


1.cv2(OpenCV-Python :BGR顺序

img = cv2.imread(image_path)
h, w, c = image.shape
img = cv2.resize(img, (self.img_width, self.img_height))
img = img[:,:,::-1]#bgr转rgb


from PIL import Image
img = Image.open(img_path).convert('RGB')
img = Image.fromarray(img)


from skimage import io
img=io.imread(image_path)from skimage import transform
img = transform.resize(img, (C, H * scale, W * scale), mode='reflect',anti_aliasing=False)


import scipy.misc
img = scipy.misc.imread(image_path)


import matplotlib.image as mpimg
img = mpimg.imread(image_path)






1.import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET




(1)ImageSets:划分(split)数据,txt文件存文件名(不带后缀),划分得比较多,也比较细,有不同用途,faster-rcnn只要其中的 'ImageSets/Main/{0}.txt'.format(split)即可,这里split in ['train', 'test', 'val']或其他别的也可以。





<annotation><folder>VOC2007</folder><filename>000001.jpg</filename><source><database>The VOC2007 Database</database><annotation>PASCAL VOC2007</annotation><image>flickr</image><flickrid>341012865</flickrid></source><owner><flickrid>Fried Camels</flickrid><name>Jinky the Fruit Bat</name></owner><size><width>353</width><height>500</height><depth>3</depth></size><segmented>0</segmented><object><name>dog</name><pose>Left</pose><truncated>1</truncated><difficult>0</difficult><bndbox><xmin>48</xmin><ymin>240</ymin><xmax>195</xmax><ymax>371</ymax></bndbox></object><object><name>person</name><pose>Left</pose><truncated>1</truncated><difficult>0</difficult><bndbox><xmin>8</xmin><ymin>12</ymin><xmax>352</xmax><ymax>498</ymax></bndbox></object>




Elijha:Pytorch数据读取(Dataset, DataLoader, DataLoaderIter)​zhuanlan.zhihu.com










class PascalVOCDataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset):第一个是背景,其他是目标类别CLASSES = ("__background__ ","aeroplane","bicycle","bird","boat","bottle","bus","car","cat","chair","cow","diningtable","dog","horse","motorbike","person","pottedplant","sheep","sofa","train","tvmonitor",)def __init__(self, data_dir, split, use_difficult=False, transforms=None):
数据根目录self.root = data_dir
指定用哪个数据,test、val、train?self.image_set = split
要不要难以识别的图片?self.keep_difficult = use_difficult
图片处理self.transforms = transforms
对应三个文件加:self._annopath = os.path.join(self.root, "Annotations", "%s.xml")self._imgpath = os.path.join(self.root, "JPEGImages", "%s.jpg")
直接用Main文件夹self._imgsetpath = os.path.join(self.root, "ImageSets", "Main", "%s.txt")
初始化的时候就把文件名全读出来with open(self._imgsetpath % self.image_set) as f:self.ids = f.readlines()self.ids = [x.strip("n") for x in self.ids]
构造id到图片的字典,self.id_to_img_map = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(self.ids)}cls = PascalVOCDataset.CLASSES
类别到序号和序号到类别的两个字典self.class_to_ind = dict(zip(cls, range(len(cls))))self.categories = dict(zip(range(len(cls)), cls))
__getitem__是必须的def __getitem__(self, index):img_id = self.ids[index]
根据id号读取图片,用的是PIL来读img = Image.open(self._imgpath % img_id).convert("RGB")
