1. 宏全部使用大写字母--------宏大写
  2. 结构体名字全部使用typedef,typedef之后的名字为大写-------结构体别名大写
  3. 函数名全部使用小写字母,单词之间使用下划线分割-------函数名小写,单词之间下划线(1)
  4. 函数名第一个单词全小写,后面单词的首字母大写,单词之间使用下划线---------函数名首单词小写,后面单词首字母大写(2)
  5. 变量名也是全部使用小写,单词之间使用下划线分割-------变量名小写,单词之间下划线(1)
  6. 变量名第一个单词全小写,后面单词的首字母大写,单词之间使用下划线---------变量名单词小写,后面单词首字母大写(2)


The type prefix indicates the data type of the variable.

Type prefix Meaning Example
b boolean bool bHasEffect;
c (or none*) class Creature cMonster;
ch char (used as a char) char chLetterGrade;
d double, long double double dPi;
e enum Color eColor;
f float float fPercent;
n short, int, long
char used as an integer
int nValue;
s struct Rectangle sRect;
str C++ string std::string strName;
sz Null-terminated string char szName[20];

The following type modifiers are placed before the prefix if they apply:

Type modifier Meaning Example
a array on stack int anValue[10];
p pointer int* pnValue;
pa dynamic array int* panValue = new int[10];
r reference int rnValue;
u unsigned unsigned int unValue;

The following scope modifiers are placed before the type modifier if they apply:

Scope modifier Meaning Example
g_ global variable int g_nGlobalValue;
m_ member of class int m_nMemberValue;
s_ static member of class int s_nValue;


  • p ---------for a pointer. A pfoo would be a pointer to data item of type FOO
  • pp------- for a pointer to a pointer.
  • h --------for a heap handle. This is a pointer to a pointer that points at a data item recorded within a heap.
  • rg -------for an unstructured array containing data items of a certain data type. An rgfoo would be an array that contains data of type foo. Individual elements would be selected by an ifoo index variable.
  • mp -------for an array which is used to map from one data type to another.Eg. A mpdochdod would be indexed via a doc index. The expression mpdochdod[doc] would produce a handle to a document descriptor.
  • dn-------- for an array whose elements that describes a meaningful index such as an opcode. If the meaningful index were an OP type, a data structure of type EOP (entries for OP) would be defined, and a dnop array would be defined which describes what each individual op means

Max - added to an index data instance which records the actual size of an array or data block.
eg. the declaration of a an array of type FOO in C would be: FOO rgfoo[ifooMax];

Mac - added to an index data instance to indicate the limit of an actual usage within an array.Mac stands for current maximum. It is invariant that ifooMac <= ifooMax. ifooMac == ifooMax is the condition which is true when all entries within an array are in use.

First - added to an index or pointer which designates the first element within a range that may be validly processed

Last - added to an index or pointer which designates that last entry within a range that may be validly processed.

Lim - stands for limit. An ifooLim is equal to ifooLast + 1 and designates the location where a new foo item could be recorded in an array or data block.



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