

使用npm i node_module –save自动更新dependencies字段值;

使用npm i node_module –save-dev自动更新devDependencies字段值;


[root@~/wade/git/node-lessons/test]# npm init
[root@~/wade/git/node-lessons/test]# npm install express --save
[root@~/wade/git/node-lessons/test]# npm install jslint --save-dev
[root@~/wade/git/node-lessons/test]# cat package.json
{"name": "test","version": "1.0.0","description": "test","main": "main.js","keywords": ["test"],"author": "wade","license": "MIT","dependencies": {"express": "^4.10.1"},"devDependencies": {"jslint": "^0.6.5"}


  • npm的package.json中文文档

  • npm-config

  • package.json 里的 devDependencies 是什么意思?

  • option to not install devDependencies

  • --save-dev官方pull记录 Added --save-dev and --save-optional to `npm install`

  • 请教一下nodejs package.json的依赖关系定义

  • How do you install “development only” NPM modules for Node.js (package.json)?


  • devDependencies只用于开发阶段完成集成测试等功能模块依赖;

  • 对于生产环境只需要使用npm install –production依赖必须的模块即可;




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