获取目标框,裁剪target = self.get_groundtruth(index)target = target.clip_to_image(remove_empty=True)
做归一化,缩放等处理if self.transforms is not None:img, target = self.transforms(img, target)
target 前四个表示坐标,第五个值表示类别 return img, target, index
__len__也是必须的def __len__(self):return len(self.ids)def get_groundtruth(self, index):img_id = self.ids[index]
定位到根节点anno = ET.parse(self._annopath % img_id).getroot()
读取图片大小、目标类别、目标位置信息anno = self._preprocess_annotation(anno)
取出高宽信息height, width = anno["im_info"]
BoxList是自定义的处理这几个不目标框的类target = BoxList(anno["boxes"], (width, height), mode="xyxy")
BoxList添加标签,难度target.add_field("labels", anno["labels"])target.add_field("difficult", anno["difficult"])return targetdef _preprocess_annotation(self, target):boxes = []gt_classes = []difficult_boxes = []TO_REMOVE = 1
只遍历object节点for obj in target.iter("object"):
遇到难以识别的,跳过也行,不是强烈要求,就跳过吧difficult = int(obj.find("difficult").text) == 1if not self.keep_difficult and difficult:continue
标签名称name = obj.find("name").text.lower().strip()
矩形坐标bb = obj.find("bndbox")# Make pixel indexes 0-based# Refer to "https://github.com/rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnn/blob/master/lib/datasets/pascal_voc.py#L208-L211"box = [bb.find("xmin").text,bb.find("ymin").text,bb.find("xmax").text,bb.find("ymax").text,]
得到一个tuplebndbox = tuple(map(lambda x: x - TO_REMOVE, list(map(int, box))))
看图片大小size = target.find("size")
把高宽从文本转化成int,得到一个tupleim_info = tuple(map(int, (size.find("height").text, size.find("width").text)))
并把坐标转化成floatres = {"boxes": torch.tensor(boxes, dtype=torch.float32),"labels": torch.tensor(gt_classes),"difficult": torch.tensor(difficult_boxes),"im_info": im_info,}return res



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51.28, 163.88, 52.86, 167.06, 69.93, 181.34, 73.1, 194.44, 73.9, 194.44, 77.86, 183.72, 77.86, 162.3, 76.67, 157.14, 98.9, 165.07, 120.72, 162.69, 138.18, 164.28, 147.31, 171.42, 162.79, 163.49, 162.39, 154.36, 153.66, 158.33, 128.26, 148.41, 115.96, 146.03, 129.45, 142.45, 153.26, 140.87, 164.77, 133.33, 162.39]],"area": 2470.656449999998,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 581062,"bbox": [131.74, 51.28, 62.7, 113.49],"category_id": 1,"id": 469201}, {"segmentation": [[129.18, 160.51, 132.46, 159.07, 134.92, 163.17, 139.63, 163.58, 142.09, 158.25, 158.69, 155.18, 163.2, 159.07, 164.63, 161.53, 169.55, 160.3, 167.71, 154.57, 175.7, 152.72, 178.57, 153.34, 178.77, 157.23, 170.78, 162.15, 170.78, 166.04, 164.43, 165.84, 163.81, 164.4, 146.19, 166.66, 144.96, 169.73, 141.07, 169.93, 138.61, 167.89, 128.77, 162.15]],"area": 364.30039999999985,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 581062,"bbox": [128.77, 152.72, 50.0, 17.21],"category_id": 41,"id": 638773}, {"segmentation": [[240.86, 211.31, 240.16, 197.19, 236.98, 192.26, 237.34, 187.67, 245.8, 188.02, 243.33, 176.02, 250.39, 186.96, 251.8, 166.85, 255.33, 142.51, 253.21, 190.49, 261.68, 183.08, 258.86, 191.2, 