
JPA 2.1: Overview

JPA 2.1 bring small improvement to JPA 2.0, I have written a series of posts to introduce it.

  • Schema generation scripts configuration
  • Attribute Converter
  • Bulk Criterial Update and Delete API
  • Entity Graph
  • Synchronized Persistence Contexts
  • Treat
  • CDI support

JPA 2.1 also includes some RDBMS improvements, such as supports Store Procedure, and adds function in JPQL. I am not a big fan of RDBMS, so it is not so attractive for me.

In this version, some features are still not perfect, as I motioned, the schema generation scripts strategy does not include a Hibernate equivalent UPDATE. Secondly, the CDI support is not available in the @Converter and @Entity.

The JPA expert group should consider more about NoSQL, and hear the voice from Hibernate community(there is a Hibernate OGM project for NoSQL, now supports Mongo, JBoss Infinispan) and other JPA providers, especially DataNucleus which has excellent NoSQL support.

The sample codes are hosted on my github.com account, check out and play it yourself.



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