


Index 实体类

public class Index {private Integer id;private String health;private String status;private String indexName;private String uuid;}

IndexShardNumCheck 实体类

public class IndexShardNumCheck {private Index index;private String check;}

Mapper XML文件

<resultMap type="com.ruoyi.kirara.domain.entity.IndexShardNumCheck" id="IndexShardNumCheck"><result property="check" column="shard_check"/><association property="index" javaType="com.ruoyi.kirara.domain.entity.Index"></association>


<sql id="selectShardNumCheck">select shard_check, id, health, status, index_name, uuid, pri_shard_num, replicas, docs_count, docs_deleted, store_size, pri_store_sizefrom (select id, health, status, index_name, uuid, pri_shard_num, replicas, docs_count, docs_deleted, store_size, pri_store_size,(caseWHEN store_size &lt;= 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 and pri_shard_num = 1 THEN '0'WHEN store_size &gt; 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024  and store_size &lt; 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 and pri_shard_num &lt;= 2  THEN '0'WHEN store_size &gt; 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 and store_size &lt; 50 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 and pri_shard_num = 5  THEN '0'WHEN store_size &gt; 50 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 and ( pri_shard_num = 10 or pri_shard_num = 20)  THEN '0'ELSE '1'END) shard_checkfrom es_index) a</sql>


<select id="selectShardNumCheck" resultMap="IndexShardNumCheck"  useCache="false" flushCache="true"><include refid="selectShardNumCheck"/><where>shard_check = '1'<if test="indexName != null and indexName != ''">AND index_name like concat('%', #{indexName, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, '%')</if><if test="uuid != null and uuid != ''">AND uuid like concat('%', #{uuid, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, '%')</if><if test="priShardNum != null and priShardNum != ''">AND pri_shard_num = #{priShardNum}</if></where>



需要说明 select的列不需要和对应的resultMap的元素数量一一对应;mybatis使用association 时必须要保证key和association并列,简单来说就是select后面的列很多都可以省但a.m_id, a.s_id不可以省

然后顺藤摸瓜,必须至少有一个和association 并列同级的属性存在且不会重复的


Index 实体类

public class Index {private Integer id;private String health;private String status;private String indexName;private String uuid;}

IndexShardNumCheck 实体类

public class IndexShardNumCheck extends Index {private String check;

Mapper XML文件

 <resultMap type="com.ruoyi.kirara.domain.entity.IndexShardNumCheck" id="IndexShardNumCheck"><result property="check" column="shard_check"/><result property="id" column="id"/><result property="indexName"     column="index_name"/><result property="status"     column="status"/><result property="health"     column="health"/><result property="uuid"     column="uuid"/><result property="priShardNum"     column="pri_shard_num"/><result property="replicas"    column="replicas"/><result property="docsCount"   column="docs_count"/><result property="storeSize" column="store_size"/></resultMap>


<sql id="selectShardNumCheck">select shard_check, id, health, status, index_name, uuid, pri_shard_num, replicas, docs_count, docs_deleted, store_size, pri_store_sizefrom (select id, health, status, index_name, uuid, pri_shard_num, replicas, docs_count, docs_deleted, store_size, pri_store_size,(caseWHEN store_size &lt;= 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 and pri_shard_num = 1 THEN '0'WHEN store_size &gt; 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024  and store_size &lt; 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 and pri_shard_num &lt;= 2  THEN '0'WHEN store_size &gt; 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 and store_size &lt; 50 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 and pri_shard_num = 5  THEN '0'WHEN store_size &gt; 50 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 and ( pri_shard_num = 10 or pri_shard_num = 20)  THEN '0'ELSE '1'END) shard_checkfrom es_index) a</sql>


<select id="selectShardNumCheck" resultMap="IndexShardNumCheck"  useCache="false" flushCache="true"><include refid="selectShardNumCheck"/><where>shard_check = '1'<if test="indexName != null and indexName != ''">AND index_name like concat('%', #{indexName, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, '%')</if><if test="uuid != null and uuid != ''">AND uuid like concat('%', #{uuid, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, '%')</if><if test="priShardNum != null and priShardNum != ''">AND pri_shard_num = #{priShardNum}</if></where>


这个是因为mybatis 需要对应,而我们的并不行,所以无法实现该功能。


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