260.98, 206.37, 254.63, 199.66, 252.51, 201.78, 251.8, 212.01]],"area": 531.8071000000001,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [236.98, 142.51, 24.7, 69.5],"category_id": 64,"id": 26547}, {"segmentation": [[9.66, 167.76, 156.35, 173.04, 153.71, 256.48, 82.56, 262.63, 7.03, 260.87]],"area": 13244.657700000002,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [7.03, 167.76, 149.32, 94.87],"category_id": 72,"id": 34646}, {"segmentation": [[563.33, 209.19, 637.69, 209.19, 638.56, 287.92, 557.21, 280.04]],"area": 5833.117949999999,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [557.21, 209.19, 81.35, 78.73],"category_id": 72,"id": 35802}, {"segmentation": [[368.16, 252.94, 383.77, 255.69, 384.69, 235.49, 389.28, 226.31, 392.03, 219.89, 413.15, 218.05, 411.31, 241.92, 411.31, 256.61, 412.23, 274.05, 414.98, 301.6, 414.98, 316.29, 412.23, 311.7, 406.72, 290.58, 405.8, 270.38, 389.28, 270.38, 381.01, 270.38, 383.77, 319.04, 377.34, 320.88, 377.34, 273.14, 358.98, 266.71, 358.98, 253.86, 370.91, 253.86]],"area": 2245.34355,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [358.98, 218.05, 56.0, 102.83],"category_id": 62,"id": 103487}, {"segmentation": [[319.32, 230.98, 317.41, 220.68, 296.03, 218.0, 296.03, 230.22, 297.18, 244.34, 296.03, 258.08, 299.47, 262.28, 296.03, 262.28, 298.32, 266.48, 295.27, 278.69, 291.45, 300.45, 290.69, 310.76, 292.21, 309.23, 294.89, 291.67, 298.32, 274.11, 300.61, 266.1, 323.9, 268.77, 328.09, 272.59, 326.57, 297.02, 323.9, 315.34, 327.71, 316.48, 329.62, 297.78, 329.62, 269.53, 341.84, 266.48, 345.27, 266.1, 350.23, 265.72, 343.74, 312.28, 346.8, 310.76, 351.76, 273.35, 352.52, 264.95, 350.23, 257.32, 326.19, 255.79, 323.51, 254.27, 321.61, 244.72, 320.46, 235.56, 320.08, 231.36]],"area": 1833.7840000000017,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [290.69, 218.0, 61.83, 98.48],"category_id": 62,"id": 104368}, {"segmentation": [[436.06, 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256.85, 462.56, 268.13, 465.58, 290.67, 465.85, 293.14, 463.38, 295.62, 452.66, 295.34, 448.26, 294.52, 443.59, 282.7, 446.06, 235.14, 446.34, 230.19, 438.09, 232.39, 438.09, 221.67, 434.24, 221.12, 427.09, 219.74]],"area": 2913.1103999999987,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [412.8, 157.61, 53.05, 138.01],"category_id": 1,"id": 230831}, {"segmentation": [[384.98, 206.58, 384.43, 199.98, 385.25, 193.66, 385.25, 190.08, 387.18, 185.13, 387.18, 182.93, 386.08, 181.01, 385.25, 178.81, 385.25, 175.79, 388.0, 172.76, 394.88, 172.21, 398.72, 173.31, 399.27, 176.06, 399.55, 183.48, 397.9, 185.68, 395.15, 188.98, 396.8, 193.38, 398.45, 194.48, 399.0, 205.75, 395.43, 207.95, 388.83, 206.03]],"area": 435.1449499999997,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [384.43, 172.21, 15.12, 35.74],"category_id": 1,"id": 233201}, {"segmentation": [[5.45, 269.03, 25.08, 273.39, 44.7, 289.75, 287.84, 318.09, 