
A lot of times people at the workplace try creative ways to claim ignorance about important matters…  Excuses like “I didn’t get your email” is one that seems to come to mind.  In Outlook 2007 you can easily resend the message in question.

很多时候,工作场所的人们尝试以创造性的方式宣称对重要事情的无知……似乎想到了诸如“我没有收到您的电子邮件”之类的借口。 在Outlook 2007中,您可以轻松地重新发送有问题的邮件。

With the mail message you sent open, in the Actions group click on Other Actions and scroll down to Resend This Message…


Click on Send. While your message is open you can also choose to add recipients.

点击发送。 邮件打开时,您也可以选择添加收件人。

At this point you can also add or remove attachments.  Using this feature only allows you to resend one message at a time.  You will need to open each message separately and follow the previous steps.

此时,您还可以添加或删除附件。 使用此功能仅允许您一次重新发送一封邮件。 您将需要分别打开每条消息,然后按照前面的步骤操作。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/easily-resend-an-email-message-in-outlook-2007/


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