How strong are you?

That is a tough question to answer, whether you are a man or a woman.

But, really, I want to ask… how do you define your strength?

How do you know your limits? How do you know just how much you’ve got?

When push comes to shove, we often discover that we are much stronger than we think.

What is Strength?

Strength is not always about pure physical strength. Rather, it is about willpower. Discipline. Drive. It is about the capacity to get things done.

I know some people who are intellectually strong, but they get very little done in their jobs. And I know others who find work extremely challenging, but are able to move mountains by their sheer drive and hard work.

They possess inner strength.

More interesting, is that these productive hard-workers often don’t even notice the load. Bystanders are not only amazed, but often ask, “How do you do it?”

The answer usually comes back, “I just work harder than the others.”

So, why are some people able to do more? What gives them added drive? What gives them extra strength?

Could it be, they have simply given themselves permission to do more?

Self-Imposed Limits

What I have observed is that most people impose their own limits. They limit their output based on self-framed constraints of their capabilities and strengths. Sometimes these boundaries are based on past experiences. Sometimes they are based on perceived capacities. Sometimes these limits are based on nothing.

I can’t do that. (Why?)

That is too much for me. (How do you know?)

I can’t put in that much effort. (What would happen if you did?)

I am not smart enough to solve that. (Can you be sure if you haven’t tried?)

So, how do we break through these limits? How do we get stronger?

Pushing It…

Many people are going through the motions, but are nowhere near their limits.

If you want to be stronger, you have to push your boundaries.

Pushing it is what it takes to increase your limits. In the gym, bodybuilders discovered this long ago. But, the same principle is true when it comes to inner strength. Discipline and drive.

Want to test your limits? Push yourself. Test your self-perceived constraints to see how accurate they are. Make sure your goals are slightly beyond what you think can be achieved.

You Are Stronger Than You Think

Most people underestimate their strength.

As you go through your day, challenge your capacity. Test your limits.

Push yourself, to find your true boundaries and define your strength.

When you discover how much you’ve really got, you may surprise even yourself.

What are your self-imposed limits? Which do you need to push? When have you found that you were much stronger than you thought?




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