346.71, 321.36, 368.52, 333.36, 404.5, 419.49, 385.96, 468.55, 385.96, 475.1, 8.72, 471.82, 3.27, 266.85]],"area": 64019.87940000001,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [3.27, 266.85, 401.23, 208.25],"category_id": 65,"id": 315724}, {"segmentation": [[216.05, 228.68, 223.38, 228.95, 227.18, 227.46, 230.98, 218.91, 230.71, 212.94, 231.11, 207.78, 232.34, 206.43, 230.71, 204.26, 227.86, 203.71, 224.47, 204.53, 220.53, 204.26, 220.8, 202.49, 224.47, 201.54, 227.04, 201.95, 226.91, 198.97, 222.57, 196.79, 229.21, 195.98, 237.76, 195.44, 241.29, 193.0, 241.97, 190.28, 244.14, 187.98, 243.05, 185.26, 235.73, 182.28, 230.3, 182.28, 227.99, 183.09, 225.69, 183.77, 227.86, 178.21, 227.99, 165.05, 222.43, 162.6, 221.35, 158.94, 216.6, 151.89, 216.05, 150.26, 220.8, 151.21, 222.84, 152.97, 223.52, 149.04, 219.58, 147.14, 214.15, 147.41, 213.07, 142.39, 207.24, 136.69, 205.2, 136.56, 205.06, 139.13, 208.32, 144.15, 210.9, 148.09, 212.26, 149.31, 207.91, 150.53, 205.06, 153.24, 202.89, 157.18, 201.94, 160.3, 201.94, 162.47, 203.57, 165.73, 204.25, 166.13, 205.74, 165.73, 206.15, 167.49, 205.06, 169.25, 203.71, 171.69, 202.89, 174.14, 203.84, 175.63, 205.61, 176.17, 206.01, 177.66, 206.42, 186.62, 203.71, 182.55, 198.82, 183.36, 197.47, 183.91, 196.25, 179.97, 190.55, 179.84, 183.36, 185.53, 183.36, 191.1, 185.26, 195.03, 187.16, 196.12, 189.6, 196.52, 190.95, 197.2, 189.33, 201.95, 189.73, 208.87, 190.82, 210.9, 195.16, 212.4, 197.87, 212.8, 199.77, 212.53, 201.94, 211.99, 200.72, 208.19, 203.57, 208.06, 203.98, 211.31, 206.42, 214.43, 207.91, 217.96, 208.86, 223.12, 210.22, 226.78, 210.76, 227.73, 213.48, 227.86]],"area": 2464.9330500000005,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [183.36, 136.56, 60.78, 92.39],"category_id": 64,"id": 1610466}, {"segmentation": [[513.6, 205.75, 526.04, 206.52, 526.96, 208.82, 526.96, 221.72, 512.22, 221.72, 513.6, 205.9]],"area": 217.71919999999997,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [512.22, 205.75, 14.74, 15.97],"category_id": 78,"id": 1640282}, {"segmentation": [[493.1, 282.65, 493.73, 174.34, 498.72, 174.34, 504.34, 175.27, 508.09, 176.21, 511.83, 178.08, 513.39, 179.33, 513.08, 280.46, 500.28, 281.09, 494.35, 281.71]],"area": 2089.9747999999986,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [493.1, 174.34, 20.29, 108.31],"category_id": 82,"id": 1647285}, {"segmentation": [[611.35, 349.51, 604.77, 305.89, 613.14, 307.99, 619.11, 351.6]],"area": 338.60884999999973,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [604.77, 305.89, 14.34, 45.71],"category_id": 84,"id": 1648594}, {"segmentation": [[613.24, 308.24, 620.68, 308.79, 626.12, 354.68, 618.86, 352.32]],"area": 322.5935999999982,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [613.24, 308.24, 12.88, 46.44],"category_id": 84,"id": 1654394}, {"segmentation": [[457.3, 224.79, 455.98, 192.5, 464.55, 196.46, 461.25, 228.09]],"area": 