


        StuId        VARCHAR(6) PRIMARY KEY,
        StuName   VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
        MajorId     INT NOT NULL,
        Sex           VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '男',
        Birthdate   SMALLDATETIME NOT NULL,
        Credit        FLOAT,
        Remark     VARCHAR(200)





public class Student
        private string stuId; 
        public string StuId
            get { return stuId; }
            set { stuId = value; }

private string stuName;

public string StuName


get { return stuName; }

set { stuName = value; }


private int majorId;

public int MajorId


get { return majorId; }

set { majorId = value; }


private string sex;

public string Sex


get { return sex; }

set { sex = value; }


private DateTime birthdate;

public DateTime Birthdate


get { return birthdate; }

set { birthdate = value; }


private float credit;

public float Credit


get { return credit; }

set { credit = value; }


private string remark;

public string Remark


get { return remark; }

set { remark = value; }




public class Condition
        public string paramName { get; set; }
        public string paramValue { get; set; }
        public ConditionOperate Operation { get; set; }

// 查询所用到的运算操作符
        public enum ConditionOperate : byte
            Equal,           // 等于
            NotEqual,      // 不等于
            Like,             // 模糊查询
            Lessthan,      // 小于等于
            GreaterThan  // 大于



public class DBHelper


private SqlConnection conn;

private SqlCommand cmd;

private SqlDataAdapter sda;

private DataSet ds;

public DBHelper()


conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["key"].ConnectionString);


// 不带参数的查询

public DataSet GetResult(string sql, CommandType type)


cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);

sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);


ds = new DataSet();

sda.Fill(ds, "student");

return ds;


// 带参数的查询

public DataSet GetResult(string sql, CommandType type, params SqlParameter[] paras)


cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);

if (type == CommandType.StoredProcedure)


cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;



sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);


ds = new DataSet();

sda.Fill(ds, "student");

return ds;




public class StudenDAL


public DataSet GetStudent(List<Condition> condition)


DataSet ds = new DataSet();

DBHelper db = new DBHelper();

string sql = "select * from student";

// 如果带查询语句带参数

if (condition.Count > 0)


sql += SqlString(condition);

ds = db.GetResult(sql, CommandType.Text, SqlParas(condition));




ds = db.GetResult(sql, CommandType.Text);


return ds;



// 获取查询参数

public SqlParameter[] SqlParas(List<Condition> cond)


List<SqlParameter> paras = new List<SqlParameter>();

for (int i = 0; i < cond.Count; i++)


SqlParameter para = new SqlParameter("@" + cond[i].paramName, cond[i].paramValue);

if (cond[i].Operation == Condition.ConditionOperate.Like)


para.SqlValue = "%" + cond[i].paramValue + "%";




return paras.ToArray();


// 获取SQL查询语句的where子句

public string SqlString(List<Condition> cond)


string sqlWhere = string.Empty;

List<string> where = new List<string>();

// 数组元素的顺序应该与ConditionOperate枚举值顺序相同

string[] operateType = { " = ", " <> ", " Like ", " <= ", " >= " };

for (int i = 0; i < cond.Count; i++)


int index = (int)cond[i].Operation;

where.Add(string.Format("{0}" + operateType[index] + "{1}", cond[i].paramName, "@" + cond[i].paramName));


sqlWhere = " where " + string.Join(" and ", where.ToArray());

return sqlWhere;




public class StudentBLL
        private readonly StudenDAL stuDal = new StudenDAL();
        public DataSet GetStudent(List<Condition> condition)
            return stuDal.GetStudent(condition);


protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


Condition condition;

StudentBLL stu = new StudentBLL();

List<Condition> list = new List<Condition>();

if (txtId.Text!="")


condition = new Condition()


paramName = "stuId",

paramValue = txtId.Text,

Operation = Condition.ConditionOperate.Equal




if (txtName.Text!="")


condition = new Condition()


paramName = "stuName",

paramValue = txtName.Text,

Operation = Condition.ConditionOperate.Equal




if (txtSex.Text != "")


condition = new Condition()


paramName = "Sex",

paramValue = txtSex.Text,

Operation = Condition.ConditionOperate.Equal




GridView1.DataSource = stu.GetStudent(list);





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