Python 3.6 提供了一种新的字符串格式化方法:f-strings,不仅比其他格式化方式更易读,更简洁,更不容易出错,而且它们也更快!

看完本文后,你将了解如何以及为何要使用 f-strings。


在 Python 3.6 之前,字符串格式化方法主要有两种:%格式化str.format()。下面我们简单看下它们的使用方法,以及局限。

1 %-格式化

% 格式化方法从 Python 刚开始时就存在了,堪称「一届元老」,但是 Python 官方文档中并不推荐这种格式化方式:

使用较新的格式化字符串文字或 str.format() 可以有助于避免这些错误。这些替代方案还提供了更强大,灵活和可扩展的格式化文本方法。

1.1 如何使用 %格式化


>>> name = "hoxis"
>>> age = 18
>>> "hello, %s. you are %s ?" %(name, age)
'hello, hoxis. you are 18 ?'

1.2 %格式化的缺陷


>>> name = "hoxis"
>>> age = 18
>>> country = "China"
>>> hair = "black"
>>> "hello, %s. you are %s ?. Your country is %s, and your hair is %s" %(name, age, country,hair)
'hello, hoxis. you are 18 ?. Your country is China, and your hair is black'


不过还好我们还有 str.format()。

2 str.format()

Python 2.6 中引入了 str.format() 格式化方法:。

2.1 str.format() 的使用

str.format() 是对 %格式化 的改进,它使用普通函数调用语法,并且可以通过 __format__() 方法为对象进行扩展。

使用 str.format() 时,替换字段用大括号进行标记:

>>> "hello, {}. you are {}?".format(name,age)
'hello, hoxis. you are 18?'


>>> "hello, {1}. you are {0}?".format(age,name)
'hello, hoxis. you are 18?'


>>> "hello, {name}. you are {age1}?".format(age1=age,name=name)
'hello, hoxis. you are 18?'

从字典中读取数据时还可以使用 **

>>> person = {"name":"hoxis","age":18}
>>> "hello, {name}. you are {age}?".format(**person)
'hello, hoxis. you are 18?'

确实,str.format() 比 %格式化高级了一些,但是它还是有自己的缺陷。

2.2 str.format() 的缺陷


>>> "hello, {}. you are {} ?. Your country is {}, and your hair is {}".format(name, age, country,hair)
'hello, hoxis. you are 18 ?. Your country is China, and your hair is black'

3 f-Strings

还好,现在我们有了 f-Strings,它可以使得字符串格式化更加容易。

f-strings 是指以 fF 开头的字符串,其中以 {} 包含的表达式会进行值替换。

下面从多个方面看下 f-strings 的使用方法,看完后,我相信你会对「人生苦短,我用 Python」有更深地赞同~

3.1 f-Strings 使用方法

>>> name = 'hoxis'
>>> age = 18
>>> f"hi, {name}, are you {age}"
'hi, hoxis, are you 18'
>>> F"hi, {name}, are you {age}"
'hi, hoxis, are you 18'


因为 f-strings 是在运行时计算的,那么这就意味着你可以在其中放置任意合法的 Python 表达式,比如:

  • 运算表达式
>>> f"{ 2 * 3 + 1}"
  • 调用函数


>>> def test(input):
...     return input.lower()
>>> name = "Hoxis"
>>> f"{test(name)} is handsome."
'hoxis is handsome.'


>>> f"{name.lower()} is handsome."
'hoxis is handsome.'
  • 在类中使用
>>> class Person:
...     def __init__(self,name,age):
... = name
...         self.age = age
...     def __str__(self):
...         return f"{} is {self.age}"
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return f"{} is {self.age}. HAHA!"
>>> hoxis = Person("hoxis",18)
>>> f"{hoxis}"
'hoxis is 18'
>>> f"{hoxis!r}"
'hoxis is 18. HAHA!'
>>> print(hoxis)
hoxis is 18
>>> hoxis
hoxis is 18. HAHA!
  • 多行 f-string
>>> name = 'hoxis'
>>> age = 18
>>> status = 'Python'
>>> message = {
...     f'hi {name}.'
...     f'you are {age}.'
...     f'you are learning {status}.'
... }
>>> message
{'hi are are learning Python.'}

这里需要注意,每行都要加上 f 前缀,否则格式化会不起作用:

>>> message = {
...     f'hi {name}.'
...     'you are learning {status}.'
... }
>>> message
{'hi are learning {status}.'}

4 速度对比

其实,f-string 里的 f 也许可以代表 fast,它比 %格式化方法和 str.format() 都要快:

from timeit import timeitprint(timeit("""name = "hoxis"
age = 18
'%s is %s.' % (name, age)""", number = 10000))print(timeit("""name = "hoxis"
age = 18
'{} is {}.'.format(name, age)""", number = 10000))print(timeit("""name = "hoxis"
age = 18
f'{name} is {age}.'""", number = 10000))


$ python3.6

很明显,f-string 是最快的,并且语法是最简洁的,是不是迫不及待地要试试了?

5 注意事项

5.1 引号的处理



>>> f"{'hoxis'}"
>>> f'{"hoxis"}'
>>> f"""hoxis"""
>>> f'''hoxis'''

那如果字符串内部的引号和外部的引号相同时呢?那就需要 \ 进行转义:

>>> f"You are very \"handsome\""
'You are very "handsome"'

5.2 括号的处理

若字符串中包含括号 {},那么你就需要用双括号包裹它:

>>> f"{{74}}"
'{74}'>>> f"{{{74}}}"



>>> f"{{{{74}}}}"
>>> f"{{{{{74}}}}}"
>>> f"{{{{{{74}}}}}}"


5.3 反斜杠

上面说了,可以用反斜杠进行转义字符,但是不能在 f-string 表达式中使用:

>>> f"You are very \"handsome\""
'You are very "handsome"'
>>> f"{You are very \"handsome\"}"File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash


>>> name = '"handsome"'
>>> f'{name}'

5.4 注释符号

不能在表达式中出现 #,否则会报出异常;

>>> f"Hoxis is handsome # really"
'Hoxis is handsome # really'
>>> f"Hoxis is handsome {#really}"File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include '#'


经过以上的讲解,是不是发现 f-string 非常简洁实用、可读性高,而且不易出错,可以尝试切换到 f-string 喽~

f-string 也体现出了 Python 的奥义:

>>> import this
The Zen of Python, by Tim PetersBeautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

如果觉得有用,欢迎关注我的微信,有问题可以直接交流,另外提供精品 Python 资料!

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