203.6632999999997,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [455.98, 192.5, 8.57, 35.59],"category_id": 84,"id": 1657298}, {"segmentation": [[454.75, 252.97, 453.31, 286.9, 459.48, 286.7, 461.33, 253.38]],"area": 214.5320999999999,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [453.31, 252.97, 8.02, 33.93],"category_id": 84,"id": 1660743}, {"segmentation": [[444.76, 337.31, 446.01, 297.94, 450.08, 297.63, 449.76, 337.31]],"area": 179.1241999999999,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [444.76, 297.63, 5.32, 39.68],"category_id": 84,"id": 1660854}, {"segmentation": [[513.12, 226.56, 509.69, 196.01, 505.95, 193.21, 506.57, 191.02, 514.99, 193.83, 518.1, 227.8, 515.3, 227.18]],"area": 189.13310000000044,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [505.95, 191.02, 12.15, 36.78],"category_id": 84,"id": 1660921}, {"segmentation": [[494.99, 227.38, 491.56, 227.07, 487.51, 201.82, 490.94, 199.33, 494.37, 225.2]],"area": 91.54300000000008,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [487.51, 199.33, 7.48, 28.05],"category_id": 84,"id": 1661908}, {"segmentation": [[454.29, 121.35, 448.71, 125.07, 447.77, 136.25, 451.5, 140.9, 455.92, 143.0, 461.04, 138.34, 461.74, 128.33, 456.39, 121.12]],"area": 225.6642000000005,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [447.77, 121.12, 13.97, 21.88],"category_id": 85,"id": 1666628}, {"segmentation": [[553.14, 392.76, 551.33, 370.57, 549.06, 360.15, 571.7, 314.42, 574.42, 309.43, 585.74, 316.23, 579.4, 323.93, 578.04, 331.17, 577.59, 334.34, 578.95, 342.49, 581.21, 351.55, 585.29, 370.57, 584.83, 389.13, 580.31, 399.1, 563.55, 399.1, 554.95, 394.57]],"area": 2171.6188500000007,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [549.06, 309.43, 36.68, 89.67],"category_id": 86,"id": 1667817}, {"segmentation": [[361.37, 229.69, 361.56, 226.09, 360.42, 220.02, 359.29, 213.39, 358.72, 208.84, 353.41, 209.22, 353.22, 211.31, 353.41, 216.23, 352.65, 220.21, 350.76, 228.55, 351.71, 231.39, 360.8, 231.39, 362.13, 228.74]],"area": 178.18510000000012,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [350.76, 208.84, 11.37, 22.55],"category_id": 86,"id": 1669970}, {"segmentation": [[413.7, 220.47, 412.25, 231.06, 419.96, 231.54, 421.88, 219.02]],"area": 90.98724999999988,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [412.25, 219.02, 9.63, 12.52],"category_id": 62,"id": 1941808}, {"segmentation": [[250.96, 309.48, 251.24, 301.66, 251.52, 283.79, 247.33, 282.67, 244.82, 277.64, 248.45, 273.73, 252.36, 275.97, 260.18, 267.59, 263.81, 262.84, 269.39, 274.85, 270.51, 282.39, 273.86, 279.04, 276.93, 250.0, 276.65, 236.31, 275.81, 230.45, 304.02, 234.36, 329.71, 236.31, 327.48, 251.11, 325.52, 274.01, 325.52, 281.55, 329.99, 281.83, 333.06, 281.55, 342.28, 271.78, 348.7, 269.54, 349.54, 280.71, 346.75, 291.05, 347.86, 299.7, 347.03, 313.11, 345.91, 318.14, 334.74, 317.86, 330.55, 316.18, 