

Table Name Descriptioin
T156 Movement Type - BWART
T156B Movement Types: Screen Selection (BWART+SOBKZ) Batch determination
T156SC Mvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.6A ;QM.Inspection
T156Q Movement Type: Material-Independent Control
T156X Trans./Event Key Modification
T156T Movement Type Text
T158B Check Table: Movement Type for Transaction Code
T157H Help Texts for Movement Types
T157D Reason for Movement
T156N Next Movement Type
TMCA Evaluating movement types for LIS update
Table Name Descriptioin
T156SY Mvt Type: Qty/Value Update: System Table; Rel. 4.6A;(<4.6,T156S)
T156W Posting string values(BUSTW)
T156M Posting String: Quantity(BUSTM)
T156F Fields in Quantity String
T156C Stock Types and Their Values


The 'Consumption posting' indicator and the account grouping code for the automatic account determination are read from table T163K for the account assignment category from the purchase order.
The consumption posting is empty for goods receipts that are not assigned.
The value from T163K is not always used for goods issues.
During goods issues with movement type 601, the 'Consumption posting' indicator originates from the delivery.
You can maintain the table with transaction OME9.

This table must contain an entry for the following key fields, because otherwise error message M7001 'Entry & & & not in table T156S (system error)' is displayed.
The movement type is entered in the goods receipt transactions.
The value update is stored in the detail screen for the material type, transaction OMS2.
The quantity update is stored in the detail screen for the material type, transaction OMS2.
The special stock indicator is entered in the goods receipt transaction.
The movement indicator is derived from the transaction.
Consumption posting indicator for stock transfer.
The consumption posting is selected from T163K.
For this key, important economical data such as value string and quantity string is read from T156S during a goods movement. If a value string is maintained for an entry for a material with value update, this must not be deleted because otherwise inconsistencies may occur.

If you add an entry in T156S, you must also maintain T156X. T156X has the same key fields as T156S plus value string plus numerator. The account grouping code for every entry is stored here. It is used in the automatic account determination.

The respective transaction/event keys (GBB, WRX) for the value string are maintained here. For these transaction/event keys, you must store a G/L account for the automatic account determination considering the valuation grouping code and the account grouping code (from T163K and T156X).

关于T156S T156X T156K T156W参见:Note 34913 - The handling of tables T156S, T156X, T156W, T163K

In the test case that you propose, in the goods receipt for a purchase order with the movement type 101, normally:

.- We expect an invoice to arrive, so we post to the key WRX for the GR/IR clearing account.
.- We increase the value of our stock, so we post to the key BSX for the stock account.
第一步:In the table T156 for the Movement Type you are posting (101 in this case) you have the Posting String Reference (T156-BUSTR, in this case it is also 101).
第二步:With this posting string reference you can have a look at the table T156SY. Here, as mentioned before, depending on:
If you are posting into the special stock.
If value update and quantity update are made (see the material type for the material in the table MARA and then check OMS2 for the Plant).
If you post with reference to a document (purchase order, etc).
If you post with reference to a special procedure (stock transport order, for example).
If you update consumption.
You locate the Value String T156SY-BUSTW. For example, WE01.
With this value string, in T156W, you can see all the possible posting keys which can be used:

WE01 01 BSX
WE01 02 WRX
WE01 03 PRD
WE01 04 KDM
WE01 05 EIN
WE01 06 EKG
WE01 07 BSV
WE01 08 FRL
WE01 09 FRN
WE01 10 BSX
WE01 11 UMB
The program coding reads this table, and determine all these possible posting keys. Then it goes into the valuation program and tries to determine a value for all of them.
Those keys which finally get a value of zero (for example, if BSX and WRX match, no price differences are generated, so PRD gets a value of zero) are not posted, and not included in the final accounting document.

account from the table T030 according to:


the chart of accounts (KONTENPLAN), the posting key (VORGANGSSCHLUESSEL), the valuation grouping code (BEWERTUNG_MODIF), the account modifier (KONTO_MODIF) and the valuation class in the material master (BEWERTUNGSKLASSE).

This table T030 is customized in OBYC.
account from the table T030 according to:

1) You are posting in a Plant. The Plant is assigned in OX18 to a Company Code. The Company Code is assigned in OB62 to a Chart of Accounts.
You take here the Chart of Accounts for your Company Code.

2) Under the IMG:
Materials Management -> Valuation and Account Assignment -> Account Determination -> Account Determination Without Wizard -> Define Valuation Control
You define whether you want your Plants to be grouped together or treated individually.
Then, in the next customizing step to "Group Together Valuation Areas", you can see to which group you have assigned the Plant.
This is the Valuation Grouping Code.

3) The Valuation class is defined in the Accounting 1 view of your Material Maser.

4) The account modifier is used in some posting keys like GBB, PRD or KON to subdivide the account determination.
You can see in the activity "Define Account Grouping for Movement Types" the different account modifiers to be used in these posting keys.
You need to know:
The movement type.
If you are posting into the special stock.
If value update and quantity update are made (see the material type for the material in the table MARA and then check OMS2 for the Plant).
If you post with reference to a document (purchase order, etc).
If you update consumption.

Once you have all this info, you can find the account in OBYC.



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