
StrictMath类cbrt()方法 (StrictMath Class cbrt() method)

  • cbrt() method is available in java.lang package.


  • cbrt() method is used to find the cube root of the given parameter in the method. Here, cbrt stands for cube root.

    cbrt()方法用于查找方法中给定参数的立方根。 在这里, cbrt代表cube root

  • cbrt() method is a static method so it is accessible with the class name and if we try to access the method with the class object then we will not get an error.


  • In this method, if we pass a positive parameter so it returns the cube root of the given parameter with the same sign(Positive) else if we pass negative parameter so it returns the cube root of the given parameter with the same sign(Negative).

    在此方法中,如果传递正参数,则返回给定参数的立方根(正);否则,传递负参数,使它返回给定参数的立方根(负) 。

  • cbrt() method does not throw any exception.




    public static double cbrt(double d);



  • double d – represents a double type value whose cube root to be found.

    double d –表示要查找其立方根的double类型值。

Return value:


The return type of this method is double – it returns the cube root of given angle.




  • If we pass NaN as an argument, method returns the same value (NaN).


  • If we pass zero (0), method returns the same value with the same sign.


  • If we pass an infinity, method returns the same value with the same sign.




// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of  cbrt(double d) method of StrictMath Class.
public class Cbrt {public static void main(String[] args) {// variable declarations
double d1 = -0.0;
double d2 = 0.0;
double d3 = -7.0 / 0.0;
double d4 = 7.0 / 0.0;
double d5 = 1000.0;
double d6 = -1000.0;
// Display previous value of d1,d2,d3,d4,d5 and d6
System.out.println("d1: " + d1);
System.out.println("d2: " + d2);
System.out.println("d3: " + d3);
System.out.println("d4: " + d4);
System.out.println("d5: " + d5);
System.out.println("d6: " + d6);
// Here , we will get (-0.0) because we are
// passing parameter (-0.0) so the cube root is the same
System.out.println("StrictMath.cbrt(d1): " + StrictMath.cbrt(d1));
// Here , we will get (0.0) because we are
// passing parameter (0.0) so the cube root is the same
System.out.println("StrictMath.cbrt(d2): " + StrictMath.cbrt(d2));
// Here , we will get (-Infinity) because we are
// passing parameter (-7.0/0.0) so the cube root is (-Infinity)
System.out.println("StrictMath.cbrt(d3): " + StrictMath.cbrt(d3));
// Here , we will get (Infinity) because we are
// passing parameter (7.0/0.0) so the cube root is (Infinity)
System.out.println("StrictMath.cbrt(d4): " + StrictMath.cbrt(d4));
// Here , we will get (10.0) because we are
// passing parameter (1000.0) so the cube root is 10.0
System.out.println("StrictMath.cbrt(d5): " + StrictMath.cbrt(d5));
// Here , we will get (-10.0) because we are
// passing parameter (-1000.0) so the cube root is (-10.0)
System.out.println("StrictMath.cbrt(d6): " + StrictMath.cbrt(d6));



d1: -0.0
d2: 0.0
d3: -Infinity
d4: Infinity
d5: 1000.0
d6: -1000.0
StrictMath.cbrt(d1): -0.0
StrictMath.cbrt(d2): 0.0
StrictMath.cbrt(d3): -Infinity
StrictMath.cbrt(d4): Infinity
StrictMath.cbrt(d5): 10.0
StrictMath.cbrt(d6): -10.0



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