331.11, 310.88, 331.67, 307.52, 331.11, 304.73, 328.31, 302.22, 271.9, 299.7, 271.07, 312.27]],"area": 5184.222599999999,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [244.82, 230.45, 104.72, 87.69],"category_id": 62,"id": 1947237}, {"segmentation": [[363.21, 320.43, 370.05, 332.32, 380.5, 351.05, 381.94, 355.37, 401.76, 353.21, 408.96, 350.33, 409.68, 346.37, 408.24, 344.21, 410.76, 335.92, 414.01, 318.27, 414.37, 310.34, 417.25, 308.9, 424.09, 309.26, 429.86, 292.22, 425.53, 274.93, 425.89, 254.75, 427.34, 232.18, 428.06, 218.13, 426.25, 215.61, 421.57, 225.7, 421.93, 212.37, 417.97, 212.73, 417.25, 218.49, 413.28, 217.77, 404.64, 218.49, 405.36, 222.46, 408.6, 224.98, 408.96, 228.94, 402.12, 232.55, 399.95, 237.23, 397.79, 241.55, 394.55, 243.71, 386.62, 248.4, 383.02, 249.48, 381.58, 247.32, 374.01, 246.96, 369.33, 250.92, 369.33, 251.64, 364.65, 245.51, 359.96, 247.32, 358.16, 250.56, 356.0, 254.52, 350.96, 255.6, 348.44, 259.57, 356.72, 263.53, 359.6, 266.77, 359.6, 270.37, 354.92, 271.09, 347.35, 272.18, 350.6, 275.06, 348.08, 282.98, 356.72, 287.67, 358.88, 290.55, 357.08, 300.38, 358.16, 307.59, 360.68, 312.27, 361.41, 319.47]],"area": 7034.62185,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [347.35, 212.37, 82.51, 143.0],"category_id": 64,"id": 1952354}, {"segmentation": [[462.16, 191.67, 488.37, 192.45, 488.68, 198.54, 488.06, 200.41, 490.24, 216.16, 490.24, 226.62, 462.01, 227.71, 463.72, 196.98, 461.38, 197.13, 460.91, 194.48]],"area": 936.6684500000003,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [460.91, 191.67, 29.33, 36.04],"category_id": 84,"id": 1987085}, {"segmentation": [[549.33, 248.57, 527.02, 288.31, 529.11, 289.0, 534.69, 289.0, 551.42, 254.14]],"area": 245.04669999999973,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [527.02, 248.57, 24.4, 40.43],"category_id": 84,"id": 1988858}, {"segmentation": [[520.64, 226.21, 519.39, 193.43, 522.21, 193.59, 523.47, 227.62]],"area": 93.38395000000153,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [519.39, 193.43, 4.08, 34.19],"category_id": 84,"id": 1988994}, {"segmentation": [[497.73, 55.43, 497.39, 82.79, 501.47, 82.62, 501.47, 55.43]],"area": 106.6308000000007,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [497.39, 55.43, 4.08, 27.36],"category_id": 84,"id": 1989419}, {"segmentation": [[524.32, 100.04, 524.99, 124.6, 525.25, 131.41, 525.12, 133.68, 525.79, 135.15, 526.85, 135.15, 527.12, 119.67, 527.12, 114.33, 527.12, 111.39, 526.85, 97.38, 524.45, 97.38]],"area": 84.2943499999996,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [524.32, 97.38, 2.8, 37.77],"category_id": 84,"id": 1989610}, {"segmentation": [[493.97, 156.41, 525.95, 155.72, 525.95, 161.73, 493.36, 162.08]],"area": 188.38580000000024,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [493.36, 155.72, 32.59, 6.36],"category_id": 84,"id": 1990447}, {"segmentation": [[501.65, 257.41, 503.21, 