import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.instruction.Instruction; //导入方法依赖的package包/类


* @param code the codeitem that is contained in this body

* @param method the method that is associated with this body


public DexBody(DexFile dexFile, Method method, RefType declaringClassType) {

MethodImplementation code = method.getImplementation();

if (code == null)

throw new RuntimeException("error: no code for method "+ method.getName());

this.declaringClassType = declaringClassType;

tries = code.getTryBlocks();

methodSignature = method.getDefiningClass() +": "+ method.getReturnType() +" "+ method.getName() +"(";

for (MethodParameter mp: method.getParameters())

methodSignature += mp.getType() +",";

List extends CharSequence> paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes();

if (paramTypes != null) {

parameterTypes = new ArrayList();

for (CharSequence type : paramTypes)


} else {

parameterTypes = Collections.emptyList();


isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(method.getAccessFlags());

numRegisters = code.getRegisterCount();

numParameterRegisters = MethodUtil.getParameterRegisterCount(method);

if (!isStatic)


instructions = new ArrayList();

instructionAtAddress = new HashMap();

registerLocals = new Local[numRegisters];

int address = 0;

for (Instruction instruction : code.getInstructions()) {

DexlibAbstractInstruction dexInstruction = fromInstruction(instruction, address);


instructionAtAddress.put(address, dexInstruction);

Debug.printDbg(" put instruction '", dexInstruction ,"' at 0x", Integer.toHexString(address));

address += instruction.getCodeUnits();


// Check taken from Android's dalvik/libdex/DexSwapVerify.cpp

if (numParameterRegisters > numRegisters)

throw new RuntimeException("Malformed dex file: insSize (" + numParameterRegisters

+ ") > registersSize (" + numRegisters + ")");

for (DebugItem di: code.getDebugItems()) {

if (di instanceof ImmutableLineNumber) {

ImmutableLineNumber ln = (ImmutableLineNumber)di;

DexlibAbstractInstruction ins = instructionAtAddress(ln.getCodeAddress());

if (ins == null) {

Debug.printDbg("Line number tag pointing to invalid offset: " + ln.getCodeAddress());




Debug.printDbg("Add line number tag " + ln.getLineNumber() + " for instruction: "

+ instructionAtAddress(ln.getCodeAddress()));



this.dexFile = dexFile;


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