity and dynamic events such as Hackweek, consider joining us. Start by checking out our open positions on the Careers page.

对Unity和Hackweek感兴趣吗? 要了解有关Unity和动态事件(例如Hackweek)的更多信息,请考虑加入我们。 首先在“ 职业”页面上查看我们的空缺职位 。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/07/30/unity-hackweek-2020-in-it-together-no-matter-where-we-are/


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