255.06, 454.66, 245.27, 455.06, 247.62]],"area": 117.46770000000046,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [454.66, 245.27, 48.55, 12.14],"category_id": 84,"id": 1990614}, {"segmentation": [[464.39, 254.8, 461.77, 286.99, 466.26, 286.99, 470.01, 253.68]],"area": 163.7676500000002,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 632,"bbox": [461.77, 253.68, 8.24, 33.31],"category_id": 84,"id": 2143156}, {"segmentation": [[242.95, 212.06, 241.24, 199.54, 254.32, 194.99, 255.46, 200.68, 253.18, 212.62]],"area": 189.56010000000012,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [241.24, 194.99, 14.22, 17.63],"category_id": 86,"id": 2146194}, {"segmentation": [[339.52, 201.72, 336.79, 216.23, 346.35, 214.69, 346.52, 199.5]],"area": 120.23200000000004,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [336.79, 199.5, 9.73, 16.73],"category_id": 86,"id": 2146548}, {"segmentation": [[321.21, 231.22, 387.48, 232.09, 385.95, 244.95, 362.85, 245.6, 361.32, 266.53, 361.98, 310.12, 362.41, 319.5, 353.47, 320.15, 350.2, 318.41, 350.86, 277.65, 350.64, 272.63, 351.29, 246.69, 322.96, 245.17],[411.46, 232.31, 418.87, 231.22, 415.82, 248.87, 409.93, 248.87],[436.96, 232.31, 446.77, 232.09, 446.77, 235.79, 446.12, 266.53, 445.46, 303.15, 441.54, 302.93, 440.23, 296.17, 438.92, 289.85, 438.92, 244.95, 436.09, 244.29]],"area": 2362.4897499999984,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 139,"bbox": [321.21, 231.22, 125.56, 88.93],"category_id": 67,"id": 2204286}, {"segmentation": [[413.66, 163.89, 406.82, 147.7, 407.96, 143.37, 410.93, 142.23, 414.12, 142.92, 418.22, 149.3, 423.69, 161.15, 421.87, 162.52, 425.97, 165.71, 427.11, 170.04, 428.25, 172.78, 428.02, 175.97, 424.6, 178.48, 420.73, 178.48, 420.04, 177.11, 424.15, 175.97, 424.83, 172.78, 423.92, 171.64, 417.99, 170.73, 417.76, 167.53, 415.71, 165.03]],"area": 311.7617500000001,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 581317,"bbox": [406.82, 142.23, 21.43, 36.25],"category_id": 77,"id": 327762}, {"segmentation": [[604.26, 279.15, 601.26, 288.45, 585.51, 297.91, 576.96, 302.41, 577.41, 315.61, 577.41, 321.46, 588.66, 336.02, 588.06, 338.57, 583.11, 345.62, 585.96, 354.0, 450.96, 354.0, 453.67, 343.82, 461.02, 325.67, 466.72, 317.71, 469.12, 310.81, 473.77, 299.26, 477.67, 295.81, 482.02, 280.2, 483.98, 275.55, 484.88, 271.95, 486.68, 257.09, 483.67, 259.2, 480.52, 259.2, 472.42, 250.34, 459.67, 237.14, 454.12, 227.99, 449.01, 221.08, 441.06, 208.48, 435.36, 199.33, 429.06, 195.73, 421.26, 191.07, 417.2, 187.17, 416.45, 183.72, 417.2, 179.82, 414.5, 177.57, 411.65, 175.32, 412.7, 173.52, 413.45, 171.72, 410.75, 168.87, 409.85, 163.92, 412.1, 163.17, 415.1, 162.72, 418.41, 164.67, 418.86, 167.97, 417.8, 170.07, 424.26, 171.12, 425.61, 173.82, 423.36, 176.67, 426.81, 177.12, 427.86, 176.82, 427.56, 170.82, 426.36, 170.07, 426.06, 166.62, 423.36, 164.67, 421.86, 163.32, 421.86, 161.22, 427.41, 162.42, 433.41, 161.67, 438.36, 168.42, 443.76, 177.72, 446.46, 183.27, 446.76, 187.02, 453.37, 193.78, 462.37, 206.53, 473.17, 217.48, 478.57, 219.28, 482.17, 222.28, 483.67, 223.18, 485.63, 218.08, 487.13, 214.63, 487.13, 211.18, 489.83, 204.43, 499.43, 185.67, 505.43, 176.37, 507.08, 173.37, 506.75, 169.22, 507.05, 161.71, 510.05, 159.01, 513.35, 157.66, 516.96, 157.36, 520.56, 152.41, 524.01, 150.31, 525.06, 149.86, 528.66, 150.76, 529.56, 151.06, 528.66, 149.71, 525.21, 148.96, 521.76, 148.51, 519.06, 148.36, 516.06, 147.61, 514.85, 145.51, 514.1, 142.96, 514.55, 138.31, 513.05, 136.06, 512.15, 136.36, 510.8, 135.31, 512.9, 134.11, 512.0, 131.7, 508.1, 131.7, 506.45, 129.75, 507.05, 126.3, 505.55, 124.8, 500.6, 124.95, 499.25, 123.3, 499.55, 120.0, 502.55, 112.95, 504.05, 109.5, 503.15, 105.6, 502.55, 99.14, 504.35, 85.19, 500.9, 84.29, 499.4, 82.19, 502.85, 78.14, 505.55, 77.24, 507.95, 73.49, 515.0, 67.18, 525.81, 61.63, 536.16, 58.03, 546.21, 55.93, 556.42, 57.13, 568.57, 64.63, 576.37, 71.69, 583.13, 79.49, 585.53, 82.64, 587.33, 83.54, 588.38, 85.19, 588.68, 87.44, 590.78, 88.34, 591.38, 88.64, 591.08, 92.84, 587.03, 95.69, 587.93, 96.74, 590.33, 97.19, 591.38, 103.95, 592.13, 106.05, 594.83, 106.2, 595.43, 107.7, 597.83, 106.95, 599.03, 105.3, 601.58, 105.6, 602.93, 106.8, 603.98, 107.85, 606.53, 107.4, 608.93, 108.45, 609.83, 109.65, 610.88, 111.75, 608.48, 114.0, 605.03, 114.9, 603.23, 115.5, 602.48, 117.15, 604.43, 121.95, 603.68, 127.2, 605.03, 133.96, 604.43, 141.16, 600.98, 142.06, 597.08, 143.26, 593.48, 143.56, 594.68, 147.16, 595.88, 152.26, 597.53, 155.86, 598.13, 160.36, 598.43, 162.91, 604.43, 170.42, 607.43, 176.42, 610.28, 185.27, 613.28, 192.47, 612.38, 199.53, 611.18, 207.78, 608.48, 237.19, 606.23, 263.14, 606.23, 267.8]],"area": 33684.522999999994,"iscrowd": 0,"image_id": 581317,"bbox": [409.85, 55.93, 203.43, 298.07],"category_id": 1,"id": 460897}, {"segmentation": {"counts": [201255, 6, 328, 6, 142, 8, 326, 8, 140, 10, 324, 10, 138, 12, 322, 12, 137, 12, 321, 13, 137, 12, 321, 13, 137, 12, 321, 13, 137, 12, 320, 14, 18, 6, 113, 12, 320, 14, 17, 8, 112, 13, 299, 8, 12, 14, 16, 10, 111, 14, 297, 10, 11, 14, 15, 12, 81, 6, 6, 6, 11, 15, 295, 12, 4, 20, 15, 12, 80, 8, 4, 8, 11, 14, 293, 15, 2, 21, 15, 12, 79, 10, 2, 10, 1, 23, 292, 16, 1, 22, 6, 6, 3, 12, 78, 47, 291, 40, 5, 8, 2, 12, 1, 9, 12, 7, 49, 47, 290, 41, 4, 34, 10, 9, 48, 47, 289, 42, 3, 36, 8, 11, 47, 46, 289, 43, 3, 37, 6, 13, 46, 46, 288, 43, 4, 37, 6, 13, 46, 47, 287, 44, 3, 37, 6, 13, 46, 47, 287, 44, 3, 37, 6, 13, 46, 47, 287, 44, 3, 37, 6, 13, 47, 46, 287, 44, 3, 37, 6, 13, 48, 45, 287, 43, 4, 37, 6, 14, 47, 45, 287, 42, 5, 37, 7, 13, 46, 46, 288, 41, 6, 36, 8, 12, 45, 48, 287, 41, 6, 36, 8, 12, 45, 48, 287, 41, 6, 36, 8, 13, 44, 48, 288, 40, 6, 36, 7, 14, 43, 39, 8, 2, 288, 40, 7, 35, 6, 15, 42, 9, 39, 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